The Truth About Cancer

Posted by rangga on Sunday, November 9, 2008

You might not remember this, but back in 1971, President Richard M. Nixon officially 'declared war on cancer' when he signed into law the National Cancer Act.

His mission was to — once and for all — find a cure for this deadly disease.

Well, here we are, nearly forty years later. And unfortunately, the scientific community is no closer to a cure than they were when President Nixon put his pen to paper and signed that bill into law.

In fact, here's where we are today . . .

According to the United States National Cancer Institute, in the U.S. alone:

1) More than 1.2 million Americans develop cancer every year

2) A new cancer is diagnosed every 30 seconds

3) One in two men will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime

4) One in three women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime

5) Roughly 8,000 children will be diagnosed with cancer this year

6) Cancer is the #1 cause of death in children between the ages of 1 and 14

7) Over 565,000 Americans die from cancer every year

8) Cancer could easily become the leading cause of death by the year 2010 instead of heart disease.

I was absolutely astounded when I read these statistics, and I suspect you are, too.

What's happened in the last 40 years that over a half a million people still die from cancer every single year?

And according to current medical savants, that number continues to grow.

What have the medical researchers missed when it comes to preventing or curing cancer?

Dr. Robert O. Young, Director of Research at The pH Miracle Living Center explains that . . . "mainstream experts have been barking up the wrong tree when it comes to the prevention and treatment of a cancerous condition."

For years, the medical and scientific communities have tirelessly worked to come up with answers to perplexing questions like:

1) Where does cancer really come from?

2) And why is it perceived to be incredibly difficult to prevent, cure, or even treat?

Without those questions answered, researchers and scientists do what they know how to do best . . .

They spend billions of dollars developing the next best wonder acidic drug or vaccine to try to gain some sort of control over cancer's continued advancement.

But, to no avail!

That's not to say there haven't been many important advancements made in cancer treatments, but Dr. Young believes science has missed the mark when it comes to tackling the real culprit in the war on cancer - the acidic environment.

In fact, he believes most current mainstream researchers have simply dismissed the idea there might be an alternative way of looking at cancer altogether.

And that's sad, because all it may take is . . . "a shift in thought to turn the tide on the war on cancer." states Dr. Young.

For well over 25 years, there's been another cancer research movement taking place in the background of mainstream science.

Dr. Robert O. Young looks at cancer through different eyes . . . taking a deeper view of the connection between cancer — and its prevention and treatment — through the use of diet, lifestyle changes, and specific natural supplementation.

Dr. Young has been making great progress in the prevention and reversal of some of the most advanced cases of cancer.

So much so, that conventional medicine can no longer deny . . .

Give Me the Real Truth

More and more studies, attesting to the success and promise of his 'alternative' methods of prevention and treatment, make their way into current medical journals all the time.

And thankfully, the traditional medical community can't help but start to stand up and take notice.

When you read his books and listen to his CD's on the prevention and reversal of cancer you will gain other life-saving and life-giving jewels like:

1)Why the government's 'war on cancer' has been a miserable failure . . .

2) The secret key to unlocking the mystery of why cancer is so easy to prevent and treat — and it's been known since the 19th century!

3) The #1 link between a variety of illnesses and developing a cancerous condition — unbeknownst to you, it progresses over decades . . .

4) How cancerous cells differ from your body's healthy cells.

5) Powerful nutrients to keep to help keep a healthy environment and prevent the cause of cancer.

6) The one and only reason cancer kills (that's why early detection can save your life).

7) Why cancer is not an noun but an adjective.

8) Why cancer is not a cell but an acidic liquid.

9) Why there is no such thing as a cancer cell.

10) Natural nutrients that can help stave off a cancerous breast.

11) Why you should check your cupboard and throw out all acidic foods and condiments.

12) Healthy and natural additions to your diet that can significantly and safely reduce your risk for a cancerous condition.

13) The foods that will cause a specific cancerous condition.

14) How an alkaline diet and lifestyle can make a huge difference in the prevention and treatment of any cancer.

15) The single most important dietary change you can make to prevent or control cancer.

16) What natural antioxidant-loaded supplements you need to prevent and/or reverse a cancerous condition.

17) Nature's most powerful inflammation or cancer acid inhibitors.

18) Proven ways nutrient-dense food slows the development and growth of a cancerous condition.

If you want the real truth about Cancer then order and listen to:
"The pH Miracle for Cancer" at:

or read "Symptoms Confused As Disease" at:

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