A Breast Cancer pH Miracle

Posted by rangga on Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The following is an unsolicited pH Miracle
testimony of a woman diagnosed with breast
cancer 5 years ago.

I send you this testimony to bring understanding
of the power of the pH Miracle science, lifestyle
and diet on the body in achieving ideal health,
energy, and vitality.

My hope is that Dorothy's testimony will inspire you
to share this life changing and life saving message
of the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet with all those
you love and care about.

The cure for cancer will not be found in its
treatment but is found in re-establishing and
maintaining the alkaline design of the whole

In love and healing light,

Dr. Robert O. Young


Dr. Young,

Thanks to you and Shelley, I continue to remain
a pH Miracle, for the past five years, free of all
mediations and treatment (from my life threatening
diagnoses of breast cancer and suicidal depression),
and now I am a passionately “walking the talk”
being an Alkaline Health Coach, recommending your
books and quoting you to others. (In my opinion you
are the guru of acid/alkaline balance because you
continually study in-depth and rigorously the effects
of acids on the red blood cells.)

From my personal experiences and observations of
people, I have found that when one is alkaline,
one makes wiser choices and is also able to come
from a place of cooperation instead of competition
because of having red blood cells that are clean,
unpolluted inside, and with a white, peaceful
electrical charge around them instead of being
filled with toxins and thus with unrest. Also
for myself, I feel phenomenally grounded instead
of previously ADHD, etc. The blessings/benefits
that I enjoy are enormous! My life is filled with
joy and blissfulness. Today, I love what I do
because I know that I am contributing to world
peace by educating one person at a time on the
alkaline pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet.

Thank you and Shelley for all that you do!

With gratitude,

Dorothy Torrey, Cape Cod
Dorothy Torrey, a pH Miracle/Alkaline Health Coach
Whole Body Approach to Optimal Health!
Tel/Fax: (508) 888-6677

To learn more about the science of Dr. Robert and
Shelley Young go to:


Copyright Dr.Robert O. Young

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