California on Fire!

Posted by rangga on Sunday, October 28, 2007

Thank you for so many hundreds of emails
expressing love and concern for all of us
who are fighting the fires in Southern

I'm sorry that I cannot answer each of them

Our offices have been closed since Monday,
the day that we were told to prepare to
evacuate, and it is Thursday as I write.

When the fire department was here on Tuesday,
they said that we had done a good job of
keeping trees and flammables away from the
main house and buildings in general. We had
learned plenty from the fire that raced through
the property like a freight train about
four years ago.

Our Internet "tower" apparently "went down"
or was damaged on Tuesday, the same day we
actually had to evacuate for the entire day.
Fortunately, we were able to evacuate to a
safe place within the danger perimeter, and
so we could move our guests back to the Rancho
del Sol later that night and they were able
to stay on all nutritional regimens/protocols,

Thus, the fire came through this area mid-day
on Tuesday. It burned a good number of our Hass
avocado trees. After midnight on Tuesday, roaming
around the area in my truck, I was still able to
find some embers here and there and pour water
on them. Even worse, the Santa Ana winds were
gusting for two days up to 50 miles per hour
and probably more. We lost thousands and
thousands of avocados that were blow from the
trees. Many of those wonderful avocados needed
another 2 months to become full-grown and mature.

Unfortunately, our workers cannot easily get in
or out of the area because of the roadblocks set
up by authorities, and so we are operating at
about 20%. We apologize if you cannot reach us
for orders. We expect to be back in business
very soon.

Valley Center is a very large unincorporated
municipality which is part of San Diego County.
So when you hear of evacuations in Valley Center,
it usually would mean one part of Valley Center.

The fire went through here on Tuesday, but it is
still burning in parts of Valley Center today,
Thursday. Valley Center includes many small
mountain hills and deep valleys. Thus, depending
upon the winds and the Will of Divine Providence,
the danger during this period seems to be always
lurking and quite unpredictable.

Shelley and I, including all of our workers and
helpers, very much appreciate your concern and
offers to help us with our mission to educate
the world about the pH Miracle and phenomenon.
We know from your thousands of emails that you
not only want to be well, but you want to help
others to live long, healthy and productive lives.

One day soon, we will have some exciting news
about additional new plans to further our mission.
You will be invited to help us and participate
in ways that have not yet been announced. When
that happens, we can all come together to help
the entire world understand that there is a plan
for how our bodies will best operate--and that is
an alkaline plan, an alkaline way of eating,
thinking, and living.

At some point soon, we can help billions of people
understand that when we deviate very far from
Mother Nature's intentions for our bodies, and
when we create incompatible "foods" simply in
the name of corporate profit or personal enrichment,
or when we delude ourselves into thinking that
the animals of the earth are put here to become
prey for the excessive desires and misguided
thinking of human beings, sooner or later,
we pay a very dear price for such folly.

So stay tuned. We feel your energy, your
concern, your good intentions, and your love.

We thank you so much.

In Love and Healing Light,

Robert O. Young, Ph.D., D.Sc.

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