A Letter To Dr. Young and President Obama

Posted by rangga on Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The following are two letters written by André Poitevien, an avid follower of the teachings and work of Dr. Robert and Shelley Young. Our next group Retreat at the Rancho del Sol is on February 19th through the 21st. We would love to have you join us. For more information or to register go to:


In love, light and peace,

Dr. Robert O. Young


December 11, 2008

Dr. Robert Young
The pH Miracle Center
16390 Dia Del Sol,
Valley Center, CA 92082-6025

Dear Dr. Young,

I have been a loyal advocate of your philosophy and user of your products for over three years. Your informative e-mails are religiously read and spread. All this happened that day, when some happy coincidence took me to your website, searching for a better alternative to handle my health challenges. The outstanding success obtained with the use of your products and the pH Miracle principles motivated me to look for further structured knowledge in the field of Holistic Medicine. That is how I became an affiliate with a College of Natural Medicine in California. I graduated a few months ago as a Holistic Heath Practitioner.

In my final exam, I was so eager to talk about my success with your remarkable concept, that I presented my Thesis, based on my wonderful experience with the New Biology.

I have been for sometime contemplating the possibility of visiting Rancho del sol for a three-day retreat and get to know you and your wonderful wife Shelly personally. I think that a modestly living retiree has also the right to succumb to the temptation of such an experience. The setup and beauty of Rancho del sol seem to have nothing to envy the French with their saying: “Voir Paris et mourrir”(See Paris and Die!). I pray this wonderful dream will become true in a not too distant future.

I would like finally, to share with you my brief letter to the President-Elect. Please, find a copy in the above attachment. I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and happy and blessed Holidays.

Life, Light and Love!

Warmest Regards!

André Poitevien


December 8, 2008

Mr. President-Elect Obama,

I am writing today on behalf of millions of Americans who applauded your campaign promise to change Healthcare as we know it, and make it more efficient and affordable. Let me be concise and summarize my message with the following quotes that translate the views of some great minds of the past:

• “Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food”
Hippocrates, (The father of modern medicine)

• “By giving the body the right ortho-molecules, most disease would be eradicated. Optimum nutrition is indeed the medicine of tomorrow.” Dr. Linus Pauling

• “The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Thomas Edison

• "If the doctors of today do not become the nutritionists of tomorrow, then the nutritionist of today will become the doctors of tomorrow" (Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research.)

Every day, hundreds of Americans look for an affordable alternative to improve their health. Unfortunately, Mother Nature’s healing principles are strongly restricted by laws that protect only the expensive care of mainstream medicine. We solicit your utmost consideration for full integration of Holistic Medicine, as an addition to Conventional Medicine, and so protect the right of Americans, like in most countries of the world, to enjoy this natural alternative. In today’s conjuncture, this initiative will not only reduce the outrageous cost of Healthcare, but most importantly will save many precious lives. We are convinced, Mr. President-Elect Obama, that the time predicted above has arrived and you represent the initiator of the “future” and the “tomorrow” implied by those visionaries.


Andre C. Poitevien.


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