Vibrate Your Acidic Fat Away!

Posted by rangga on Thursday, January 15, 2009

According to a report that was published last year in the online edition of "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences," imperceptible vibrations transmitted through the whole body could help prevent weight gain in mice by removing tissue acidosis and thus inhibiting the production of fat cells to store non-eliminated environmental, dietary and/or metabolic acid.

Staying slim may be as simple as standing still on a whole body vibrational plate, and allowing the vibration to exercise every cell in the body.

In a study led by Clinton Rubin, chair of the department of biomedical engineering at Stony Brook University, in New York, mice that stood on a vibrating platform for 15 minutes daily produced fewer acid bound fat cells than normal. The findings complicate a traditional understanding of weight loss that focuses mainly on metabolism.

Researchers have known for quite a while that mechanical signals can determine the fate of stem cells--undifferentiated cells that divide and become many different types of tissue - in the small intestine. Rubin, who calls himself a "bonehead," led the pack in understanding how bones develop long before he turned his attention to fat. "Mechanical signals are important for stem cells to decide what to be when they grow up," he says.
Bones need mechanical input in order to grow and stay strong.

Studies at NASA have shown that astronauts lose 2.5 percent of their bone density each month they stay in space. On the other hand, athletes, like archers or baseball players, who selectively work one arm or leg, will grow thicker bones on that side of the body.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, Director of Research at the pH Miracle Living Center, "a stress in the body, whether intentional or not, will cause blood to flow to that area. The increase in blood flow will result in the blood transforming into new bone, muscle, nerve, etc., in response to the stress. This is why a tennis player will have one arm that is being stressed larger than the other arm that is not being stressed."

To solve the problem of bone loss in space, Rubin started experimenting with vibrations. At the Johnson Space Center, in Houston, volunteer test subjects endured 90 days of fully horizontal bed rest, which roughly simulates what the body goes through during zero gravity. Without having to carry the weight of the body, the skeleton loses much of its mass. So Rubin designed a vibrating platform that would recreate some of the strain of weight. For 10 minutes a day, the device gets cranked up to 30 hertz, an imperceptible level of oscillation. The vibrations run up the body through the feet, sending mechanical signals to stem cells in the small intestine. The signals reach these cells in their adolescence, before they differentiate, and encourage them to become blood cells that then become bone cells or something else.

At some point, Rubin asked the question that led him to study fat. "We saw that we could grow bones with these signals," he says. But "if we're growing bone, what aren't we growing?" As he showed in research published last year, the answer is acid bound fat cells.

Rubin used the same device as the one in the NASA study to see if vibrations would have any effect on the weight of mice. Every day, for 15 minutes, the mice were placed on the platform, this time vibrating at 30 Hz. After 12 weeks, the mice had 27.4 percent less fat in their torsos than a control group.

To learn more about whole body vibration and vibrational platforms go to:

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