Hope Arrived In A Book

Posted by rangga on Thursday, August 28, 2008

When I was age 35, I had my first mammogram
which was normal. When I was 42, I felt a lump in
my left breast. The subsequent mammogram, ultrasound
and needle biopsy proved I had a tumor. Two tumors
in fact, and also two cancerous lymph nodes. The
experience was surreal. I am of Japanese descent.
I am a size 34A. With hardly much breast to speak
of, I did not think I could even get breast cancer.

One of the first things I did was ask the
Associate Pastor of my church to pray for my
healing and to annoint me with oil. He graciously
did this for me and counseled me to repent of the
sin in my life and to feed on the Bible, the Word
of God. We agreed that we make the best choices we
can, but God provides the healing.

My mom had passed from colon cancer when she
was 50. She had elected to have surgery and no
chemotherapy or radiation, so I thought I may as
well go through with the chemo, since that's what
my team of ob/gyn, oncologist, surgeon and
radiologist recommended. I viewed a DVD by Lorraine
Day, MD, of how she cured her cancer by juicing
instead of chemo and radiation, but lacked faith to
try natural healing first. I was told that if I
did not accept the surgery, my tumor would grow to
the size of a baseball, protruding from my chest
and be foul smelling. My doctor humbly said he
believed God gave him the knowledge to treat
cancer. My doctors are very well-read and
compassionate. Their patients believe they are
receiving the best care possible.

So, I had the chemo first. My sister stayed by
my side. Even the physician assistant confessed
that chemo is poisoning oneself. I was told that
my tumors did not shrink. My tumors were estrogen
positive. I had previously taken birth control
pills and had my tubes tied. I was told these did
not contribute to excess estrogen or cancer. The
chemo cause me to become menopausal. I was also
prescribed Tamoxifen.

My immediate and Christian church families
and co-workers were very supportive during my
treatment. I will forever be thankful to them.

My family wanted me to live as normally as
possible. I even continued to take Taekwondo after
I lost my hair, but became fatigued.

Surgery was scary, but again I was surrounded
by professionalism and compassion. My sister faithfully
spent two nights in the hospital and cheering me on,
saying she was proud of me for walking immediately
after my mastectomy.

By radiation, I told myself the worst was
behind me. However, my blood cell counts fluctuated
throughout treatment. When my white cell counts
were low, I avoided crowds to avoid infection.
I told a fellow patient that someone had sarcastically
told me, when I was doing radiation I guess the world
just stops revolving. He kindly responded, when you
are the one receiving the radiation, it does.
Emotionally, I wanted to hang on to normalcy, but
sometimes felt it was slipping through my hands. I
would read about cancer recurrence and lymph edema
and get scared. Everyone wants you to fight cancer
the way Lance Armstrong did, but I am a peacemaker,
not a fighter. I was looking for peace. Peace with
God, peace with my family, peace with the outcomes
of my cancer, peace with the future. What I needed
was peace, faith, and hope.

Next, comes the happy part of my story...My
husband and sister are avid readers. On my home
bookshelf, my husband had bought The pH Miracle by
Dr. Robert and Shelley Young. Thus, hope came to me
in the form of a book. It all made perfect sense to
me. In fact, of the hundred books I've skimmed
regarding cancer and health, it is the only book
that logically presented the theory of the biochemical
cause and prevention of cancer. It does not surprise
me that the Cancer Angel author Kim healed herself
of cancer. There are hundreds of others like her,
as well.

How could one simple book turn me from anxious
to hopeful? I am no longer waiting for the other
shoe to drop. I am not waiting for cancer recurrence.
As Dr Young would say, genetics is the loaded gun,
but lifestyle is the trigger. His 25 years of research
have even revealed specifically which alkaline foods
to eat and drink to optimize one's cellular environment
for optimal health. It is simple. Anyone can do it.
And you can monitor your daily progress with an
inexpensive pH strip. Genius. It is the most important
science a person could ever know. Can I control my
lifestyle? Of course. And so can you.

So thanks to Dr. Robert and Shelley Young, I
have hope and faith. Dr. Young says that faith is the
"First Attribute In Thinking Healthy."

If angels are messengers of God, Dr. Robert and
Shelley Young are two of them.

I am fully recovered now. I went on to earn my
Black Belt. I indoor rock climb with my 10-year old
daughter. I am blessed to have love in my family.
I finally found work that enables me to balance my
time. My manager says I am doing a wonderful job.
My husband is a role model of self-discipline. He
eats alkaline and works out daily. I believe he
will live to be 100. I am still learning to apply
what I know about nutrition, exercise, and hopeful
thinking. Dr Young says you can live weeks without
food, days without water, but only seconds without
hope. Have hope my friend. Hope in your recovery.
Hope in your future. Hope for a healthier world.

Lisa Woodard
Cary, NC

PS To learn more about the science of Dr. Robert and
Shelley Young read the following books:

The pH Miracle
The pH Miracle for Diabetes
The pH Miracle for Weight Loss
Sick and Tired
Back to the House of Health I
Back to the House of Health II
The pH Miracle for Cancer CD's


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