A compound in blueberries may prevent colon cancer,according to a new joint study on animals by RutgersUniversity and the USDA. The compound, calledpterostilbene, lessens precancerous lesions as wellas suppresses genes involved in inflammation.The scientists [...]
Home » Archives for July 2007
Blueberries Cut Cancer Risk More Than Half
Posted by rangga on Tuesday, July 31, 2007
More about → Blueberries Cut Cancer Risk More Than Half
Daily World Health Updates
Posted by rangga
Visit our website everyday at:www.phmiracleliving.com for updateson the following information:1) Population growth2) New births3) Deaths4) Cancer incidence5) Abortion updates6) HIV/AIDS updates7) Forest lost8) Species extinct9) Earth temperature10) Oil [...]
The Antioxidant and Anti-Aging Power of "Superfruits"
Posted by rangga on Monday, July 30, 2007
British blackcurrants have dethroned Americanblueberries as the reigning “superfruit” whichcan best help battle Alzheimer’s, cancer, andheart disease according to a new U.K. study.The Scottish Crop Research Institute (SCRI) hasdetermined that blackcurrants [...]
The End Result of Metabolic Acidosis - Death
Posted by rangga
There is only one sickness and one dis-easeand that is the over-acidification of the bloodand then tissues due to an inverted way of living,eating and thinking. A medical term forover-acidification is metabolic acidosis.The following is an unsolicited [...]
Two Research Studies Validating the Acid Connection to Cancer
Posted by rangga on Sunday, July 29, 2007
There are two University research studiessupporting the acid theory of cancer. Thetitle of the two studies are:1) "Mathematical Modelling of Tumour AcidityRegulation of Intracellular pH," by S.D. Webb,J.A. Sherratt and R. G. Fish (online at:www.ideallibrary.com) [...]
The pH Miracle Healing Program in London, England
Posted by rangga on Friday, July 27, 2007
In my life as a scientist, microscopist, and healer,I have seen many people wanting to gain a clear pictureof their health, yet reaching out to many isolatedsources that only treat symptomologies. Working withThe Wyndham Centre, in London, England, [...]
Healthy Bowels - Healthy Blood, Brain and Body
Posted by rangga on Wednesday, July 25, 2007
The basic natural concepts of health have been lost.Millions of people die every year and tens of millionssuffer needlessly because they fail to follow thenatural laws of their beings and are being treatedwith obsolete and unnatural methods that avoid [...]
Health Freedom Is Headed Toward It's Rightful Place In The Sun
Posted by rangga
Here is how you can help the forward progress ofhealth freedom, your loved ones, and the pH Miraclemission all at the same time!Several months ago, I asked for your help in writinga pH Miracle brochure to be given away at Farmer’sMarket and wherever [...]
The pH Miracle Living Retreats
Posted by rangga on Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Have you been thinking about attending one ofour pH Miracle Living Retreats? If you are,then read the following unsolicited testimonyof the results you can expect!-------------------------------------------------Thank you Dr. Young!I have had a great [...]
The Antioxidant Power of Fruits and Veggies
Posted by rangga
People who have plenty of foods with antioxidantsin their diets may be protecting themselves frombone changes associated with knee arthritis,according to a new study.Australian researchers found that middle-agedadults with higher dietary levels of antioxidantswere [...]
The Acids in Sodas Cause Heart Disease, Diabetes and Obesity
Posted by rangga
Yesterday, Vasan and his colleagues releaseda study that evaluated about 3,500 men and womenparticipating in the Framingham Offspring Study.The offspring study began in 1971, following theoriginal Framingham Heart Study launched in 1948.The offspring [...]
New Study Indicates Lowering Cholesterol Can Increase Your Risk For Cancer
Posted by rangga on Monday, July 23, 2007
Millions of Americans take statins to lowertheir cholesterol, but how low should you go?Many scientific studies support the benefitsof lowering low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol,and achieving low LDL cholesterol levels is oneof the steps suggested [...]
Breast Cancer is Caused by Dietary and Metabolic Acids
Posted by rangga on Sunday, July 22, 2007
Last week several articles appeared around the worldannouncing the results of a seven-year diet experiment,known as The Women's Healthy Eating and Living (WHEL)Randomized Trial, of more than 3,000 women withbreast cancer.This governmental funded study [...]
Grapefruit Does NOT Cause Breast Cancer - Grapefruit Prevents Breast Cancer
Posted by rangga
We are now finishing the picking of thisyears Rancho del Sol organic ruby redgrapefruit at Ranch Avorado.If one has never tasted a Rancho del Solruby red grapefruit, the first experiencemay be somewhat disconcerting: lesssweet than an orange, less acid [...]
The World's First Liquid Colloidal Gemstones for Health and Energy
Posted by rangga on Saturday, July 21, 2007
Precious and semi-precious gemstones emitconcentrated rays of strong, pure 'Chi' energy.For example, ruby emits hot, red rays and isused to mediate dis-ease arising from coldand dampness.Tibetan and Indian Doctors employ the heat ofRuby to deal with [...]