Harvested from the sea or wrested from the earth,salt would appear to be one of the humblest commodities.Yet the sodium it contains is a life-sustaining element.Sodium chloride is essential in the nutrition andphysiological processes of all animals including [...]
Home » Archives for August 2008
Walking The Path Of Life - Hold On To The Staff Of Life
Posted by rangga on Saturday, August 30, 2008
The following email is from Lisa Woodard sharingher thoughts on how to live an alkaline lifestyleand diet.Regards,Dr. Robert O. YoungDear Alkalarian Friends,It's not that it's hard to eat alkaline. It's thatnot many people do. Now is not the time to [...]
Posted by rangga

QUE ES EL PLEOMORFISMO Y LA NUEVA BIOLOGIAAUTOR: Federico Ituarte, Microscopista Asociado de la Nueva Biología del Dr.Robert O. Young ©La teoría de Günther Enderlein dice que la base de toda enfermedad se deriva del pleomorfísmo, [...]
Quien financiò "el trabajo" de Pasteur?
Posted by rangga

Pintura de la Emperatriz "Eugenia de Montijo" por Francisco_Javier_WinterhalterLa Familia Real del Segundo Imperio Frances, estaba formada por "Napoleon III" quien contrajo nupcias con la entonces Condesa de Teba, quien [...]
¿ Que es Mundo Alkalina?
Posted by rangga

Fotografia Cortesia de Dr. Robert O. Young http://www.phmiracleliving.com/"Mundo Alkalina" Es un ESTILO DE VIDA OPUESTO a lo que estas haciendo, Comiendo, Bebiendo y Pensando. Es una Realidad Diferente, Un Paradigma [...]
Posted by rangga

"No es por los gérmenes que debemos de preocuparnos. Si no de nuestro terreno interno"~ Louis Pasteur-Balance de ácido y alcalino.El exceso de ácido es una condición que debilita todos los sistemas de nuestro cuerpo. El [...]
Que Es Realmente El Cancer
Posted by rangga

Ultimamente reconocidas personalidades, tanto de esta localidad, como de nuestro pais y a nivel mundial han muerto por causa de una de las tres mas terribles asesinos como es "el cancer", y cada vez se incrementara mas y [...]
Curacion Holistica por Mandy Burgeos y Joe Duty
Posted by rangga
La primera parte de dosCuracion Holistica por Mandy Burgeois y Joe Duty.En la búsqueda de un tratamiento alternativo para el cáncer de mama en fase terminal, Kim Tinkham optó por dejar que su cuerpo y su alma hagan el trabajo.Ella aún puede sentir el [...]
How Can I Shout Out Loud!
Posted by rangga on Friday, August 29, 2008
The following is an unsolicited testimony ofVered Bar from Hafia, Israel, on the efficacyof Dr. Robert and Shelley Young's pH MiracleLifestyle and Diet.---------------------------------------------Thank you for your interest in my progress. Well Iam [...]
Using Epsom Salts For Detoxing Body Acidity
Posted by rangga
Giving an infusion of magnesium sulfate or EpsomSalts just before delivery to pregnantwomen who were at high risk for preterm birth, cutthe rate of cerebral palsy in the children born byhalf, a new study found.“This is one of the most promising breakthroughs [...]
Every Year Systemic Acidosis or Sepsis Kills 250,000 Americans
Posted by rangga on Thursday, August 28, 2008
Sepsis is the number one cause of death in IntensiveCare Units.Why? Because, when someone is sick or injured andnothing is done to buffer or neutralize excess dietary,metabolic or cellular degenerative acids, you die fromsystemic acidosis.Most people [...]
The Hidden Book
Posted by rangga
I am sitting here at Starbucks typing away on mylittle Neo realizing how wonderful life is right now.I am placing the finishing touches on my book and Ihave a long list of people already interested inpurchasing it the minute it comes out. I am healthyand [...]