More than 60 million Americans experience heartburnat least once a month and some studies suggest morethan 15 million Americans experience heartburn symptomseach day.Are you one of them?How severe is your heartburn?What are the chances that it is something [...]
Home » Archives for August 2007
Do You Have GERD? Take The Test
Posted by rangga on Friday, August 31, 2007
More about → Do You Have GERD? Take The Test
Shelley's Recipe of the Week - Red Potato Salad
Posted by rangga
I hope you enjoy the recipe of the weekcontributed by Lois Frederick.-------------------------------------------------Freddies Crunchy Red Potato Salad5 or 6 small size new or red potatoes1 stalk celery1 carrot1/2 English cucumber1/2 green pepper1/4" [...]
Dark Fruits and Veggies Combat a Cancerous Colon
Posted by rangga
Dark-colored vegetables and fruits may help defendagainst a cancerous colon, new research shows.Experiments on human cells that are cancerous and onrats lead scientists to believe that anthocyanins, whichare the substances that give fruits and vegetables [...]
The Wooden Bowl
Posted by rangga
A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and four-year old grandson.The old man's hands trembled, his eyesight was blurred, and his step faltered. The family ate together at the table.But the elderly grandfather's shaky hands and failing [...]
Flaxseed May Reduce Hot Flashes
Posted by rangga
Data from a new Mayo Clinic ( suggest that dietary therapy using flaxseed candecrease hot flashes in postmenopausal women who donot take estrogen. The findings from the pilot studyare published in the summer 2007 issue of the [...]
25 Things That Happen With Aging and What You Can Do About Them
Posted by rangga
The following is a selection, from a long list, of things that happen to us as we age. The good news is there are things we can do to slow down, and in some instances even stop or reverse, these particular aging processes.1. Lean Muscle Mass decrease [...]
Link Found Between Depression, Mold and Dis-Ease
Posted by rangga
A groundbreaking public health study has founda connection between damp, moldy homes and depression.The study, led by Brown University epidemiologistEdmond Shenassa, is the largest investigation of anassociation between mold and mood and is the firstsuch [...]
No More Chronic Hives - A Personal Testimony
Posted by rangga
The following is a personal testimony of Franwho over-came chronic hives by following thepH Miracle Living Lifestyle and Dietary Plan.----------------------------------------------Dear Dr. Young,Please excuse my interruption in your day but Imust tell [...]
HIV/AIDS A Thing of the Past!
Posted by rangga
Special Reminder: "Crazy, Sexy Cancer" will beshown on Wednesday, August 29th, at 6 Pacific Timeand 9 Eastern Time on the Learning Channel. Dr. Robert O. Young is part of this story of a youngwoman fighting cancer.----------------------------------------------------As [...]
An Email From An Alkalizing and Energizing Medical Doctor
Posted by rangga on Tuesday, August 28, 2007
One of my Microscopists, Rosalyn, recently wroteme and said:Dear Dr. Young.Conrad, a physician, has been my friend and clientfor a few months now. He has some comments to makeabout The New Biology which you can read below. Would you please go over Dr. [...]
Water Quality and pH Miracle Ionizers
Posted by rangga on Saturday, August 25, 2007
Most people think water is just plain old H2O and isthe same regardless of where it comes from - whethera bottle the tap or a well. The truth is waterquality varies widely throughout the US.The variation depends on many factors. There are twobasic causes [...]