No More Alzheimer's Dis-Ease

Posted by rangga on Tuesday, April 22, 2008

By the numbers:

5.2 million Americans have Alzheimer's
dis-ease now.
7.7 million Americans will have it by 2030.
71,696 Deaths from Alzheimer's in 2005.
45% Increase in Alzheimer's deaths since 2000.
$148 billion yearly cost of treating and
caring for these patients.

Source: Alzheimer's Association.

This week an article, ATTACKING ALZHEIMER'S, in FORBES
Magazine may support Dr. Young's dietary and metabolic
acid theory, as the cause of Alzheimer's dis-ease.

The article makes a statement that the release of
amyloids in the brain may be an injury response
by the vascular bundles to protect themselves against
dietary or metabolic acids, like a scar, and are not
directly related to the onset or severity of
Alzheimer's dis-ease.

Dr. Robert O. Young has suggested that gene mutations
are directly caused by excess dietary and metabolic
acids. He has also suggested that arteries and
veins are directly damaged by excess dietary and
metabolic acids. Both the article's assertions,

(a) DNA damage to two proteins called presenilin,

(b) amyloids actually being a response to injury
that the brain secretes to protect itself, like a scar,
would be directly preventable by normalizing the excess
serum dietary and metabolic acids, coupled with a
high chlorphyll-mediated revitalization of blood/sera

This is why Dr. Young has created a cold pressed
concentration of organic liquid pure chlorophyll
from alfalfa grass, with no additives, for the
revitalization of the blood/ sera. (Dr. Young's,
Young pHorever Liquid Chlorophyll can be ordered
by calling 760-751-8321)

Dr. Young has also created a combination of mineral
salts of sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium
bicarbonate to hyper-alkalinize the blood and tissues
to reduce dietary and metabolic acids and to prevent
Alzheimer's dis-ease.

According to the article, Attacking Alzheimer's,
by Robert Langreth, "the drug industry has bet
on one theory about the disease. What if that
theory is wrong."

\Medicine\Attacking Alzheimers – 04.21.08.doc

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