No More Diabetes and No More Hemochromatosis

Posted by rangga on Thursday, May 1, 2008

The following is an unsolicited testimony of two
pH Miracles - No more diabetes and No more

Dear Dr. Young,

I wrote to you a few months ago sharing with you my
testimony on how my blood sugars were normalized after
following your advice in your book entitled, "The pH
Miracle for Diabetes." I write to you again to share
yet another pH November 2004 I was
diagnosed as a carrier of the genetic disorder of
hemochromatosis and the treatment recommended by my
hematologist were therapeutic phlebotomies. Since
November 2004, I've had a phlebotomy every 2 or 3
months, during this procedure I have anywhere
between 300 - 500 cc's of my blood removed!

Earlier this week, I had labwork to check my
ferritin level which would determine whether I
needed another phlebotomy, my results were miraculous!

For the first time in almost 4 years, I did not
need a phlebotomy! I will have labwork in 2 months,
by then it will have been a whole 6 months without
the need for a phlebotomy, a whole 6 months!
It's almost unbelievable!

I have continued to faithfully drink 2-3 liters of
my green drink which also contain the soy sprouts
powder and pH drops (I started my green drink in
Oct. 2007). When I first started with my green drink
I was afraid that all the greens would elevate my
iron levels and I would have to discontinue my
green drinks. Nevertheless, I continued and also
ate as many raw green veggies as possible everyday.

Dr. Young, my disorder is genetic and it appears
that by alkalizing my body I have reversed my genetics!
. . . . as far as hemochromatosis is concerned.......
which is truly a MIRACLE! I am so amazed in the
difference I not only see but feel within my alkalized

I have been alkalizing since October 2007, the
changes are noticeable now and people are asking what
I am doing different. I have lost weight, gotten my
glucose level under control, I look and feel younger,
have renewed energy and now am positively transforming
my genetics!

My experiences in the last few months have indeed truly
been a pH Miracle! Dr. Young, you have been so
instrumental in helping me regain my health that I
felt that I needed to share this with you immediately!

Juanita Davila


"There is only one sickness and one health. The one
sickness is the over-acidification of the blood and
tissues due to an inverted way of living, eating and
thinking. The one health is to maintain the alkaline
design of the body by "alkalizing and exercising."(TM)

"The genetics can be changed when you change the
internal environment. This is a law of physics.
The only thing in life that is constant is change and
genetics can and do change," states Dr. Robert O. Young.

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