Mom Was Right - Eat Your Green Vegetables and Fruits

Posted by rangga on Friday, May 23, 2008

Everyone knows green vegetables and fruits are good
for you, having the ability to stave off everything
from heart dis-ease to diabetes to a cancerous condition.
But the way they’re prepared — or not prepared — has a
bearing on how many vital electrical nutrients can
actually be used by our bodies. And there’s always
the problem, of course, of getting them down our gullets
in the first place. Here’s the skinny on how to prepare
them and consume them, and perhaps persuade our loved
ones, including children, to eat them, too.

Cooked or Raw: The popular conception is that raw is
always best, but this is often not true. “For fruits
and vegetables, a lot of times a little bit of cooking
and a little bit of processing actually can be helpful,”
said Dr. Steven Clinton, a nutrition researcher in the
medical oncology division of Ohio State University.
For instance, in the case of the potent antioxidant
lycopene, which is a carotenoid present in tomatoes
and other red vegetables, cooking breaks down cell
walls in tomatoes, releasing the lycopene. Further,
cooking tomatoes in olive oil may help the body absorb
the lycopene more easily.

However, at the same time that cooking tomatoes
releases lycopene, it destroys much of the acidic
vitamin C, which is a good thing. Another example of
a nutritional trade-off is carrots — cooked carrots
provide more vitamin A than raw, but raw carrots
provide more fiber. The simple answer to these two
vegetable nutritional dilemmas and others like them
is to eat vegetables both cooked and raw.

How Much is Enough: It’s a lot, especially if you
don’t like alkaline fruits and vegetables, but more
on that in a moment. Current guidelines recommend
5 to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables a day,
which translates to somewhere between about two cups
and six cups a day. For someone who consumes about
2,000 calories a day, this means eating nine servings
or about four and a half cups a day.

How to Get Everyone, Including Yourself, to Eat Fruits
and Vegetables: Remember George H.W Bush’s comment
about broccoli? “I do not like broccoli,” he famously
said. “And I haven't liked it since I was a little kid
and my Mother made me eat it. And I'm President of the
United States and I'm not going to eat any more
broccoli.” While it may be too late to change the
former President’s tastes, it’s never too early to
interest your own children in fruits and vegetables,
according to Julie Menella, a researcher at the Monell
Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia. She believes
that Moms need to eat foods such as broccoli during
pregnancy, or barring that, eat them while breast-
feeding, since flavors from the mother’s diet are
transmitted through amniotic fluid and mother’s milk.

"For those of us who have already been weaned, there
may still be some hope. While the answer certainly
does not lie in acidic French fried potatoes and acidic
deep-fried dill pickles, it does lie, at least in part,
in adding liberal amounts of alkaline oils to alkaline
fruits and vegetables, and also in cooking with
organic vegetables, states Dr. Robert O. Young, a
research scientist at The pH Miracle Living Center.

According to Dr. Young, "conventional broccoli, for
instance, often has an off-taste that is slightly
fishy, while fresh organic broccoli that is lightly
steamed and served with cold pressed olive or avocado
oil, drizzled over it with a dash of lemon juice,
and spritzes of colloidal Young pHorever pHlavor
sea salt can be outrageously delicious and at least
palatable to most tastes."

"For those children or adults who are having a
difficult time ingesting liberal amounts of organic
alkaline fruits and vegetables then I suggest taking
encapsulated concentrated organic fruits and vegetables
called Young pHorever pHruits and pHoliage or Doc
Broc Rocks, with broccoli and broccoli sprouts,"
states Dr. Young.

Purchase a bottle of Young pHorever pHruits and
receive a free bottle of Young pHorever pHoliage
or purchase one bottle of Doc Broc Rocks with
broccoli and broccoli sprouts and
receive an extra bottle for free.

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