The acid nicotine, a component of tobacco smoke and
chewing gums, can make the body more prone to
out-fections and inflammation, a research team
has found.
The study, published in Cell Biology, was led by David
Scott, a University of Louisville oral health researcher.
Scott's team found that nicotine affects the production
of one type of white blood cells, one of the body's
primary defenses against infection and dis-ease. White
blood cells are produced out of red blood cells and body
cells and the cells mobilize in the bloodstream to
maintain cleanliness in the blood plasma and interstial
fluids of bacteria and yeast. The researchers learned
that white bllod cells tainted with nicotine were less
able to mobilize in order to collect bacteria and yeast
than white blood cells not exposed to the acid nicotine.
The researchers determined that the acid nicotine
suppresses an important cell function that helps mediate
bacteria and yeast and, at the same time, increases levels
of exotoxins and myctotoxins (acidic waste products from
bacteria and yeast) that promote the biological
transformation of healthy body cells and tissues.
"Both of these findings partially explain chronic tobacco
users' increased susceptibility to bacterial infection
and inflammatory diseases," said Scott.
Although nicotine has been known to affect the immune
response, this is the first study to examine how
nicotine affects production of bacteria-collecting cells
in the bone marrow and their mobilization into the
According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist
at the pH Miracle Living Center, "the acid nicotine
from tobacco or nicotine chewing gums will poison and
paralyze the white blood cells for up to five hours.
When white blood cells are poisoned and paralyzed they
cannot perform their normal activity of helping to
maintain fluid purity and alkalinity. This can then
cause increased acidic cellular debris in the body
fluids causing blood and lymphatic congestion leading
to poor circulation, light headedness, dizziness,
cold hands, cold feet, irritation, and inflammation.
If the white cells are suppressed on a regular basis
by continued use of nicotine containing products
this may lead to more serious acidic symptomologies
such as ulceration and degeneration of the tissues and
organs leading to heart dis-ease and cancerous conditions."
Home »Unlabelled » The Acid Nicotine In Tabacco and Chewing Gums Posion White Blood Cells
The Acid Nicotine In Tabacco and Chewing Gums Posion White Blood Cells
Posted by rangga on Wednesday, April 30, 2008
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