Part 1 - Losing A Ton And Having Fun

Posted by rangga on Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The following is Part 1 of an interview of Dr. Robert O. Young by Rick Laurenzi, on the importance of acid/alkaline balance, food, water, nutrition, and the cause of obesity, diabetes, and cancer. Rick will be releasing a full length motion picture the beginning of next year called, "Losing a Ton and Having Fun" with a subtitle of "Cancer is Simple." Rick has featured the science, lifestyle and diet of Dr. Robert and Shelley Young in his new movie.

When Rick started the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet over two years ago he weighed in at over 390 pounds. He has lost approximately 200 pounds in the last two years and has gained a significant amount of muscle weight. He feels great and looks great. His blood has improved and his over-all health and fitness is a reflection of that improvement. We hope to be announcing the release date of this exciting new movie soon. Please go to our website at: www.phmiracleliving to see a trailer on this new health and fitness movie or to sign up for our free newsletter.

And now, Rick's interview with Dr. Young . . .

Rick Laurenzi: Thank you for taking time to see me this week out of your busy schedule for helping heal so many people, which, you know, I commend you for trying to end needless suffering. First, I'd like to talk about the subject, what is fat?

Young: Molecularly fat is a chain of carbon attached with some oxygen and hydrogen. These are the three major elements of fat, carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. It is a very simple chain of carbon atoms chained together and saturated or unsaturated with hydrogen ions.

Laurenzi: But is fat just the accumulation of excess calories?

Young: No, it is not an accumulation of excess calories. It is a chain of carbon, saturated or unsaturated with hydrogen or acids and the foundational material for building all cellular membranes. Fat is also protective. The body retains fat as a protection against metabolic and dietary acids. When we eat unsaturated fat there are missing hydrogen ions on its carbon chain. When unsaturated fat comes in contact with metabolic or dietary acid they are able to pick it up and neutralize its harmful effect. It is a protective body mechanism that one would retain excess weight or fat on their body. Think of your extra weight as a parking lot to park excess metabolic or dietary acid that is not being eliminated through urination, perspiration, respiration or defecation. You see, fat is saving people from the excess acidity. It is not fat that makes you overweight it is acid from an acidic lifestyle and diet.

Laurenzi: So fat is quite acidic?

Young: No, fat is not acidic it is alkalizing. In fact, fat is one of the body's best alkaline buffers, because of its ability to take on extra acids or hydrogen ions on its carbon chain.

Laurenzi: Does fat just accumulate when our insulin spikes?

Young: No. Insulin spikes when we are acidic. One of the most dangerous acids in the body is sugar, in any form. That includes, sucrose, fructose, glucose, maltose, dextrose, just to name a few. Insulin is an alkaline buffer. And it spikes in order to neutralize an excess spike in acidity from acidic food, drink or metabolism. So if insulin is spiking, then acid is spiking, and the body is in a defensive mechanism to bring back the delicate pH balance of the fluids of the body at 7.365.

Laurenzi: And does insulin spike when we eat a high-glycemic load of high-glycemic foods?

Young: Yes, insulin spikes because all high-glycemic foods are acidic and potentially harmful to the body.

Laurenzi: I'm going to coach you a little bit so we get more of your voice, none of mine on here. Are most high-glycemic foods acidic?

Young: All high-glycemic foods are acidic. Lemons and limes are not high-glycemic because of their low sugar content and high alkaline sodium and potassium salts. Apples and oranges are high-glycemic and will spike insulin because they are full of the acid called sugar.

Laurenzi: So there are some high-glycemic foods that are alkaline?

Young: No, there are no high-glycemic foods that are alkalizing to the blood and tissues. They are all acidic.

Laurenzi: So I guess...

Young: Beets and carrots are high-glycemic vegetables. These two highly acidic vegetables are high-glycemic because they are high sugar and they do not have sufficient alkaline buffers to neutralize that sugar. They will spike the alkaline buffering system and cause the release of insulin and sodium bicarbonate. Always remember that sugar is a poisonous acid and will destroy the body if not buffered. Much of the sugar we ingest is not eliminated and therefore is taken up into the fatty and connective tissues. This is what causes connective tissue disorders and makes us fat and tired.

Laurenzi: So I'll back up and you can tell me once again--I'm guessing that most high-glycemic foods are acidic?

Young: All high-glycemic foods are acidifying to the body. Absolutely. They are all toxic to our alkaline design.

Laurenzi: Is it also fair to say that most highly alkaline foods are low-glycemic?

Young: Yes, you are absolutely correct. All alkaline foods that are low in sugar content, are low-glycemic and are healthful and alkalizing to the body.

Laurenzi: I'm going to ask a few questions about calorie data, expenditures, with an alkaline versus acidic diet. If someone's got a 2,000-calorie-a-day expenditure, and eats a 100% alkaline diet, can they lose body fat if they're eating those 2,000 calories?

Young: Absolutely you can lose weight on a high calorie, high alkaline diet. Losing weight is not about calories it is about maintaining the alkaline design of the body. You can eat a five to six thousand calorie diet and still lose weight. It's not how much you eat, it's what you're eat. So if you're eating a high-alkaline, electron-rich, low carbohydrate, green diet, regardless of the calories, you will lose weight, have more energy, and improve your strength and fitness. Our pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet, is high-calorie because of its high fat content from all the polyunsaturated fats. And yet, people lose an average of one to three pounds a day on this amazing diet.

Laurenzi: And if the same person, with a 2,000-calorie daily expenditure, ate those 2,000 calories ate 100% acid ash foods, would they lose weight?

Young: Absolutely, they would gain weight. If someone is eating and/or drinking 2000 calories of acidic foods, they will definitely gain weight. In fact, they'll gain weight on a 500-calorie acidic diet. In other words, it's not about the calories. It's about whether the food is acidic forming or alkaline forming.

Laurenzi: My personal experience parallels that intimately.

Young: In fact, the program that I've designed is designed with the idea that you can eat as much as you want, regardless of the calories, as long as the food being ingested is electron-rich, low-glycemic index, green and better still, low sugar . . . also rich in chlorophyll, rich in minerals, rich in polyunsaturated fats, and even have some mono- or saturated fats like olive, avocado and coconut oil. This is not a problem. In fact, it's an opportunity for the body to get healthy when you're eating this type of a diet. Because the body requires fat, which I believe is a cleaner fuel for the body to run on, but requires fat in order to build every membrane of the human cell. And when we're deficient in these fats, this is when we become deficient in our blood and body cells.

Laurenzi: I'm just going to go over the expenditure again. If somebody had a 2000-calorie daily expenditure, under eats with an 1800 - calorie diet of either 100% alkaline foods or 100% acidic foods, who will lose more weight?

Young: The person who is eating 1800 calories from a 100% alkaline diet will lose more weight than someone who's eating the same calories from an acidic diet. In fact, the person eating 1800 calories will not lose the acid bound to fat, he or she will lose muscle mass.

Laurenzi: How important is it for people hoping to lose body fat to switch to an alkaline diet?

Young: Switching to an alkaline lifestyle and diet is easy and it is fun. There is plenty of good tasting alkaline food to eat. It is also critical to move to an alkaline diet because the focus shouldn't be on losing weight, the focus should be on increasing health. And the best way to increase your health is to focus on maintaining the alkaline design of the human organism. And when you do that, and start eating high electron-rich alkaline diet, your body will naturally move to its healthy weight. And so you lose weight naturally as a side effect to getting healthy.

Laurenzi: Can an overly-acidic diet make obese people feel lethargic?

Young: Overly-acidic obese people definitely feel lethargic because they are intoxicated with their own waste products that have not been properly eliminated. Obese people are always over-acidic and have their favorite acid food or drink. Maybe coffee, maybe tea. Maybe alcohol. It may be chocolate. These are all acidic foods that make us fat. When metabolic and/or dietary acids are not properly eliminated from the body through the four channels of elimination, namely urination, perspiration, respiration, or defecation-- then these acidic waste products are thrown out into the connective and fatty tissues. That's where acid is stored-- in your fatty tissues. Now for women, it acidic waste is stored in the hips or the thighs or the buttocks, or the breasts -- God forbid, because if a woman is storing acid in her breasts, that leads to breast cancer. If you store acid in the brain, that leads to brain cancer. If a man stores acid in his prostate that causes prostate cancer. Bottom line, an overly-acidic diet will not only make you feel lethargic but it can lead to more serious acidic conditions such as heart dis-ease or cancer.

Laurenzi: In conversive, can an alkaline, electron-rich diet be more energizing for the obese person, or for anyone?

Young: When one is eating an electron-rich, alkaline diet, who's morbidly obese, or for anyone, that person will feel more energy. And when you have more energy you can eliminate your metabolic and dietary waste better. When you improve the elimination of acidic waste you start feeling better and feeling stronger. The increase in energy, better elimination and with daily exrecise the acidic fat stops coming off at a rate of one pound per day. This rapid weight lose will continue until you reach your healthy ideal weight. If you are under weight then you will start gaining weight. The pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet is the best lifestyle and diet to incorporate into one's daily regimen in order to get healthy and fit.

Laurenzi: I can't agree with you more. My personal experience over this last year and a half is honestly--I've been stuffing my face with way more than two or three thousand calories a day--

Young: When people get on this low-glycemic, high-alkaline, green, electron-rich diet, and they realize they can eat as much as they want and still lose weight and not be hungry, and have sustainable energy without the energy highs and lows they are convinced, committed and excited with their new pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet. The focus of the pH Miracle Diet is what I refer to as the four alkaline food groups. The four alkaline food groups is easy to remember because it's an acronym, I call "COWS". The C stands for chlorophyll, you want a diet that's rich in chlorophyll, the O stands for oil, you want a diet that's rich in mono and polyunsaturated fats. When I say "rich", I mean drinking up to 3 to 4 ounces of healthy alkaline oil a day. I am talking about 100 grams of oil, for a body weight of 70 kilos, or 154 pounds--in order to be ideally healthy and start losing or gaining weight. The W stands for water. Not just any water, but it has to be alkaline water. The water I recommend is 9.5 water, on a pH scale of 0 to 14. And the S stands for salt, which is so critical for achieving health and fitness. Salt is the backbone of your whole electrical system, your whole energy system. Energy cannot transfer through the body without salt. And so salt becomes -- and we're not talking about any salt -- we're talking about the alkaline mineral salts that are naturally occurring in our blood, and all of the fluids in our body, the foundational mineral that keeps us alive.

Laurenzi: Fantastic. I'd like to switch to the next subject, the acid-alkaline balancing of the food in the body. Can someone who is morbidly obese switch to a 100% alkaline diet, should they have a mix of 80% alkaline, 20% acidic?

Young: I think switching to 100% alkaline diet for someone who is overweight or extremely overweight, is based on a persons conviction and commitment to the program. I mean, can someone do this program 100%? Or should they go 70 or 80% and just transition into the program? It really depends on the level of conviction of the person - their faith in the program and their level of commitment to make the necessary changes in lifestyle and diet in order to achieve a healthy, vibrant, and strong body. All of these benefits. With sustainable energy. It's a matter of choice and each individual has to decide whether they're going to play full out, or whether they're going to transition and just backup slowly into the lifestyle and diet. Some individuals feel more comfortable backing into a program and gradually transitioning more of their acidic foods for more alkaline foods until they work up to 100% alkaline. Ultimately, one must get to a 100% alkaline lifestyle and diet if that person wants to have the benefits of getting to his/her ideal healthy weight.

This is the end of Part 1 of the Rick Larenzi/Dr. Robert O. Young interview. Please let me know if you would like to read more of the interview. You can also go to our website at: to watch the trailer on Rick's new documentary called, "Losing A Ton and Having Fun."

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