The following is a long story, but an important story to read about a man and his family whose lives were devastated by a mis-diagnosis of a virus that does not even exist - HIV. Read on - it has a happy pH Miracle ending.
Dear Dr. Young,
My name is Felix and I live in the UK. I have been reading your e-mails from time immemorial but the one I read today touched a cord within me that prompted me to reply to it and I feel that I would be doing myself injustice by choosing otherwise.
Your lecture on alternative medication and the illusion of how we contaminate ourselves with these acidic prescriptions we imbibe as medication has taught me a lot. You have made me a doctor and a healer when I have not even been to a medical school. You have created in me a genius to alternative medication. Anyway I have a story to tell you about myself and my medical situation. It is a story that if I have the chance, I would write for ten months for you to understand what I went through those ten months from the time I was diagnosed with this phantom virus, HIV.
In August 2007, I was deteriorating in my health rapidly and rapidly loosing weight too. This was a cause for concern. So I went to see my GP in the UK. Every Monday, I would go in for more blood tests from my GP surgery. The results that came were not encouraging and my doctor finally decided to send me to a specialist for analysis.
One night in late August, I began throwing up violently, so my wife who couldn't bear the sight called an ambulance and I was taken in Accident and Emergency. I spent the night in hospital with a drip been hung on me. That was the first night I felt really better as compared to my previous days and weeks.
Previously, I could not bear the sight of food, the smell of or even the thought of it. All of those states would churn my stomach and make me feel bad. Water was very difficult for me to swallow and food was extremely awful in sight and in thought. Rice being my favorite food. I could not even finish half a spoonful of rice for the day let alone a spoonful. Nothing, absolutely nothing was tasteful in my mouth. My mouth began to produce some kind of sugary taste that gave some different taste to every intake of food. When I drank water it tasted sugary. Food, the little that I could manage would taste sugary and so on. And the taste was somehow unpleasant. It is apparent that because I was eating very little, consequently I was bound to loose weight. I was reduced in weight to 9 stone.
Following that night's progress, I was about to be discharged back when the doctors decided to check on my creatinine level. It was when they found out that my creatinine level was increasing and it was about 450 at that time. So, an a arrangement was made for me to be transferred to the kidney specialists in Guy's hospital. I arrived there at night through the hospitals transport system.
The following day, doctors came to see me when they were doing their morning rounds with patients. They asked me how I was feeling which expectantly I told them what I know happened to me. Again, drips were hung on me for couple of days whilst an investigation was being carried out. At their mercy, I was appealing that they give me some antibiotics to flush out my system, but the doctors refused because they hadn't found the cause of my illness. Desperation, obviously, lead me to make that silly request. Couple of days in admittance, I was transferred in isolation because they claim that I had an infection. Once in isolation, every visitor would have to be masked and gloved before entering into my room. I remained in isolation for more than a week with the suspicion that I had TB. So one day, I called on one of the nurses into my room and asked why I was isolated. She confirmed that I was a suspected case of TB and as you know it is a contagious disease and it can spread out through contact. I told her that she or no other nurse or doctor had heard me coughing in the night. Instead the other patients from whom I was isolated do the coughing. She said, yes but when they do my spittle test in the morning, they found blood in it. This test I had to do every morning before I brushed my teeth. It is through this test that they found traces of blood and thought that I had TB. I told the nurse for many years now I do have gum bleed every morning. I brush my teeth and that I don't have this disease in my family. I do not smoke nor drink alcohol. Where would I have contacted this disease. "Anyway, it's in the record," she told me, so they would only go by what is in my record. In the meantime, I would remain isolated whilst further tests were carried out. In isolation, my mind was running through many things in life and I regretted coming to hospital. But at this point I had no choice. I must just remain there for the duration of my time.
On October 13th, one of the doctors came into my isolated room to give me more news about my condition. I was alone, so there was no need to ask anyone outside. He walked to my bedside and stood there and looked at me in my eyes and said to me, "Felix, I am sorry to tell you this, I am afraid, you have HIV." "What!" I said in a lost world.
That was when things began to go upside down with me. I lost my self esteem, my concentration, my beliefs, my religious acceptance, I lost everything in life. I didn't even believe in God at that time. That this good Lord that I pray to as a Muslim would let me down. I believe that He had protected me from so many disasters, troubles and saved me from danger. Had He now saved this HIV for me. No I don't believe it. I told the doctor that I don't have it. The words just came out of my mouth. He said that I have it and the tests were 99% accurate this time. I told him they were wrong but he insisted that they would not be wrong. However, he assured me that another test would be carried out but this first indication would still remain the same. With that he left my room. Before he left, he warned that because my viral load was more than two million, it is advisable to have my children all tested, my wife tested too because I may have had unprotected sex with her for the past twenty years. We have lived together as husband and wife. I was completely and utterly devastated. My thoughts rushed to my children. What have I done to them. What kind of a father and example would I be to them. When they find out, would they forgive me. Would I be there for them when they grow up. Millions of thoughts came flashing through my mind. I could not grasp any thing that made sense to me. Nothing was right with me. I am a looser I told myself. HIV in me.
He also advised me to tell my wife about it or if I prefer they would tell her. I gave my consent and said that I would tell her first before more emotional damage is done. With that, he left my room leaving me to ponder on what he had just told me. In my pensive moments, I could feel like chains around my hands tied to the bed's frame and my feet were in shackles. I felt sweat running down my cheek and drying up in an instant. After a lengthy deliberation I began to ask myself how? Why me? When did it happen? With whom? And so on and so forth. These thoughts running through my mind were paused when I saw my wife come through the door into my isolated room. Looking grim in the face, we exchanged the usual greeting and I asked her to sit down. I began by telling her that today would be different and that the doctors have found the cause to my kidney failure. I told her that the doctor said I was HIV infected. When I broke that news to her, she dropped in her chair, buried her head in her hands, nearly collapsing onto the floor. In view of her state of mind, I told her that what they had said was not true. I tried to allay her fears but she being a medical professor and dealing with these cases on a regular basis and seeing patients dying of this disease, she was completely devastated. I told her of the request to have her test done as soon as possible. I told her that there was only one thing that would convince me that I had this disease and that was if her test came back positive. To be honest she did not buy my theory and did not believe me because I am only an entrepreneur, nothing more. She believed the doctors, honored their findings and of course respected their views too. Obviously being in the same profession, it was expected.
Couple of hours together alone, it was not too long when the doctor came back into my isolated room and asked to speak to my wife in private. Indeed they went outside to talk. I was left alone in my room once again. Now what for me, what do I have? My thoughts were speedily running around. After a short while, my wife came back in without the doctor, so we began engaging in the discussion on how to live with an HIV husband. I still tried my best to ally her fear, her worries, but this time around she was the one calming me down and urged me not to despair but to listen and all would be well.
In the next few days, I was taken out of isolation and readmitted with the other patients. Before I was moved over, I began taking the anti-retroviral drugs to my disapproval. These drugs caused me to hallucinate, have sleepless nights, depressed me, confused me and disoriented me. Night after night, I would call nurses in my room to help me out because my sleeping pattern was mesmerized. I would spend thirty minutes on the bare floor in the bathroom, thirty minutes on the bare floor in my room, another thirty minutes in the chair and finally thirty minutes in my bed. This routine was repeated over and over every night before dawn. At one time I even tried to sit on the window because I was totally confused. The next day when the doctor came to see me, I told him that they had made me sicker than I was before. They admitted that the medication is the cause and that I will be fine once I have settled down into the routine.
Next day, my doctor came over to let me know that a biopsy would be done to ascertain the damage to my kidneys. After which I will go on dialysis. I was on 3TC, AZT and Kaletra initially and two other drugs which later I was taken off. After the biopsy was conducted, they could not find any damage to the kidneys. They were in perfect form. So therefore, there was no need for a transplant. Good news. However, the dialysis would have to go ahead. I was in for that too. So in two weeks I was admitted and then discharged to start my dialysis program. This was another routine that knocked the hell out of me. But I had no choice. It took four hours for dialysis and up to 2-3 hours preparing and traveling time. So, I had a total of 6 to 7 hours a day for dialysis.
On the third week of my dialysis, my report was given to one for the doctors to review. The doctor categorically refused to look at my report because he concluded that I would be on dialysis for the rest of my life because of my HIV infection. Anyway I carried on with the dialysis alongside the anti-retroviral drugs that I was taking. On one occasion when I was an in-patient, I asked the doctor that gave me the news of this HIV infection, on how it's transmitted. His reply was that you can get HIV through unprotected sex with someone who is HIV infected, have blood transfusion with HIV infected blood, exchange needles with drug addicts who are HIV infected or from mother to child. To all of these categories, I told the doctor that I did not belong, so is there another undiscovered way by which this disease is contracted. He said "no." I said, "well then, I do not have HIV." But they ascertained that the virus was found in me and that it was causing me to be sick, especially my kidney. He said, "it is rather unfortunate that the virus is attacking my kidney. But once I keep taking the anti-retroviral drugs, they will be suppressed and not cause any harm to me, so I can continue living my normal life and do my daily things as I have been doing before." I accepted this version and with my wife constantly telling me to take my medications and that all will be well, I kind of accepted this to be my end game and just live with it. But meanwhile, my wife had a separate room from me. She now slept with her mother in the guest room. I slept with my other children in our room. Apparently, when my wife did her HIV test, the results were negative. It was a relief for me, because the thought of our children's future, if both parents are infected with HIV, how could we manage, who would look after our kids when we were gone? These thoughts were devastating to both of us but I was more devastated because I had been diagnosed with HIV.
My routine was now shifted to the HIV clinic which to me was demoralizing, every time I went to get my prescription and do more blood test. I was worried I might see someone whom I know working in that department. It would just kill my spirit. On one day, when I went there without my wife, my fear came to light. I saw someone that I knew for more than 20 years working as a nurse. I was shocked! I nearly fell down and felt buried alive. I said to myself what now - what now, this lady has seen me. What will she say? Thoughts began to flow through my mind. I was called in by my doctor, which took a bit of pressure from me. In his consultation room, I told him exactly how I felt about someone knowing my identity as an HIV patient. The same routine was carried out to allay my concerns and like a man would I consoled myself and prepared myself to face the music. Every time I went in for my prescription, I would be the same old person to her. We would talk and I would tell her to carry on her good work. She would advise me take my medication just like my wife advised. However everyday was different. I would walk into this special unit with the same negative perception that I did not have this HIV disease. What am I doing here?
In January 2008, I decided to go with my instinct. I stopped the medication abruptly. In two weeks I fell ill. I remember calling all my children together that night to bid them goodbye and that I had arrived at the end of my life. What a memorable way to go. The old symptoms came haunting me once more. I was confident that that night would be my last. My eldest son prayed for me, my other children prayed for me and the entire family began praying for me with tears rolling down their cheeks, they managed to pray for me fervently. My younger brother was summoned to witness the scene and pleaded with me to take my medication, even though he did not know what had been diagnosed. All they knew was that I had a kidney infection. Indeed, I succumbed and began taking my medication once again that night and an arrangement was made to see my doctors asap. I was feeling the awfulness again when I went back to my medication. At this point, I believed, for real, that I was HIV infected. But one question that still bothered me was how did I get HIV infected. That was my mystery.
In April 2008, I went to another clinic to do another HIV test, it came back positive, but the viral load was undetectable as compared to my original test were the viral load remain detectable at between 187-200. So I went in to my previous doctors and ask them to transfer my documents to this new clinic. I felt confident in this new clinic. However, some tests needed to be conducted again before my files would finally be released to the new clinic. So I carried on with the tests at the old clinic.
On the 29th July, I received an e-mail from a political ally titled "Cancer Angel" which you will remember. To my dismay, I questioned why this good friend would post something about medicine to me instead of political news. I ignored it for a while. Then one day I decided to open it and that is how I discovered you, Dr. Young. Many thanks to Allah for that. I read about the "Cancer Angel," it gave me an insight to what could be the cause of my disease. So I explored your site even more, read the blogs and testimonials, and so on. Finally, I typed in HIV healing in your blog at
Surprisingly, I found a lot of things that meant a lot to me. I could not believe what I was reading. So my research started and investigation upon investigation. After all that colossal deliberation, I found the answer to my HIV infection. I concluded that I was not infected, nor ever infected. So therefore, I was going to stop this medication, alkalize my body, detoxify my body and live a better life with no anti-retroviral drugs. Indeed I stopped. I summoned my wife and told her that truly, I was not infected with HIV. I said it is not a miracle that I have been healed as others would say. I said the disease was not there in the first place, so it cannot be a miracle. I said there's only one miracle - the discovery of Dr. Robert O. Young's website which has given me the cause to my illness in the first place. I said I was going to stop the HIV treatment and when I go in to the clinic, I would tell the doctors that I am going to stop. She was shocked for me to come up with this suggestion after having gone through a near death experience when I first attempted to get off the anti-retrovival drugs. What the heck was wrong with me, what about the kids, jobs, and so on, she pleaded with me to continue taking the pills, I said not me anymore. I am going with my instinct that I do not have this disease and surely I do not have it. I am not going back. I told her that the first time I stopped and got the symptoms back was because I did not detoxify my body of the acid in it.
On the 3rd August 2008, I went to see my doctors again as expected because that was the day when they were meant to transfer my documents to the new clinic. When I was called in to the doctor, I told him straight in his face that I had stopped the medications. This was not pleasing to hear so he summoned his consultant who came in to convince me to begin taking my medication. I said no no no, I am not going back. I have investigated and know exactly what happened to me. So therefore, I have concluded, no more anti-retroviral drugs in my system. I confessed that when I had an infection, it was not HIV, just an STD, my body produced antibodies to fight these foreign elements in my body. Secondly, due to depression from my marriage which made me suicidal, financial stress and the thought of loosing my children, it could only make matters worst for such an individual like myself. So my body began to produce toxins and the acidity level was higher than the alkalinity in my body. Consequently, I became ill. Yes, it is unfortunate that the acidity and toxic level in my system injured my kidney. So, if I can detoxify my system, I would be fine. I said, "this is what I am doing and I will not take one more anti-retroviral drug. Ever."
I asked if I had had protected sex with an HIV person, would I have it, they said no. This is just for argument sake. I am not a promiscuous person. After failing to convince me, they concluded that I may have had the disease in Africa. I said this is far fetched. I left Africa more than twenty years ago and had not been there since 2002. My wife doesn't have it, my ex-sexual partners do not have it, they are happily married with children. And besides even when I was growing up as a kid, I was never here and there with sexual matters. So what are the chances, zero. I said don't say it because I come from Africa. I told them that African women in Africa are not promiscuous, so to transmit this disease as the media plays it is questionable and if not nonsensical. I said, "I would not now allow them to implant in me what is not there. Make believe that I have this infection. I will not fall ill again once I read Dr. Young articles, I will work in accordance to his recommendations and live a better life."
Following my research, I came across other sites and read about patients like myself who had been false positively diagnosed with HIV but bear no symptoms of it. Yet we have been made to believe that we have the HIV disease. The experience I got from taking the anti-retroviral drugs was firstly, I began to loose my sense of smell, my sexuality and my libido was gone. Since my wife left my room, and the stigma I indiscreetly received from her in the guise of protection for our children's sake, I lost my self esteem in women. I am very scared to approach a woman for sex. The fear still lingers in me that I would not function as a man. The fear is kept alive in me when I went in for my regular dialysis visit.
I went to another clinic where I was told that I had become impotent and a prescription drug was ordered for me. To this I told the doctor again that I would not take it. On another occasion, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and a prescription drug ordered. I told the doctor that I would not take it.
I am very sorry to write this very long story about my situation but I wanted you to know more. Anyway, I have detoxified my body. There are no symptoms of HIV disease or kidney failure. I feel very normal! No side effects! None of that. My sense of smell is gradually returning and my libido is coming back. I have stopped all HIV treatments since July 2008 and feeling great1!
What more can I say, just to say I thank you very much for the information you keep posting on your sites. You have saved a life, you have made me whole again even though my wife has still not returned to my room yet. My wife wants further tests done which I will confidently go and do and will keep you posted about the result. I am very grateful. I also thank Allah for giving you the knowledge to continue your research.
If you want use this message on your site you're most welcome and if there's any question or query, I am prepared to answer.
You can contact Felix at:
I hope you will still keep me in on your mailing list because definitely, I will be making some alkaline water order from your site at:
Many thanks again,
On Sep 13 2008, Dr. Robert O. Young wrote:
Dear Felix,
The purpose of this email is to open your mind to the illusion of the germ theory that imprisons many us and to study the history of how this illusion was created.
One must challenge everything in the modern construct of
immunology and what is said to be the immune system. The basis of modern immunology is founded on Louis Pasteur, the fraud, impostor, deceiver and self promoter. There is a serious problem to where every word and part of the anatomy must be questioned to find their use and function because of the fraud of Louis Pasteur.
For example, the word influenza means influence. Originally, influenza was said to come from the stars or heavens. The Avian Influenza is an influenza of a bird influence. More specifically, it is an influence of bird waste. The bird consumption industry in Southeast Asia is overcrowded to the point that the chickens are consuming their own waste, producing an over-acidification of the birds and workers that must work in the acidic air and waste.
It could be more accurately called Acidic Bird or Chicken Excrement Influenza that is only contagious to those consuming acidic birds, like chicken or breathing chemically altered air from chicken excrement. Because chickens do not have a urinary tract system, like humans and animals they are more likely to absorb their own acidic urine into their tissues. I guess you could say that's what makes chicken flesh or turkey flesh taste so juicy and why chicken or turkey flesh should never be consumed by humans!
Here is a second example of Pasteurian scientific dogma. The word virus is originally Latin meaning poison, as in snake venom, (being too acidic). When a serious snake bite releases venom or acid into the skin and soft tissues, the small sweat vessels become so enlarged that red corpuscles can flow into the tiny seat glands, showing red skin patterns and allowing the venom or acids to escape through the skin. Acidity dissolves and enlarges blood vessels for the movement of acidic fluids or gases. Alkalinity constricts and normalizes the blood vessels.
The point being that viruses are molecular liquids or gases (venom) that can be created by chemical imbalances in humans, plants and animals (by malnutrition or toxic acidic food and/or drink consumption), also created in humans, plants and animal glands, sometimes used in defense (snake venom) or emergency (overactive adrenals), also can be crystallized in laboratories, rarely, if ever crystallized in vivo, and foolish to call viruses contagious when viruses are nothing more than acidic liquids or gases from biological transformation or rotting matter.
In snake bites, lifestyle choices and diets -- it is not the bite or food that kills it is the venom or acid from the bite or food that kills. Ultimately, it is in ones personal choice that gives life or takes life! Life and death is a consequence of choice!
My final example is in defining the truth about antibodies and antigens. Antibodies are chemical clusters or alkaline buffers to a typical acidic condition properly referred to as antigens or enzymes. So called antibodies are released from healthy organ cells, such as the liver, in response to buffer and neutralize the acidity or liquid acid antigen that was first introduced. It must be noted that the word, antibody and antigen, are a Pasteurian dogma construct. The mind set being that an antibody or now even antibiotics, are defending or responding to bodies, microbes or invisible bodies or what I call phantom viruses, like Avian, SARS, or even HIV -- even though HIV is not a virus but an alkaline antibody to buffer acid or antigens. The chemical response is actually due to an introduction, vector or antigen of a chemical nature, typically acidic, not a body, microbe or bacteria or yeast.
If bacteria, yeast, fungus or mold are transferred into another individual it must be made in a balanced liquid medium to support that fragile microbe or insignificant entity in order to survive. The main point here is that bacteria, yeast, fungus or mold do not cause sickness and disease (including cancer) as theorized by Pasteur and most recently suggested by Dr. Simoncini, an oncologist from Rome, Italy --- sickness and disease (including cancer and HIV) is a result of excess acidity or antigens that have not been properly buffered by antibodies or bases such as sodium bicarbonate. These fragile microforms or microbes are the expression of cellular transformation from once healthy human, plant or animal cells due to an over acidic environment. Sickness and disease can only be caused by an over acidification (abundance of antigens) of the fluids of the body due to our own personal lifestyle and dietary choices.
As you contemplate the cause of the flu, cold or any so-called infection, may I suggest that each of us take personal responsibility for the consequences of our choices, rather than blame a phantom Avian Influenza virus, cold virus, flu virus, cancer virus or some non-existent HIV virus. If you get sick, it is your own fault and not the cause of some phantom virus that you can blame to cover your own lifestyle and dietary transgressions. Save your money and save your life by making alkalizing and energizing lifestyle and dietary choices. This is where true immunity is found -- not in a vaccine or a drug which are all acidic and poisonous to the body but in living an alkaline lifestyle.
I love the words of Hippocrates when he said, 'Let your medicine be your food and your food be your medicine.'
In closing, I quote Abraham Lincoln who said ' . . . but you can't fool all the people, all of the time.'
Is it now time that we wake up from the fraud and deception of Louis Pasteur's medical science and break the chains that can prevent us from incredible outstanding good health, energy and a long a prosperous life free from all sickness and disease? It is now time for us to be truly free in all ways -- physically, emotionally and spiritually?
I believe with all my heart that the answers to all questions can be found and realized in understanding and choosing truth, light and life over deception, darkness and death. For the truth can and will always set us free, in all ways!
In love, light and life,
Dr. Robert O. Young
PS For more information on flu, viruses, and vaccines I refer you to our book, 'Sick and Tired: and the technical essay called, 'A Second Thought About Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis.' Go to:
PPS. To learn more about balancing the body through Alkalizing & Energizing, see our DVD's at:
Home »Unlabelled » HIV Does Not Kill But The Diagnosis and Drugs Will!
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