Sit Down For Cancer and Stand Up For Alkalinity!

Posted by rangga on Monday, September 8, 2008

Last week the sponsors and television networks
of "Stand Up for Cancer" raised over 500 million
dollars for cancer research in one night. This
money will be used to find a cure for cancer.
The fact is, there is no cure for cancer because
cancer is not a disease - it is a consequence of
lifestyle and dietary choice. We need no cure for
cancer. What we need is education. Unfortunately, I
perceive the majority of this money will be
wasted trying to find a cure rather then empowering
people to make healthier lifestyle and dietary

I have been asked if I was given 500 million dollars
to put an end to the cancer epidemic how would
I use the money?

The following is my list of twenty things I would do
to begin to cure and eliminate all cancerous
conditions from the planet:

1) Educate not medicate. I would empower people
with the knowledge that health and vitality is
a choice. That cancer is not a disease of the
cells but a consequence of an acidic lifestyle
and diet. That through changing lifestyle and
dietary choices we can prevent ALL cancerous
conditions. This message would be communicated
through news print, radio, television, and
internet, worldwide.

2) I would lobby to have laws passed to place
warning signs on all acidic food and drink. It
would be a requirement to declare the pH and the
ORP or energy component of the food or drink.
All acidic food and drink would have warning signs
stating that this food may cause cancer just like
the label warnings on tobacco and alcohol. Warning
signs would be on all animal meats, dairy, fermented
foods like soy sauce, sugars like sucrose, dextrose,
glucose, lactose, maltose, fructose, honey, and
artificial sugars.

3) I would eliminate all vending machines from
schools and public places that sell carbonated
water, soda pops, sport drinks, weight loss drinks
and energy drinks that contain any one ingredient -
phosphoric acid, carbonic acid, caffeine, citric
acid and any form of artificial or natural sugar.

4) I would have health warning signs placed on all soft
drinks, cola drinks, carbonated water, caffeinated
drinks (including coffee and tea), sport drinks,
exotic fruit drinks and energy drinks that have a
pH of 3.5 or less and a positive ORP. The warning
on the label would state that these beverages are
hazardous to health and may lead to many cancerous

5) I would put water ionizers in every school,
government building and public place, like parks
throughout the United States and then the world
in order to provide purified alkaline water at 9.5 pH
and -250 mV to prevent all cancerous conditions.

6) I would teach the world that the cure for
cancer IS FOUND in its prevention not ITS TREATMENT.

7) I would contract with major Universities to
study the impact of acidic food and drink on the
quality of the blood leading to heart disease, diabetes
and cancer. Not one cent would go to cancer
research directed at the tissue, cell or DNA. All
research funds would be directed at how the internal
environment impacts the health of the tissue,
cell and DNA. Just as researchers are studying
the impact of carbonic acid and carbon dioxide
on the external environment (external acid rain)
our research team would be studying the effects
of dietary and metabolic acids on the human cell
and tissues (internal acid rain).

8) Research would be conducted on the long term
health effects of antibiotic use and vaccines.

9) Research would be conducted on the acidic
effects of electro-magnetic fields coming
from cell phones and electric cars and their
association with the cause of cancer,
including brain cancer.

10) Research would be conducted on women in
Ireland and Norway to understand why they have the
highest incidence of breast cancer. Is there
a correlation between breast cancer and the
consumption of dairy products? The same
research would be conducted for men and the
correlation of prostate cancer and the lactic
acid of dairy products.

11) A research study, waiting to be started at
the University of Miami on reversing diabetes
with alkaline water and chlorophyll would begin
immediately. The current trial study needs only
$500,000 to be funded.

12) The programming of software for a central data
base of blood patterns for all health conditions,
including heart disease, diabetes and cancer would
be created by a major computer company already
to go. Hardware with live and dried blood software
would be created for clinics around the world to
send to our central data base. This information
would then be used to document patient health
and sickness profiles without the use of harmful
radiation from scans. The information gathered
from these blood tests would pre-screen patients
years in advance of any diagnosis thus preventing
disease. This information with other medical
tests would be submitted to Harvard Medical and
their alternative/complimentary medical school
for further evidence that the alkaline approach
is working to prevent and/or reverse cancer.

13) I would lobby to have laws passed giving
small and large business tax breaks for implementing
exercise and wellness programs, eliminating
acidic foods and drinks out of their cafeterias and
lunch rooms (This would include coffee, tea and soda
pops). Employees could be rewarded with
cash bonuses for staying healthy.

14) All prisons throughout the country would
no longer be fed acidic food or drink. All
prisoners would be required to go on an
alkaline lifestyle and diet, including an
exercise program. This would increase prisoner
health and wellness and reduce prison violence.

15) Studies would begin using the alkaline
compound of sodium bicarbonate to prevent and
reverse cancers of all kinds.

16) I would begin to research how to clean up
our polluted streams, rivers, lakes and oceans
from all the acidic waste products from humans
and business. Clean alkaline water is critical
in preventing and reversing cancer.

17) I would develop education programs to teach
people how to grow their own organic food and
begin live off the land rather then processed

18) I would lobby to have laws passed to require all
fast food restaurants to have warning signs on
their doors and in conspicuous places that their
food may cause bowel congestion, liver disease
and/or cancer.

19) All animal products, including chicken and
pork would have warning labels stating that eating
these meats may lead to bowel/colon cancer.

20) All dairy products would have warning labels
stating that eating dairy products may cause
breast, prostate or other reproductive cancers.

Of course my list is not all inclusive but it would
be a beginning to the end of an epidemic we call
cancer - or should I say, "I eat too much acidic
food disease."

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