Obesity Is A Matter Of Choice

Posted by rangga on Wednesday, August 13, 2008

If the trends of the past three decades continue,
it's possible that every American adult could be
overweight 40 years from now, a government-funded
study projects.

The figure might sound alarming, or impossible,
but researchers say that even if the actual rate
never reaches the 100-percent mark, any upward
movement is worrying; two-thirds of the population
is already overweight - or should we say over-acid.

"Genetically and physiologically, it should be
impossible" for all U.S. adults to become overweight,
said Dr. Lan Liang of the federal government's Agency
for Healthcare Research and Quality, one of the
researchers on the study.

However, the data suggest that if the trends of the
past 30 years persist, "that is the direction we're

Already, she and her colleagues point out, some
groups of U.S. adults have extremely high rates
of overweight and obesity; among African-American
women, for instance, 78 percent are currently
overweight or obese.


"The answer is very simple - look at the lifestyle
and diet of African-American women and you will
have your answer. It is highly acidic," states
Dr. Robert O. Young, of the pH Miracle Living
Center, in Valley Center, California.

The new projections, published in the journal
Obesity, are based on government survey data
collected between the 1970s and 2004.

If the trends of those years continue, the
researchers estimate that 86 percent of American
adults will be overweight by 2030, with an obesity
rate of 51 percent. By 2048, all U.S. adults could
be at least mildly overweight or over-acid.

Weight problems will be most acute among
African-Americans and Mexican- Americans, the
study projects. All black women could be overweight
by 2034, according to the researchers, as could
more than 90 percent of Mexican-American men.

All of this rests on the "big assumption" that the
trends of recent decades will march on unabated,
Liang acknowledged.

"This is really intended as a wake-up call to show
what could happen if nothing changes," she said.

According to Dr. Young, "over-weight and obesity is
a consequence of lifestyle and dietary choice. When
the body is unable to remove its own dietary and
metabolic acids or waste products they are moved
away from the organs that sustain life and parked
in the fatty tissues. This leads not only to
obesity but to diabetes, hypertension,
hypercholesterol, and many cancerous conditions."

"The key to your healthy ideal weight free from
all sickness and dis-ease is to maintain the
alkaline design of the body through an alkaline
lifestyle and diet," states Dr. Young.


Obesity, online July 24, 2008
The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, 2005

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