Celebrating Your Body and Soul - Incredible Interviews

Posted by rangga on Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Neuroscience of Happiness and Wealth
Hello Robert Young ,
The Aware Life Season 10 has been magical and truly enlightening! We've had the privilege of sharing these incredible interviews with you that are informative and inspirational. These Limited Replays are available until we sell through the Special Offers, which happens quickly, so please listen and grab these offers while we have them available for you. 

John Gray, bestselling author of "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus", talked about his definition of success in relationships, finances, and ultimately with yourself. Watch this master storyteller today!
             John Gray Replay 

Doreen Virtue answers how do I find my purpose? How do I connect with my angels? I feel disconnected from the divine, how do I reconnect? Doreen even talks about how to create “miraculous solutions” to problems you are facing right now. Watch or listen to Doreen today!
          Doreen Virtue Replay 

Dr Robert Young tells us how Bill Clinton healed himself with an alkalline diet. Are you feeling tired, sluggish, and have foggy thinking? Chances are your body is toxic and acidic and needs help restoring it’s alkalinity. How do you do that? Listen or watch today’s Aware Show for the answer!
          Dr Robert Young Replay 

Kenji Kumara guided us through several “activations” on becoming your ideal self. Are you too focused on what you don’t want to become and have no idea on what you DO want to become? Then watch this show and take a moment to be guided through the experience of who you really are! *NOTE: We are almost sold out on this offer! 
             Kenji Kumara Replay 

Dr Fabrizio Mancini reveals to us The Self Healing Secrets we all need to know and use now. I love this interview so much, as it was filled with energy and support for everything that is right in this world. It's time that we take our future health and well being into our own hands. Check out the charismatic Dr Fab! 
       Dr Fabrizio Mancini Replay 

Dr Dain Heer actually gives us a healing during this show. Dain did a LOT of clearings on this show and helped a lot of people. If you’ve never watched a Google Hangout show before please check out Dain and I together here. 
           Dr Dain Heer Replay 

Jim Kwik calls these times "The Age of Distraction". To learn is to grow and for many of us, the greatest gift we have. Jim is one of those rare individuals that shares his insights and teachings for the benefit of all of us. Please watch this now and share with all you love too. *NOTE: This replay will go away this week! 
             Jim Kwik Replay 

Dr Bill Andrews aided in the discovery of the anti-aging enzyme in the body called Telomerase. Why do tortoises live to be 200 years old? Why don’t lobsters ever age? If you would like to learn how to be healthier now, and live to be a 100 years old, listen to this show! Nobel Prize winning information... 
         Dr Bill Andrews Replay
Larry Crane asks do you believe in miracles? Get ready to see the miracle that is Being Alive! Larry gives us a first hand look at his life's work by giving me and others a live, on air healing! Watch, and heal!
             Larry Crane Replay 
Mashhur Anam, What does it mean to live in a multi-dimensional universe? Would you like to experience this energy? Mashhur took us through a healing guided meditation that resonated with so many people on the show. Watch and learn what Mashur taught us.
            Mashhur Anam Replay
Morry Zelcovitch Morry gave us more about his difficult life path that led to his breakthroughs. He also explained how his brainwave technology has transformed thousands of people's lives who suffer from emotional and mental conditions. And finally, Morry told us that just by using his products you will sleep, think AND learn better than you ever have. 
        Morry Zelcovitch Replay
Mark Waldman is a waxing poetic about a subject we all need to study daily, our minds. Our minds, our brains, our awareness and how we perceive reality. Mark shares his latest, up to the minute, research findings from neuroscientists around the world. This information is so powerful and practical that you need to watch this right now!
          Mark Waldman Replay

Would you like to join us in our next Google Hangout? Would you like to ask your burning questions to our next guest, face to face? You can! Get a Google+ account and all you have to do is search for 'The Aware Show' and add Me to your Circles. I will respond and we can chat together!   
Lisa Garr 

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