Forget “an apple a day” it is acidic, and opt for“an onion a day” if you’re trying to cut your oddsof developing an acidic or cancerous state, especiallya cancerous pancreas. German scientists have foundthat eating an onion daily may deter the deadly [...]
Home » Archives for October 2007
An Onion A Day Will Keep The Cancer Away!
Posted by rangga on Wednesday, October 31, 2007
More about → An Onion A Day Will Keep The Cancer Away!
No More Pain and No More Arthritis!
Posted by rangga on Tuesday, October 30, 2007
The following is an unsolicited testimonyof a 43 year old male diagnosed with a rareform of arthritis.============================================Dear Dr. Young,Thanks for your emails.i have a great successstory to tell you. I am 43 and have always beenvery [...]
Exercise Prevents Acidic Prostate Treatment Bone Loss
Posted by rangga on Monday, October 29, 2007
Exercise may reduce, and even reverse, boneloss caused by acidic hormone and radiationtherapies used in the treatment of localizedprostate cancer, thereby decreasing the potentialrisk of bone fractures and improving quality oflife for these men, according [...]
A Powerful Interview of Dr. Robert O. Young
Posted by rangga on Sunday, October 28, 2007
As someone that looks to improve their health weare pleased to offer you this free audio, an excerptof a powerful two hour interview withDr Robert O. Young and Anthony Robbins.(it is free to listen!)Click here to listen>> [...]
California on Fire!
Posted by rangga
Thank you for so many hundreds of emailsexpressing love and concern for all of uswho are fighting the fires in SouthernCalifornia.I'm sorry that I cannot answer each of thempersonally.Our offices have been closed since Monday,the day that we were told [...]
The Reserach and Healing Properties of Clay
Posted by rangga on Saturday, October 27, 2007
A smectite montmorillonite clay that transformsseveral kinds of bacteria is at the forefrontof new research into age-old, nearly forgotten,but surprisingly potent cures. Among the malevolentbacteria that this French montmorillonite clay hasbeen shown [...]
A Drink of Alcohol A Day for Health? Forget It!
Posted by rangga on Sunday, October 21, 2007
I am sure you have heard through print mediaor television that a glass of alcohol, like wineis good for blood circulation and/or the heart.The truth is alcohol is an acidic metabolitefrom acetylaldehyde and sugar and is toxic tothe body. All three metabolites [...]
Fruit Compound Protects Against Cancer
Posted by rangga on Saturday, October 20, 2007
Lupeol, a compound in fruits like blackberries,blueberries, papaya, and blackcurrant, appears to beeffective in buffering the acids that localize in thehead and neck, a study in Hong Kong has found.An experiment with mice showed lupeol had no negativeside [...]
100% Remission of ALL Diseases and Dis-ease
Posted by rangga
The following is an email exchange betweenfollowers of the "Rife" group who use frequencymachines to zap cancer and Dr. Patrick Sobota whofollows the teachings of Dr. Robert O. Young.------------------------------------------------The Rife group said:I [...]
Leaded Lipsticks
Posted by rangga
I am certain that you are aware of the toxic andharmful effects of leaded paint. Are you awarethat most lipsticks are also leaded?Lipsticks tested by a U.S. consumer rights groupfound that more than half contained lead and somepopular brands including [...]
No More Cancer!
Posted by rangga
My friend Elaine recently sent me the followletter and questions. My response is writtenbelow.Dear Dr. Rob:What is the origin of cancer or where does cancerbegin?I was only aware of a medical problem when my speechbecame difficult. I went to the E.R. [...]
What is the Origin of Cancer?
Posted by rangga
What is the origin of cancer or where doescancer begin?Cancerous tissue, above all other consequencesof choice, has countless secondary causes. Buteven for a cancerous condition there is onlyONE PRIME ORIGIN and CAUSE. I have simply summarizedthis origin [...]
The Scientific Method vs. The Empirical Method
Posted by rangga
The scientific method, is like all methods ofevaluation. It based upon empirical evidence,that is based upon the anecdotal reports ofthe investigator. The report is done using aseries of controls, and hopefully replicatedprior to publication. With some [...]
Cancer is Something We Do, Not Something We Get
Posted by rangga on Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Cancer is a choice. This is what cancer patientand founder of - Nick Kay -believes as he perseveres in his battle againstcancer.Nick is in his 30's and has an aggressive form ofbladder cancer. For the past few years, doctorshave [...]
The Origin of Cancer
Posted by rangga
What is the origin of cancer or where doescancer begin?Cancerous tissue, above all other consequencesof choice, has countless secondary causes. Buteven for a cancerous condition there is onlyONE PRIME ORIGIN and CAUSE. I have simply summarizedthis origin [...]