Fruit Compound Protects Against Cancer

Posted by rangga on Saturday, October 20, 2007

Lupeol, a compound in fruits like blackberries,
blueberries, papaya, and blackcurrant, appears to be
effective in buffering the acids that localize in the
head and neck, a study in Hong Kong has found.

An experiment with mice showed lupeol had no negative
side effects, scientists at the University of Hong Kong
said in a report published in the September issue of
the Journal of Cancer Research.

"It can suppress the movement of cancer cells and
suppress their growth and it is found to be even
more effective than conventional drugs (eg. cisplatin),"
said Anthony Yuen, a professor at the University of
Hong Kong's surgery department.

The team plans another round of tests and hopes to
proceed eventually to human clinical trials, though
it would not commit itself to a time frame.

Cancerous cells in the head and neck involve acidity
of the nose, oral cavity, throat, voice box, thyroid
and salivary glands and are found more commonly in
Asians than Westerners.

Some of the risk factors include smoking, excessive
alcohol consumption, chewing betel nut and acidic

Such cancerous state are difficult to treat. Fifty
percent of victims are typically diagnosed in
advanced stages, when cure rates would be so low
they would be considered inoperable.

Surgeries on the head and neck are always difficult
because they involve the removal of large areas of
dis-eased or fermented skin and soft tissues and
surgeons need to first figure out how to cover up
these open wounds before they can try to excise the
the cancerous tissues.

Yuen said lupeol - also found in vegetables, olive
seed, figs and saw palmeto - appeared to block a
natural protein NFkB, which helps cells repair and
grow, even cancerous cells.

In the experiment, lupeol was given to mice injected
with acidic malignant head and neck cancerous cells.

"From the models, not only did it suppress the spread,
the tumor got smaller. Compared to conventional drugs,
lupeol reduced the size of the tumor far faster,"
said Terence Lee, another member of the research team.

"Conventional drugs made the mice a lot thinner, but
lupeol mice retained their bulk." Emaciation is usually
viewed as a bad sign in the reversal of cancerous states.

Yuen hopes lupeol can be applied to other acidic
cancerous conditions that are similarly dependent
on the NFkB protein.

"It may be possible to use (lupeol) in other cancers
because it is able to suppress the NFkB protien, which
is activated in many cancers like prostate cancer,
breast cancer, liver cancer," Yuen said.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist,
"luperol is a naturally accruing phyto-nutrient and
buffer of dietary and metabolic acids that can be
found in many alkaline fruits and vegetables."

To help prevent dietary and metabolic acids from
fermenting body cells, Dr. Young created the first
concentration of the most alkaline fruits and
vegetables, called pHruits and pHolage.

For more information on pHruits and pHolage go to:


The pH Miracle for Cancer

To learn more about the science of Dr. Robert and
Shelley Young go to:

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