Vaccine Caused Meningococcal (Meningitis) Dis-Ease

Posted by rangga on Sunday, October 7, 2007

According to a patient survey published in "Drug Safety," doctors frequently ignored or dismissed patients' complaints about side effects of statin drugs. This study offers strong suggestion that this pattern of dismissal extend to other drugs, including highly acidic vaccinations,as well.

This pattern highlights the problem of the severe under-reporting of the acidic adverse drug reactions, leading both doctors and patients to believe that drugs are far safer than they really are. In reality, as many as 90 to 99 percent of all serious side effects are never reported, and therefore never included in the equation.

Adverse side effects following vaccinations should be reported to the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). However, like all other adverse event reporting, it is still voluntary.

It is estimated that fewer than 10 percent of adverse events after vaccinations are ever reported to VAERS, perhaps even as low as one to four percent.

Most doctors will simply deny the possibility that an acidic vaccine has harmed a healthy patient, and when the highly acidic vaccine is mandatory, their denial can run even deeper. Most frequently, in the case of mandated acidic vaccines, the strategy used is to highlight the seriousness of the disease, while denying the potential complications from the acidic vaccine itself.

Meningococcal dis-ease (acids on the brain and around the spinal cord) and the highly acidic and toxic Menactra vaccine are one such case in point.

Meningococcal dis-ease is a serious condition of systemic acidosis from diet, metabolism and drugs that localizes around the covering of your brain and spinal cord that can lead to brain damage, loss of limbs, and death. It is, however, a very rare dis-ease, affecting between 1,400 to 2,800 American adults and children each year.

Dr. Robert O. Young, a scientific researcher on the effects of dietary and metabolic acids states, "Every case of Meningococcal dis-ease is the result of lifestyle and dietary acids from an excess of sugar and animal protein in the diet, metabolic acids and the use of acidic drugs such as antibiotics and vaccines."

"The increase of tissue acidity will always result inthe biological transformation of the body tissue giving rise to an increase of bacteria and yeast. The increased bacteria and yeast counts are always a result of increased acidity from an acidic diet, metabolism and drugs and not the cause of dis-ease directly."

"The increase of acids that settle in and around the fatty tissues such as the brain causes acid inflammation and the subsequent brain swelling. The body will go into the preservation mode by increasing alkaline fluids around the acidic tissue to buffer or neutralize the poisonous excess tissue acidity that is causing the inflammation and swelling in and around the brain and spinal area."

"Current medical science suggests that there are 13 meningococcal organism subgroups, and five serotypes (A, B, C, Y, and W-135) that are responsible for nearly all cases of the disease worldwide. In the United States, they suggest serotypes B, C, and Y cause the majority of cases, but this is not the case."

"The cause of all symptoms of Meningococcal dis-ease is always the result of tissue acidosis from lifestyle and dietary choices and drugs. The five serotypes of bacteria are just the effects of cellular transformation or degeneration caused by the acidic waste products from an acidic lifestyle, diet, and drugs."

In 2005, Sanofi licensed an acidic vaccinal drug called Menactra vaccine in 2005, and the CDC recommends it for universal use in all 11- to 18- year olds. This highly acidic drug may be responsible for one-third of all cases of Meningococcal in the U.S. and more than 50 percent of the cases in young infants.

"The acidic effects of Menactra offers zero protection against Meningococcal dis-ease because it can only add more acidity to an already acidic condition of the blood and then tissues," states Dr. Young.

Many adverse acidic effects were found during Sanofi's clinical trials, and two deaths have been reported to VAERS since its release. Within its first year, five cases of Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) were also reported to VAERS, which prompted the FDA to issue a warning for parents and doctors to monitor for signs of GBS after administrating the vaccine. By October 2006, 15 cases of GBS had been reported.

With the current push for the acidic HPV (Gardasil) vaccine, it should also be noted that adverse event reports in cases where Gardasil and Menactra were administered simultaneously have skyrocketed.

When Gardasil was administered at the same time as Menactra, reports of:

* Guillain Barre Syndrome increased by 1,000 percent* Respiratory problems increased by 114 percent
* Cardiac problems increased by 118 percent
* Neuromuscular and coordination problems increased by 234 percent, and
* Convulsions and nervous system problems increasedby 301 percent.

The answer to the increase of all of the above acidic conditions is simple - you cannot buffer or neutralizethe degenerative effects of dietary and/or metabolic acids from an acidic lifestyle and diet with highly acidic andtoxic vaccines! The result in using acid to destroy acid will only cause more acidic symptoms that may result in death.

Dr Young states, "I have yet to see throwing kerosene on a raging fire to put it out ever work. When we use vaccines or antibiotics to prevent or to put out a raging acidic fire (inflammation) from within our body we will only create a new fire in a healthy body or even a bigger more dangerous acidic fire in an already unhealthy body."

According to Dr. Young the reversal or prevention ofany dis-ease, including Meningococcal dis-ease is simple, "live and eat an alkaline lifestyle and diet."

"The simple underlining principal for the prevention and the reversal of ALL dis-ease is to maintain or re-establish the alkaline design of the body. This can be done when we focus our daily lifestyle and diet with faith, hope, love, peace and forgiveness, adequate rest, daily exercise for at least 1 hour, 3 to 4 liters of alkaline water, 12 servings of green fruits and vegetables, 75 to 100 grams of healthy poly-unsaturated oils and 10 to 12 grams of mineral salts."


National Vaccine Information Center August 14, 2007 (Free Full Text PDF Report: Human

Papilloma Virus Vaccine Safety: Analysis of Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System Reports)

American Journal of Public Health 1995; 85:1706-9 (Free Full Text Report: The Reporting Sensitivities of Two Passive Surveillance Systems for Vaccine Adverse Events)

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (Free Full Text Report: VAERS: Usefulness and Limitations)

MedWatch October, 1996 (Free Full Text Report: The Clinical Impact of Adverse Event Reporting

Sick and Tired by Dr. Robert O. Young, "A SecondThought about Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis," 1999.

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Copyright Dr. Robert O. Young

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