Have Fun In The Sun This Summer

Posted by rangga on Thursday, May 1, 2008

"The warmer months entice people of all ages to come
forth from their winter havens - and most need to
be reminded about the importance of alkaline skin and
sun protection. From young children to teens to mature
adults, there are dozens of simple ways to change acidic
skin to alkaline skin and protecting the skin from the
sun rays crystallizing the acids on the skin causing
a reddening of the skin to cancer prevention," states
Dr. Robert O. Young, of the pH Miracle Living Center.

Carol Drucker, M.D., associate professor in the
Department of Dermatology at The University of
Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center and
board-certified dermatologist, knows sun protection
is a lifelong necessity for everyone; the earlier
individuals start, the better. From her experience
at M. D. Anderson, the nation's top-ranked cancer
center, Drucker has considerable expertise on
reducing skin cancer risk, and has helpful summer
skin care tips for every age.

Parents of Babies and Young Children

* Sunscreen should not be applied to babies younger
than six months. Instead, cover babies and limit
direct exposure to the sun to the extent possible.

* Make applying a waterproof sunscreen part of a
toddler's routine before getting dressed every
day. "It's important to find a sunscreen that kids
can tolerate - not too heavy or greasy, so it feels
good on the skin," says Drucker. "Parents may be
surprised by how quickly their child becomes
accustomed to this daily ritual."

* Try not to schedule outdoor activity between the
hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. and seek playgrounds
where shade - from trees or awnings -- is plentiful.
If your child has to be outdoors during these hours,
be sure they're protected from the sun with a hat,
sunglasses, etc.


* "Teens do especially well with products that have
built in SPF," advises Drucker. Teen girls who wear
makeup should choose from the variety of products
that include sunscreen. "Since it fits into products
they already use, it's a painless step that provides
valuable sun protection."

* Quit tanning beds. They emit the same harmful UV
rays as sunlight and are used at dangerous rates. Also
never use tanning creams, they are highly acidic and
react to the skin.

* Wear hats as a trendy accessory. Drucker notes sun
damage frequently occurs on the face. "This season
it's easy for teens to stock up on cute, stylish hats
that will also shield their face in the sun."


* Be aware that the window glass in cars does not
block all of the sun's rays, making the driver's left
side more prone to sun damage. Solutions Drucker
offers include applying sunscreen before long car
rides or installing shades or specialized tinting
in car windows.

* Sun-proof hair. The top of the head becomes
increasingly at risk for sun damage as hair thins
or if the hair is parted. Style using chemical free
shampoos and conditioners.

* Apply non-toxic chemical free sunscreen to
oft-forgotten areas - the top of ears, back of
hands, neck and toes. Drucker warns, "These are
four places that get a lot of incidental sun

* It is little known that wind intensifies the sun rays,
says Drucker. "People should be especially careful
during water sports or windy days at the beach when
the chapping and burning effect of the wind acts as
an additive to UV rays and can increase their risk
of burning," she explains.

For non-toxic chemical free sun protection which is
also alkalizing to the skin may I suggest checking
out Dr. Young's sun.


"Despite increased education on becoming sun smart,
the incidence of skin cancer appears to be rising,"
states, Dr. Young.

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, more than
600,000 new cases of skin cancer are diagnosed each
year, and the figure is rising. Skin cancer is the
most common cancer in the United States and is
responsible for 8,500 deaths annually.

A hypothesis for this phenomenon are two-fold according
to Dr. Young:

1) Most people have acidic skin with a pH of below 5.
The radiation from the sun reacts with the acids on
the skin causing acid crystals and damage to the
skin cells leading to cancer,


2) Harmful acidic chemicals lurking in cosmetics and
sunscreens are reacting with the radiation of the
sun damaging the cells of the skin leading to skin

International studies found the greatest rise in
melanoma occurred in countries where chemical
sunscreens are heavily promoted.

Dr. Young, states that, "commercially
available cosmetics, lotions and sunscreens
might damage people's skin when it reacts with
radiation from the sun."

The Environmental Working Group's (EWG) in the
June 2007 study where 785 sunscreens were analyzed
showed that 84 percent provided inadequate protection
from the sun's radiation or contained ingredients
with safety concerns.

That is not the case with the all natural Young
pHorever Sun Screen with pure essential oil of
Citronella which contains no harmful ingredients.

Some experts suggest that many sunscreen formulas
may be cancer causing. The harmful chemicals
identified include allergy-creating PABA,
benzophenone-3, homosalate, octyl-methoxycinnamate (OMC)
and 4-methyl-benzylidene camphor (4-MBC). While
these chemicals protect skin from sun damage,
experts have indicated the chemical octyl
methoxycinnamate, which is present in 90
percent of sunscreen brands, was found to kill
mouse cells even at low doses.

Recent studies on childhood illnesses linked these
findings to a possible cause of ADHD, asthma and

Some sunscreen ingredients also change estrogen
levels in the body affecting DNA and causing cell
damage by creating an abundance of hydrogen ions
or acids.

As a result of these astonishing findings and
increased consumer demand, Dr. Young has created
a naturally derived sunscreen range which has no
harmful ingredients for longevity, fragrance or
moisturizing purposes. Young pHorever Sun Screen
products consist of powerful antioxidants such as
Tea Tree Oil and Grapefruit Seed extract; Apricot
Oil, Avocado Oil, Almond Oil and colloidal Titanium
and Zinc to fight environmental stressors;
moisturizing and skin-conditioning oils; and
vitamin E to assist with skin reconstruction at
a cellular level.

This combination of ingredients is suitable for
all skin types and will help combat the signs
of photo-aging.

The Young pHorever Sun pHilter range is a result
of extensive research and development and features
a new formula that is non-greasy, gentle, hydrating
and moisturising.

The Young pHorever Sun pHilter Products include:
SPF 15, and SPF 30+, and coming soon: Baby,
Sport, Lip Sunscreen, Sport Lip Sunscreen, and
Sun & Body Oil.

In addition to being naturally derived, the Young
pHorever Sun pHilter products have been tested and
proven to have a sensitivity rating of zero which
makes them ideal for all skin types.

Young pHorever Sun pHilter products are cruelty
free and stringently adhere to Food and Drug
Administration requirements.


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