Health Freedom Is Headed Toward It's Rightful Place In The Sun

Posted by rangga on Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Here is how you can help the forward progress of
health freedom, your loved ones, and the pH Miracle
mission all at the same time!

Several months ago, I asked for your help in writing
a pH Miracle brochure to be given away at Farmer’s
Market and wherever locally grown vegetables are sold.
The response was heart-warming. Many of you have asked
that we send you a brochure to give to a friend, neighbor
or family member. The brochure explains the basic pH
issues and encourages people to read The pH Miracle

Happily, we have sent out quite a few brochures and
plan to continue doing so. Although we would really
love to send out a free color brochure to nearly
everyone in the country, we would surely need your
help to do that. We do plan to continue including
a free color brochure in every order or other
communications that we send out.

If, however, when you place an order, and if you ask
us to send out more than one brochure, we will do
so because of the mission of which I am about to

In fact, we will send up to 10 brochures at no cost.
We just want you to promise to help us in the important
mission which I will explain below. You only have to tell
us that you’ll do your best to get this information into
the right hands—those who will benefit the most
from understanding the critical nature of the quality of
food and pH balancing.

Health and health freedom is not only a serious goal,
it has become “serious business.” There are far too
many narrow-minded and self-serving entities who would
like to take away that freedom. There is nothing more
important to our happiness and spiritual well-being
than a healthy body. Physical health is paramount in
this world. Divine Providence has given us an amazing
vessel to cross the ocean of lifelong challenges as we
try to navigate towards a safe, rewarding and peaceful
harbor. But we must keep our bodily vessel in good shape.
The presence of physical health means more happiness,
less fear and worry, less poverty and economic hardships,
and ultimately, less war among fellow travelers.

Recently, several hundred thousand U.S. citizens
contacted legislators to tell them that they did not
want their free choice and their constitutional rights
negated when deciding which nutritional supplements
they might choose for themselves and their families.
This was during the flurry of activity around Senate
bill S.1082 a month or so ago. I know that some of you
were among those to speak out, and I thank you for that.

There are now dozens of prominent “health freedom” and
“right to choose” advocacy groups, natural food
proponents, organic food advocates, and various
consumer activist groups and leaders who are taking
an increasingly active and vociferous stance when
these legal and legislative issues surface or whenever
we see that our freedom of choice is being threatened.

Although it is clear that not all freedom of health
choice advocates understand the importance of pH
balancing and how the body actually works, we appear
to be making good progress in that area, too. I
say this because everywhere I turn it seems that
somebody else is quoting my research, borrowing
ideas, and using information from my articles and
the many books which Shelley and I have published.

When it comes to highly visible activism, probably
the most visible among these is our “frantic friend
of infomercial fame.” Kevin Trudeau has written a
series of books with the theme of “all the stuff they
don’t want you to know about.” Part service, part
hype, and part sensationalism, he has pretty much
taken on the AMA, the FDA, the NCI, the NIH, Big
Pharma and the like. Of course, he has made a small
fortune in so doing. Surely you have seen him on
cable TV by now.

Interestingly, Mr. TV Trudeau has slimmed down using
his “secret magic formula” in his latest book about
losing weight. Of course you have to buy the book to
find out how he shed 40 pounds! I will have more to
say on that in the weeks ahead. You and I, by now,
know that the way you lose weight is no longer a secret
to those who follow the science of New Biology, receive
our free newsletters, or have visited our websites.
It’s easy. You simply exercise, be reasonable about
your caloric intake, and above all, avoid acidic food.
When you stop taking acid into your body, your body
burns up the acid stored. Much of that acid, of
course, is stored in the fat cells.

You can read all about it in The pH Miracle for Weight
Loss that Shelley and I wrote a year or so ago,
subscribe to our newsletters, or read the articles
at If you quote
me, please use accepted attribution and annotation

I assume a great deal of Mr. Trudeau’s considerable
income must be spent on lawyer’s fees defending himself
from all the private and public companies who would
like to keep him quiet. Then there are all the
government agencies that he bullies and more or
less insults, apparently, with some degree of

While it is true that I do not care for his
supposedly “free” book offers in which the profit
is hidden in the pricey shipping fees, neither do
I like his long telephone commercials, nor would I
like the hassle of doing business with that
organization from what I have been reading.
Nonetheless, and I say this in all candor, I
admit that I admire him for taking on
“city hall.”

But I am not pointing out the exploits of this
interesting television salesman because of the
way he and others operate his business. Rather,
I want us to step back and see what people like
him and others appear to be causing as America
is becoming an increasingly intelligent nation
of health-care information, products and

Lawmakers are also more aware that citizens,
especially because of the two-way flow of the
Internet, are standing up for their rights
more and more often. And no right is more
precious to us than our health freedom.
My guess is that lawmakers, knowing the
increased presence of an informed citizenry,
will become more and more cautious as they
contemplate health legislation. Far too many
laws and agency regulations have, incidentally
of course, helped to fund campaign coffers
while insulting the average American citizen’s
intelligence. I have mentioned before that
“60 Minutes” earlier this year exposed the
practice of many Congresspersons who vote for
legislation favorable to the pharmaceutical
industry and then go to work for them.

Yet, who has more money? Is it you and I or
the major pharmaceutical corporations across
the country and the world?

Money talks. Money is powerful. As they say,
the rich get richer and the poor get children.
And that is precisely why health freedom is so
important. It is almost impossible to raise a
physically healthy child in America because of
the multiple powerful strangleholds including
our medical system that forces inoculations on
children, the gigantic pharmaceutical industry
spewing out billions of acidic doses of “medicine”
every year, the sugar dominated food industry
and its many contributions to obesity and
ill-health, and the agricultural industry with
their head in the soil while pretending not to
know that their food offerings lack purity and
significant nutritional value.

Health Freedom is Heading Toward It’s Rightful
Place in the Sun

Incidentally, that would be the “sun” that you
and I need….the sun that helps to heal you….the
sun that feeds you Vitamin D….the sun that will
not give you cancer if your body is properly
alkaline as it was always meant to be…and the
sun whose gift of energy is vastly misunderstood
by most people partly due to the well-orchestrated
fear campaign during the past 20 years.

We can win this struggle, and you can help.
That’s one of the reasons I’m so willing to send
you extra pH Miracle brochures with your orders
if you will get them to those you care the
most about.

I think that the pharmaceutical companies are
losing the battle, and maybe the meat and dairy
industry to boot.

About ten years ago we started seeing the
“Beef, It’s What’s for Dinner” TV and radio
campaign with the familiar cowboy voice of
Sam Elliot set to the background of Aaron
Copeland’s “Rodeo” music. And so I ask you.
Since when did the beef industry have to begin
selling hot-dogs, beef-burgers and steak to
a meat-hungry America?

Since America began to “wise up,” that’s when.

Red meat, for sure, has been under continuous
and well-deserved attack for at least two decades.
I can’t tell you how depressing and heart-wrenching
it is to drive through Texas and Arizona and see
miles of cattle standing shackled to feed troughs,
unable to move about, for a good part of its life.

And in 1995, we began seeing the strange
“milk moustache” and the now famous “Got Milk”
campaign. That campaign has surely spent
half-a-billion dollars or more since that time
while trying to keep us drinking milk.
So, how come? I ask you. Do we have to figure
out some clever way to “sell” oxygen to America?
Hardly! We understand its importance. Thus,
I hasten to ask, why if milk is so important do
we have to “sell” milk to a dairy-inundated milk,
cheese and ice cream society?

Since American began to “wise up,” that’s when.
It isn’t nearly what it’s cracked up to be.
There are many reports that claim upwards of 70
acidic toxins in the dairy chain starting from
soil, to plant, to feed, to hormone, to cow,
and finally to the processing of the milk itself.
The dairy industry has seen the handwriting on the
wall for quite some time. Rather than convert
their farm land to something more healthful and
valuable, they have, so far, chosen to spend
money trying to convince you that it is popular
to drink milk.

Nowadays, I believe, the pharmaceutical industry
can also see the handwriting on the wall. They
know their drugs are neither safe nor effective.
That’s why they believe they have to spend
billions on advertising schemes, phony ads,
and doctor-bribing which is much more than they
spend on their (sometimes fraudulent) research.

I still can’t believe it when I see them first
invent and then foist new diseases on the public
such as “restless leg syndrome.” Soon I suspect
we will hear of a new drug for the “Itchy Elbow
Syndrome” followed by “Foots Asleep” tablets.
I wonder if they could find time to fix their
ethics while they’re fixing prices.

Also, public opinion toward the pharmaceutical
and meat industry is at an all-time low.
I predict the reputation of the dairy industry
is well past its peak and will continue to decline
in the future.

This, I believe, will be followed by increasing
criticism of the entire food industry. The
food industry is already making window dressing
changes in terms of sugar, grains, fiber, use of
the non-legal word “natural” etc. To fool the
consumer, it is common now to see several types
of different sugars, by different names, on the
label. This allows the company to place sugar
and corn syrup and other sugars separately and
further down on the ingredients list on the label.

If they were to combine the sugar categories,
they would rank much higher on the ingredients list.
Sugar is actually the #1 ingredient in many products
we feed to our children and the #1 drug that
keeps our children food drunk.

Fortunately, more and more people are looking for
alternatives to health. They are abandoning the
recommendations for life-long prescription drugs.
That is why I would like your help in showing your
family and friends the common denominator of all
disease—acid—and all health—which by now you know
is a balanced pH with greatly increased alkalinity.

The pharmaceutical monopoly on health choices is
more and more obvious to consumers and the backlash
will continue and greatly increase. But can your
family and loved ones stop their dangerous drugs
and present health practices without a healthy
alternative? Not really. That’s why I urge you
to hand out our brochure, tell people about our
free email newsletters, and direct them to our
free websites.

There is still another important reason I ask you
to help me in the educational and awareness
campaign for health and freedom of choice in
health care. The present broken system of costly
medicine is not only the #1 cause of personal
bankruptcies in America, but there is a clear
threat of state bankruptcies as they falter
under the present system of medicine and
pharmaceutical costs. Baby-boomers turned 60
this year. They are living more quantity of
years while leaning on unhealthy drugs and
needless surgery to survive in a life of
diminishing quality. Soon, neither the state
nor federal governments will be able to continue
to help pay for these costs and still operate
other important government functions.

I will have more to say about the desperation
of the pharmaceutical industries, the brick wall
of costs that the government is anticipating,
and the hope for the future which lies in
alternative medicine and the New Biology™.

Meanwhile, when you place an order with the
pH Miracle Center, even if it’s just for $10
pH strips or organic Young pHorever shampoo
and conditioner, just let us know if you need
extra pH Miracle color brochures to give to
someone you care about.

Thank you in advance for your love and support.

In love and healing light,

Robert O. Young, Ph.D., Sc.D

Copyright © 2007 by Robert O. Young, Ph.D.

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