Alkalizing Sun and Skin Care Protection

Posted by rangga on Thursday, May 1, 2008

Getting protection from summer's alkalizing ultra-
violet sun rays interacting with dietary and metabolic
acids on the skin could be as simple as eating alkalizing
foods made with tomato sauce. Researchers at Manchester
and Newcastle universities in the United Kingdom
found that eating five tomatoes a day helped protect
against both sunburn and premature aging.

Researchers studied the skin of twenty people. Half
were given five tablespoons of tomato paste
(the equivalent of five or six cooked tomatoes)
with olive oil and the other half was just given
olive oil. At the end of twelve weeks, those eating
tomatoes had a protective boost of 33 percent. In
addition, the tomato group also had an increase in
pro-collagen levels, a molecule that helps keep skin
firm and looking youthful.

The helpful anti-oxidant ingredient in tomatoes is
lycopene which neutralizes the harmful skin-damaging
free radicals created from diet and metabolism and
reacts with the ultra-violet rays (which are alkalizing)
of the sun. Although, lycopene is found in many fruits
and vegetables, it is most abundant in tomatoes and is
freed during the cooking process.

"You don't have to eat an excessive amount of tomatoes
to experience the effect if you are already eating a
tomato-based diet with plenty of things like spaghetti
and pizza toppings," said Newcastle University
dermatology scientist Mark Birch-Machin.

"Eating tomatoes is going to have this benefit in
the sun, but it still is important to use conventional
methods of protecting yourself against the sun such
as sunscreens, shade and clothing," said Birch-Machin.

The researchers also hope to discover whether eating
tomatoes will protect against skin cancer.

Protecting your skin from free radical damage can be
as simple as drinking your fruits and vegetables,
including tomato, with Dr. Young's latest
creations of pHruits and pHolage.

For additional protection for the skin try our
alkalizing skin care protection:

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