Go the Distance with Stu Mittleman & Friends! Special Monday Night Call Feb 2 - 6:00 PM Pacific / 9:00 PM Eastern Tel.: 712.338.8000 / Meeting Code: 1401# Robert O. Young,D.Sc., Ph.D. "Dr. Young may be [...]
Home » Archives for January 2009
Go The Alklaine Distance
Posted by rangga on Saturday, January 31, 2009
The Sugar Acid High Fructose Corn Syrup Contains Mercury
Posted by rangga on Thursday, January 29, 2009
Startling new research has found that the highly acidic, neurological toxin high fructose corn syrup also contains the toxic element mercury, potentially for many years. Nearly one-third of the HFCS-containing grocery products tested in the study were [...]
The Black Plague or The Black Death Is Still With Us Today
Posted by rangga on Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Where did we get the superstition that Garlic wards off Vampires?Where did the superstition of Garlic warding off Vampires come from? We have all seen pictures of folks wearing garlands of garlic to ward off Vampires. People in Europe during the ravages [...]
Current Medical Treatments For Cancer Still In The Dark Ages
Posted by rangga
The following is a poem and then an email response to Lee Stothers concerning her health challenges with energy, weight, and breast cancer. I hope you find this information helpful and will share it with all those you love and care about.In love, light [...]
Ignorance Caused Sepsis or Systemic Acidosis That Took The Life of a Young Brazilian Woman
Posted by rangga on Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Just last week a young beautiful Brazilian woman died from sepsis or systemic acidosis. This is not a unique nor isolated story. It is happening every day to hundreds of thousands of people around the world! In fact, Shelley and I came very close [...]
Tears of Joy
Posted by rangga on Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The following is another testimony from around the world of the efficacy of the pH Miracle Living Lifestyle and Diet. To learn more go to:http://www.phmiracleliving.com/c-25-books-dvds-audios.aspx===============================================================Dear [...]
The Acid Sugar Negatively Affects The Human Gene
Posted by rangga on Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The anatomical elements or microzymas that make up Human genes remember an acid hit of sugar for two weeks, with prolonged acidic eating habits capable of permanently altering DNA, Australian research has found."A team studying the impact of diet on [...]
Prevent or Reverse Dis-Ease With Broccoli
Posted by rangga
President George H. W. Bush famously said thathe didn't like broccoli, and since he waspresident, he didn't have to eat it. But if theformer president becomes over-acidic and startsshowing signs of hyper or hypoglycemia (diabetes),he may allow broccoli [...]
A Letter To Dr. Young and President Obama
Posted by rangga
The following are two letters written by André Poitevien, an avid follower of the teachings and work of Dr. Robert and Shelley Young. Our next group Retreat at the Rancho del Sol is on February 19th through the 21st. We would love to have you join [...]
Heart Attacks and Strokes Caused By ACID NOT CHOLESTEROL!
Posted by rangga
Longtime readers of my health and wellness newsletters know I've been warning that 100 percent of ALL people who have a heart attacks or strokes do not have elevated cholesterol levels - they have elevated acid levels!A study published this past week [...]
You Must Be The Change You Want To See
Posted by rangga on Monday, January 19, 2009
Please read the following important letter to Senator Tom Daschle and Deputy Director Jeanne Lambrew, from Libby Potter, a pH Miracle Microscopist and pH Miracle Coach. There are many people, just like Libby, in America and around the world who are [...]
Mom's Breast Tumor Is Gone In 12 Weeks!
Posted by rangga on Sunday, January 18, 2009

The following story is an unsolicited testimony of a breast tumor that disappeared after being on the pH Miracle Living Program for 12 weeks.============================================================Dear Dr. Young,Thank [...]
HyperTension and Hypercholesterol Reduced With The pH Miracle Living Program
Posted by rangga on Saturday, January 17, 2009

The following is an unsolicited testimony of a reversalof high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol usingthe Young's alkaline pH Miracle Living Program.=============================================================21 [...]
The World's First Medically Documented Cure For Type I Diabetes
Posted by rangga on Friday, January 16, 2009

Yes! There is a cure for Type I diabetes for those individuals willing to following the Young's pH Miracle Living Plan 100%. No excuses. This is what two young boys, from the same family committed to do when diagnosed [...]
Reduce Acids With Herbs and Spices and Improve Your Health
Posted by rangga on Thursday, January 15, 2009
Reach for the spice rack and spice up your health as well as your food. Almost every day, researchers discover more and more ways that herbs and spices boost health, providing benefits for health concerns from a cancer condition to Alzheimer’s dis-ease.The [...]
Vibrate Your Acidic Fat Away!
Posted by rangga
According to a report that was published last year in the online edition of "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences," imperceptible vibrations transmitted through the whole body could help prevent weight gain in mice by removing tissue acidosis [...]