New Study Indicates Lowering Cholesterol Can Increase Your Risk For Cancer

Posted by rangga on Monday, July 23, 2007

Millions of Americans take statins to lower
their cholesterol, but how low should you go?

Many scientific studies support the benefits
of lowering low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol,
and achieving low LDL cholesterol levels is one
of the steps suggested by medical savants in preventing
heart disease.

New research, however, provides evidence for an
association between low LDL levels and cancer risk.

Why? The answer is simple.

"The body releases LDL's to buffer dietary and
metabolic acids. When you lower LDL's you leave
the acid that causes cancer," states Dr. Robert
O. Young.

The authors of the study, published in the
July 31, 2007, issue of the Journal of the
American College of Cardiology (JACC), set out
to understand how and why statins cause side
effects, particularly damage to the liver and
muscle cells.

Why do statin drugs cause side effects and even
higher risk for cancer?

"Because statin drugs are acidic and can breakdown
and damage the liver and muscle cells, like an
acidic meat tenderizer," states Dr. Robert O.

The study findings support taking multiple
medications rather than high-dose statins to
minimize those side effects. The researchers
did not expect to find the increased cancer risk
(one additional incident per 1,000 patients)
from low LDL levels, and additional studies have
already begun to investigate this potential risk
further. A key component in future studies will
be to confirm the risk and to identify whether
the risk may be a side effect of statins or just
low LDL.

"Lower LDL's is not prudent because the body
releases LDL's to buffer acid and helps in
protecting the delicate pH of the body fluids.

To lower LDL's is to set the stage for acidic or
cancerous organs.

The release of LDL's by the liver is in direct
response to latent tissue acidosis. The problem
here is that current medical savants perceive that
LDL's are bad and they are not. LDL's are
protective and saving the life of an acidic person.
It is acid that is bad.

To use statin drugs to reduce LDL's is
akin to throwing kerosene on a already burning
fire. So, to make myself perfectly clear I will
simply state the truth - LDL's good - Acid bad,"
states Dr. Robert O. Young.

Current medical researchers found one additional
incident of cancer per 1,000 patients with low LDL
levels when compared to patients with higher LDL
levels. In their evaluation of randomized controlled
statin trials published before November 2005, the
researchers looked at 13 treatment arms consisting
of 41,173 patients.

“This analysis doesn’t implicate the statin in
increasing the risk of cancer,” said lead author
Richard H. Karas, M.D., F.A.C.C., professor of
medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine.

“The demonstrated benefits of statins in lowering
the risk of heart disease remain clear; however,
certain aspects of lowering LDL with statins remain
controversial and merit further research.”

Researchers assessed absolute change and percentage
of change in LDL reduction and the resulting achieved
LDL levels in relation to rates of newly diagnosed
cancer in each treatment arm. They also looked at
the relationship between low, intermediate and high
doses of statins and rates of newly diagnosed cancer.

Although they did not find a relationship between
percent of change and absolute change in LDL levels,
they observed higher rates of newly diagnosed cancer
among patients with lower achieved LDL levels.


"Without sufficient release of LDL's to buffer
dietary and metabolic acids your risk factor for
cancer will go up. You can count on it," states
Dr. Robert O. Young

In addition, the new cancers were not of any specific
type or location.


"Because acids always settle in the weakest parts of
the body and especially in the connective tissue, skin,
breasts and brain," states Dr. Young.

Recent data from large-scale statin trials have shown
that more intensive LDL lowering can provide
significant cardiovascular benefits to higher-risk
patients. In response to these findings, recent
national guidelines have advocated for lower LDL
goals and higher doses of statins to reach them.

However, informal observations linking intensive LDL
lowering and higher incidence of reported health
problems, including liver and muscle toxicity and
cancer, has introduced some concern over the safety
of such treatments.

"The concerns are warranted because statin drugs may
be breaking down plaque in the arteries, like Draino,
but it is setting the stage for a heart attack, stroke
and cancer. What we should be lowering is the intake
of dietary acid from meat, cheese, and high sugar
fruits and then the LDL's will lower naturally. It
is very simple to understand what is going on here -
lower acid in the body equals lower LDL's and lower
risk for heart attack, stroke and cancer," states Dr.
Robert O. Young.

These concerns in part prompted the study on statin
drugs and higher LDL's. However, the current findings
are not definitive, as limitations of the study show.

"I will share with you what is definitive, acid equals
sickness and disease and alkalinity equals energy and
health," states Dr. Robert O. Young.

"Researchers performed their analysis from summary
data taken directly from published manuscripts of
each trial. An analysis based on data for each
individual patient would have yielded more specific
and potentially more compelling results," said
Dr. Karas.

“These current findings provide insufficient evidence
that there is any problem with LDL lowering that
outweighs its significant benefits on vascular
disease,” said John C. La Rosa, M.D., who wrote an
accompanying editorial in the July 31 issue of JACC.

However, “we must continue to be vigilant in ensuring
that its benefit clearly outweighs its risk.”

"This study is another testament that lowering
cholesterol with statin drugs can be hazardous
to your health. Those who have high LDL's should
be thanking GOD that these lipo proteins are
saving their acidic body's.

High LDL's indicates high acidity.

You can simply lower your acidity by changing
your lifestyle and diet and thus immediately lower
your LDL's by living and eating alkaline through our
pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet.

Of course, that would mean you would have to give
up your alcohol, coffee, tea, cigarettes, meat,
dairy, grains and high sugar fruits and start eating
green foods, green drinks, healthy oils, mineral salts
and the right kind of alkaline water.

But health and disease is a choice.

For me the choice is simple. Do I want to do heart
disease and cancer or do I want to do health, energy
and vitality. For me I choose health, energy and
vitality by living and eating alkaline," states
Dr. Robert O. Young.

Although the cancer risk was surprising, the
researchers primarily sought to determine how and
why statins cause side effects, particularly damage
to the liver and muscle cells. For this portion
of the study, researchers analyzed 23 statin
treatment arms that included 75,317 patients with
a combined 309,506 years of follow up. A link between
LDL lowering and liver or muscle irritation was not


"Because LDL's are released in the blood to buffer
dietary and metabolic acid. You cannot have pain or
degeneration of any cell or tissue without acid,"
states Dr. Robert O. Young.

However, liver toxicity levels increased with higher
statin dosage.


"Because statin drugs are acidic," states Dr.
Robert O. Young.

Based on their findings, the researchers concluded
that moderate-dose therapy with multiple medications
including statins may prove to be preferable to
high-dose therapy with statins alone. Dr. Karas
emphasized that patients are advised to continue
their statin treatments and, as always, consult
their doctor before discontinuing use of any

“While these results raise important new questions
about statin use, they do not demonstrate a causal
relationship between statins and cancer,” said James
Dove, M.D., F.A.C.C., president of the American College
of Cardiology. “This study is hypothesis-generating,
not hypothesis-proving.”

"I believe I have a better way that will change
lives and save lives without taking drugs, it is
called the pH Miracle Living Plan," states
Dr. Robert O. Young.

To learn more about pH Miracle Living go to:

or read Dr. Young's latest books:

The pH Miracle
The pH Miracle for Diabetes
The pH Miracle for Weight Loss

or listen to his CD's:

The pH Miracle for Cancer
The pH Miracle for Men and Women
The pH Miracle for Healthy Weight Loss

or watch his DVD's:

The pH Miracle
Dr. Young Lectures at Harvard University
Back to the House of Health
Shopping with Shelley I and II

Copyright © 2007 by Robert O. Young, Ph.D.

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