Plagued by a stubborn roll of belly fat that just
won't disappear no matter how hard you diet?
Worn down by the daily grind of life, but your
doctor only issues the standard "eat less,
exercise more, and get more sleep" advice?
Maybe you need to take a long hard look at the
pH Miracle Living Lifestyle and Diet Plan.
It's not really a diet at all in the usual sense,
but more of a change in the types of foods eaten.
The idea behind it is to eliminate foods high in
acid like animal protein and dairy, and metabolic
acids like lactic acid, estrogen and testosterone
which causes the body to retain fat to buffer those
dietary and metabolic acids.
Today scientists are concerned about the acidic
effects of the acid estrogen (an acidic waste
product from glandular function) on the health and
well-being of the body.
"Estrogen dominance is believed to be responsible
for age-related weight gain and metabolic disorders
in both men and women," Hofmekler says. In addition,
he says estrogen dominance has put the human race in
deadly danger.
As a species, Hofmekler says, we're on the fast track
to extinction. In the past 50 years, sperm counts in
men have dropped 50 percent, while the average man's
testosterone and sperm count has plummeted 20 percent
in just the last 20 years.
Women are no better off, Hofmekler says, citing
figures showing that one-third of women who are now
between 35 and 60 years old will develop breast cancer.
"If the human species were an animal, zoologists would
look at us and say, ‘This species is about to become
extinct. Something is seriously wrong. Let's see what
can be done.'"
The health crisis facing humans is obvious in high
rates of cardiovascular disease, arthritis, diabetes,
and obesity. Indeed, one recent study found that by
2015 — less than a decade away — 75 percent of Americans
will be overweight.
The main reason, says Hofmekler, is too much estrogen.
If you think you can't possibly be eating foods loaded
with estrogens, think again. "Most conventional food
is estrogenic." Meat and dairy products are laced with
acidic hormones, and vegetables and fruits are drenched
in pesticides. Once inside the body, all mimic estrogen,
the female hormone that causes estrogen disorders,
including breast cancer in women. It virtually castrates
Synthetic acid forms, called xenoestrogens, are
industrial derivatives and are found in the air,
cleaning products, lotions and shampoos, water,
and foods. Natural estrogens, called phytoestrogens,
occur naturally in common foods, herbs, and extracts.
When the two are combined in the human body, as they
are in today's modern society, they overwhelm the
Dr. Russell Blaylock, noted neurosurgeon and author of
"The Blaylock Report," agrees. "Hofmekler is absolutely
correct when he says that all of us are being exposed to
large amounts of estrogenic compounds which are wrecking
havoc with our hormone levels," he said. "Studies show
that xenoestrogens from plastics appear to cause
premature menses in young girls. Soy isoflavones
appear to increase aggressiveness and heighten
antisocial behavior in monkeys and appear to feminize
male animals.
"As he points out, obesity also raises estrogen levels.
I think the dramatic increase in benign breast disease
(fibrocystic disease) as well as some breast cancers,
is the result of too much estrogen.
Although the foods we eat have changed — from seeds,
nuts, beans, fish, and fruits to heavily processed
foods filled with acidic additives — our bodies have
"We have never adapted to such a surplus of estrogen
in our food, so we're slowly eating ourselves into
extinction. "That's the bad news," says Hofmekler.
"The good news is that man has an amazing survival
mechanisms that have helped him survive incredibly
hard conditions such as famine, plague, and moving
from one area of the world to another. "But our
survival mechanisms are not being triggered today
because we live in a world that is totally different
from the rugged world our bodies are adapted to.
Instead, they remain dormant."
The key to triggering your body's survival mechanisms
is to adopt an anti-estrogenic diet or The pH Miracle
Living Lifestyle and Diet. This is not an ordinary diet.
Most diets are restrictive and don't offer real solutions
because they don't take the effects of estrogenic foods
into account. In addition, many diet products contain
processed soy and other estrogen-promoting ingredients
that leave our bodies bloated and sick.
The pH Miracle Living Lifestyle and Diet is simple and
delicious. It has three main points:
* Eat down on the food chain. Eat foods that are
more in tune with our genetic makeup such as alkaline
fruits, vegetables, sprouts, roots, long-chain
poly-unsaturated fat, nut milks and sprouted seeds.
* Minimize foods treated with chemicals. Eat as
much organic food as possible, and avoid synthetic
* Supplement your diet with nutrients that support
the alkaline design of the body. The flavones chrysin,
apigenine, quercetin, and narigenin all inhibit acids,
the indoles: indole 3 carbinol, diindolymethane (DIM),
and indole 3 acetate, as well as the peptides including
the most powerful of all glutathione.
The pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet consists of a
twelve-week jump start program. The two to four weeks
is a skin, bowel, liver, kidney and lung detoxification
program that will cleanse the skin, bowel, liver,
kidney and lung and enhance their functioning to
create an alkaline environment that will allow your
body to efficiently eliminate dietary and metabolic
acids. This will equate into more energy!
The pH Miracle Living Lifestyle and Diet relies on
fresh alkaline green fruits and vegetables (heavy on
crucifers such as broccoli), and prepares the body to
switch from fuel based on carbohydrates, fats and
proteins to fuel based on the electrons or electrical
potential of foods. "Most people can tell a difference
in three days," says Robert O. Young, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Far from being a calorie-curbing, austere diet, the pH
Miracle Lifestyle and Diet offers possibilities for a
variety of delicious foods that probably include your
favorite dishes — with a few substitutions. For example,
substituting butter with organic cold-pressed olive
oil or hemp oil changes an ingredient from estrogenic
or acidic to anti-estrogenic or anti-acidic. And
regardless of your ethnic background, anti-acidic foods
fit right in. "Generally, any ethnic recipe based on
fresh vegetables or cooked crucifiers is anti-acidic
and anti-estrogenic," says Young, whose website, or,
provides more information on the pH Miracle Living
Lifestyle and Diet.
Be patient, says Young, and even the most acidic fat,
including acid-estrogen-sensitive belly fat, will
eventually melt away.
For more information of The pH Miracle Living Lifestyle
and Diet Plan, read The pH Miracle for Weight Loss.
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