Do-It-Yourself Emergency Alkaline Repair Kit for the Holidays

Posted by rangga on Sunday, November 30, 2008

Let's face it. In spite of everything I've taught you, and everything you have learned about the "The New Biology" and The Alkalarian Lifestyle and Diet, many of you "cheated" BIG-Time for Thanksgiving (and will again for Christmas or Hanukkah). You [...]
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Organochlorine and Acidic Cancerous Breasts

Posted by rangga on Friday, November 28, 2008

"Every 13 minutes another woman dies from the environmental, dietary and metabolic acids that cause breast cancer, an acidic condition of the breast tissue that has more than tripled in incidence over the past 50 years," states Dr. Robert O. Young, Director [...]
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What Is Causing Ocean Acidification?

Posted by rangga on Thursday, November 27, 2008

Since the beginning of the industrial revolution the release of the acid carbon dioxide (CO2) from human activities has resulted in atmospheric CO2 concentrations that have increased from approximately 280 [...]
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Can Breast Cancer Tumors Disappear?

Posted by rangga on Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The following article by Kathleen Doheny, entitled, "Can Breast Cancer Disappear?" is significant because it supports my theory that tumors of the breast are not the cancer and can and do disappear just like the scab from a cut disappears as it becomes [...]
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'Holiday Season Flu' or 'I Ate Too Much Acidic S!!! Disease!'

Posted by rangga

Here are four non-contagious Holiday Season lifestyleand dietary conditions (called diseases by allopathicmedicine) for which I have given new names:1) "Traveler's Acidic Consequence" is a result of thesum total consumption and behaviors of a travelerduring [...]
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Part 6 - Dropping A Ton And Having Fun - Emotions and Acidity

Posted by rangga on Monday, November 24, 2008

The following is Part 6 of an interview of Dr. Robert O. Young by Rick Laurenzi, on the importance of acid/alkaline balance, food, water, nutrition, and the cause of obesity, diabetes, and cancer. Rick will be releasing a full length motion picture the [...]
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Life Changing and Life Saving Health Information For The "Holiday Season"

Posted by rangga on Sunday, November 23, 2008

The following scientific discourse are twenty-five important points to understand concerning the creation of hydrochloric acid (HCL) and sodium bicarbonate in the stomach lining, the ingestion of protein and sugar and how acid/alkaline biochemistry, [...]
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Protect Yourself From A Holdiay Season Acid Attack

Posted by rangga on Saturday, November 22, 2008

You know the Holiday Season routine: join the family for feasting on a high acid, saturated fat, carbohydrate-filled meal followed by a generous slice of pumpkin pie. Regret--brought on by the growing acid storm in your stomach--begins before you even [...]
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Cancer Prevention Study With Alkaline Exercise and Rest

Posted by rangga on Friday, November 21, 2008

Alkaline exercise is good for more than just your waistline because it helps to remove dietary and metabolic acid that can make you sick, tired and fat.A recent study presented at the American Association for Cancer Research's Seventh Annual International [...]
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Violent Attacks of Good Health

Posted by rangga on Thursday, November 20, 2008

"Yes, unusual things happen after you switch to the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet. I've seen in every case people with poor health break out into violent attacks of good health, followed by bouts of high energy, then physical exercise, restful sleep [...]
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