A Cure For Type I Diabetes

Posted by rangga on Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The following is an unsolicited testimony for a reversal of a 3 year-old
Type I diabetic. Please share this testimony with anyone who is
looking to reduce or eliminate the use of insulin and reverse their
diabetic symptomologies.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist at the pH Miracle Living
Center, "diabetes is not a disease of the pancreas but a symptom of an over-
acidic lifestyle and diet. The cure or the reversal of Type I or Type II diabetes
can become a reality when the alkaline design of the blood and tissues is
re-established. Balancing blood sugars in any Type I or Type II diabetic
begins by cleansing and alkalizing the small and large intestines, which is
the focal point of all diabetic symptomologies."

To learn more about the pH Miracle for Diabetes go to:



Dr. Young:
I just started this program 3 days ago for my son and myself. I wanted to let
you know that my 3 year-old's type 1 diabetes appeared to be reversed on
the very first day after instituting the alkalarian diet. I expected it would take
some time before seeing results but this is amazing. Nothing has worked so
far except for this. He was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in Nov after being
rushed to the hospital with blood sugars over 800, Kussmals respirations,
and in a near diabetic coma. I have searched and searched for anything that
could reverse this nightmare. It has been 6 months. This is so amazing. I
just wanted to let you know that it is working for us immediately. We actually
let him have the sprouted tortilla's and actual diet. He is averaging between
70-100 blood sugars. It is very hard to get him to do the feast only. The day
before we started he had sugars out of control ranging 300-500. For the last
year, we have been eating an organic diet but obviously that was not enough.
I called the endocrinologists office to let them know I was stopping all insulin
due to his change in blood sugars, and the nurse agreed and stated he might
be going into a late honeymood phase, but that would be unusual at this late
of time but not to get my hopes up. I still check him 4x per day, his blood
sugars are better than mine.
I will write again after some time has passed and let you know how he is
progressing. Your work is amazing and I just wanted to let you know I have
prayed everyday for the Lord to heal my son and He led me to your book
"The pH Miracle For Diabetes" I am very grateful for your work and it is
changing our lives. I started the diet too and my husband and other 2 children
are going to be starting as well. Our son, Christian, is the only one who has
diabetes, but thru this nightmare we will all have "Life more abundantly."
Thank you so much!!
Sherry Cook


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