A pH Miracle Life - A Heart-Warming Story

Posted by rangga on Saturday, August 25, 2007

This email was recently sent to me by one of the
moderator's of the yahoo group known as Alkalinize
For Health. I think you will find it very

Feel free to send this on to your friends and
loved ones. It is stories like this that cause
people to stop and think seriously about the
control that they can exercise over their health
for the rest of their lives.

Can you imagine by simply eating in such a way as
to control the acid-alkaline balance of your life
that you might never have to visit a doctor again?

You can become your own doctor while your food
becomes your medicine and your medicine becomes
your food - as long as it is alkaline food.

Here is Nikki's story:

"Hi, my name is Nikki and I live in the small town
of Ponchatoula, Louisiana. I just read a book on
alkalizing for health and was amazed. I'd had a
single non-stop headache for the last 11 weeks.
I've been CAT scanned, ultrasounded, and blood tested
by my physician with no explanation for my headache.
His answer was "it's post traumatic stress" since I'm
a Katrina survivor who moved here after a year of
being evacuated to Jackson, Ms.

"While that might be entirely true, I couldn't help
but think that two years after Katrina, I shouldn't
be having symptoms now. So I started reading and
found the alkaline solution.

"Now after only 5 days of eating a high alkaline
vegetarian diet and removing all acidic chemical
toxins possible in my life, the headache is

"Equally amazing is that after 10 years as an insomniac,
I slept 7 hours each night for the last two nights.

"Incredible. No doctor could ever give me a pill that
would work as well as just getting the acid and chemicals
out of my life. Now I've got my parents testing and
starting too. Dad's putting in an organic garden.
All in less than a week.

"Yea, Alkaline Life

Nikki "

You can also read many heart-warming testimonials and
valuable information at:

www.phmiracleliving.com and

In Love and Healing Light,

Robert O. Young, Ph.D., D.Sc.

PS Become part of our alkaline community at:


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