Awestruck Microscopy Student

Posted by rangga on Friday, January 9, 2009

Just the other day I received this wonderful unsolicited email letter from one of the attendees at my December, 2008, Basic Microscopy Course. If you looking for a deeper knowledge and understanding of the New Biology (TM) and a new skill that will help you improve your physical, emotional and economic health, then read on!


Dear Dr. Young,

I am truly amazed and incredibly grateful to you. I completed your Basic Microscopy course, December 2008. It is now January 6th 2009. I decided to offer my first 50 sessions as complimentary to whoever came my way, friends and their associates. I finally got set up to do this a week ago. Last week end I did 7 sessions bringing my total to 12 and felt as though I traveled to the moon and back in terms of the amount I learned and every learning just makes the iceberg bigger and the tip I am standing on smaller. This evening I gave sessions to a couple, one of whom was diagnosed in December with thyroid cancer. There was a man who came for a demo in the course who had a recent diagnosis of a tumor on his kidney and in his live blood at that time it looked as though a crystal was literally attached to almost every red blood cell. The person tonight had a very similar pattern through much of his sample. Since his diagnosis his 'wake up call' has been impacting him on every level. A lifetime of anger being recognized and dissolving. A desire to take responsibility if there is still time.

I don't know how to say this correctly but the gift of microscopy to him and the gratitude I felt for having this tool to just show him what was happening in his blood and direct him to your protocol was nothing short of miraculous.

Again I am not sure how to say this - there is a rightness and a sense of freedom for me, which is palpable, in being able to offer this information in a straightforward way which is empowering to the person receiving the information and does not in any way involve me trying to fix or change someone. I hope that made some kind of sense!

The amount of information you gave in the course is also an iceberg which I am standing on the tiniest tip of. I have a long way to go to absorb all the information in the power point presentations and other information I came away from the course with. I am absolutely enthralled and fascinated by the live and dried blood cell microscopy.

Again thank you.

Love and best wishes for the New Year to you and your family.



The health and nutrition industry is booming! If you looking for a career change that can save and change lives and reward you economically - this is it!

Dr. Robert O. Young will be teaching a Basic
Microscopy Course at the Rancho del Sol, Valley
Center, California on the 17th to the 22nd of
March, the Master Microscopy Course on March 23rd to
the 25th of March, the Advanced Microscopy Course on
March 26th to the 30th of March and finally our first
group pH Miracle Coaching Certification on February 16th to
the 21st of February. Internships at the Rancho del Sol
are running from week to week beginning January 12th, 2009. Individual certification for becoming a pH Miracle Coach
also run from week to week beginning January 12th, 2009.

Dr. Young extends a personal invitation
to you to learn the "New Biology"(TM) and the
important connection to the blood through live
and dried blood microscopy or to become a
certified pH Miracle Intern or pH Miracle Coach(TM).

Do you often feel that you do not know enough?

Do you wonder how to work with people who are
seriously debilitated, or have terminal conditions?

Do you wonder, how to apply the alkalizing
protocol effectively to get accelerated results,
safely in difficult life situations?

Do you lack certainty and confidence with
yourself, a loved one, a friend or when a client
treatment does not go to plan and you don't
know what else to do?

Would you like to become a certified "pH Miracle
Microscopist of pH Miracle Coach(TM)"?

Would you like to qualify for an internship to
work side-by-side with Dr. Young.

Dr. Young is always developing new ideas and
making new discoveries many of which he will
only share at the Basic, Masters, and Advanced
"New Biology" microscopy course and the pH
Miracle Coach(TM) teaching weeks.

As blood microscopy is regulated in 2009 in the
USA, UK and Europe, you will find that there is much
to comply with. These standards are being
introduced to ensure your success in this
industry with great potential to work further
within the medical field.

Only those with advanced certificates will be
considered for further consulting as mentioned
above and become certified as a "pH Miracle Coach(TM)."
Also, Dr. Young only gives out referrals to personally trained
microscopist, Interns and/or pH Miracle Coaches(TM).

In the Basic, Masters, Advanced, Internship and pH Miracle
Coach(TM) "New Biology"TM courses you will learn:

· Basic and advanced blood phenomena identification

· Pattern recognition of serious debilitation
and dis-ease

· Pattern recognition of cancerous conditions, and
how they differentiate

· Accelerated healing techniques and inclusions
to the alkalizing protocol.

· How to apply each food and nutrition for a full
healing integration

· How to read 'medical blood examinations and
results' and interpret what they mean for you and
your clients personal strategy.

· Profiling techniques of dis-ease

· Somatology

· Advanced anatomy and physiology as it relates
to blood microscopy and consultation

· Further advancement of microzymian theory

· Nuclonics or nuclear elemental transformations

* "pH Miracle Coach" Certification

* Qualification for internship with Dr. Robert
O. Young at the Rancho del Sol in Valley Center,

You will be working with clients who have various
dis-ease profiles including hepatitis, cancer, AIDS,
heart disease, lung disease, and diabetes
(amongst others).

The cost of the 6 day Basic "New Biology"
microscopy course is $9,995.00. The cost of
the 3 day Masters Microscopy Course is $3,495.00.
The cost of the 6 day Advanced Microscopy Course is
$9,995.00. The cost of the internship at the Rancho del
Sol is $3995.00 per week. And finally, the cost
of the 7 day pH Miracle Coach(TM)certification is $3,995.00.
You will also be provided daily alkalizing
food as well as lecture materials. (Microscope,
accommodations and airfare are not included in the Basic,
Masters or Advanced Courses. Accommodations and the use
of a microscope are provided for the internship and
the pH Miracle Coach(TM) certification.)

To register for the Basic and Advanced "New Biolgoy"TM courses
at the Rancho del Sol in March go to:

To register for the Masters Microscopy Course go to:

To sign up for "pH Miracle Coach" certification and/or
internship at the Rancho del Sol, call at:

760-751-8321 and speak with Dr. Matea

As someone that looks to improve their health we are pleased to offer you this free audio, an excerpt of a powerful two hour interview with Dr Robert O. Young and Anthony Robbins. (it is free to listen!)

Click here to listen:

I trust you'll enjoy this...

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Visit our website at:

To learn more about the science of Dr. Robert and Shelley Young go to:

'Miracles happen not in opposition to nature, but in opposition to what we know of nature.' St. Augustine

'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic' ....Arthur C. Clarke

'There are only two ways to live your life. One, is as though there are no miracles. The other is as though everything is a miracle.' Albert Einstein

pH Miracle Living Center
16390 Dia Del Sol
Valley Center, California 92082 US

© Copyright 2008 - Dr. Robert O. Young
All rights are reserved. Content may be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated,
or transferred, for single use, or by nonprofit organizations for educational
purposes, if correct attribution is made to Dr. Robert O. Young.

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