Part 7 - Dropping A Ton And Having Fun - Salt - The Preserver and Savior of Life

Posted by rangga on Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The following is Part 7 of an interview of Dr. Robert O. Young by Rick Laurenzi, on the importance of acid/alkaline balance, food chemistry, water chemistry, nutrition, biochemistry, microbiology, physiology and the cause of obesity, diabetes, and cancer. Rick will be releasing a full length motion picture the beginning of next year called, "Dropping a Ton and Having Fun" with a subtitle of "Cancer is Simple." Rick has featured the science, lifestyle and diet of Dr. Robert and Shelley Young in his new movie.

When Rick started the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet over two years ago he weighed in at over 390 pounds. He has lost approximately 200 pounds in the last two years and has gained a significant amount of muscle mass. He feels great and looks great. His blood has improved significantly and his over-all health and fitness is a reflection of that improvement. We hope to be announcing the release date of this exciting new movie soon. Please go to our website at: to see a trailer on this new health, nutrition and fitness movie or to sign up for our free health and fitness newsletter.

And now Part 7, of Rick Laurenzi's interview with Dr. Young . . .

Mr. Rick Laurenzi: Most people around the world are consuming processed demineralized salt. A popular one - Morton’s contains potassium iodide, calcium silicate, dextrose, and is bleached white. What happens to the health and fitness of your body when you consume a processed salt that contains sugar, preservatives and then bleached white?

Dr. Robert O. Young: When you eliminate salt out of your diet or you eat processed demineralized salt, plan on getting sick and tired and sooner than later, dead. Any salt that is processed and demineralized, that contains sugar, preservatives and acidic elements, is without a doubt detrimental to the health and fitness of your body. Your body needs alkalizing mineral salts - not acidic demineralized salts, in order to maintain its alkaline design. That’s why your blood is salted with ions of sodium and chloride. Your blood is not salted with dextrose. It’s not salted with sucrose. It’s not salted with silicate. And it’s not salted with aluminum. Your blood and other body fluids are salted with sodium chloride. When you add acidic additives to salt such as anti-caking agents or bleach for appearance or sugar for taste, all you are doing is polluting the body fluids, especially the blood, and taking away the essence and purpose of this foundational element. The body is salted with sodium and chloride to create other elements, such as magnesium to balance your body temperature, or potassium to maintain your alkaline fluid balance, both inside and outside the cell or calcium to support the alkaline design of the bones. Whole unprocessed salt is completely different than processed salts. Ingesting unprocessed whole mineral salts act as a catalyst in the transport of electrical energy from cell to cell. Processed salts cannot conduct electricity. Without the mineral salt, sodium chloride the transfer of energy would stop and you would immediately die. This is why athletes sometimes drop dead when they lose their mineral salts, via sweat. When you ingest unprocessed mineral salts you are energizing your body. When you eat processed, sugar and preservative laden salt you are enervating your body. Your brain cannot function well without whole alkalizing mineral salts. In fact, all thoughts are carried out via a matrix of mineral salts, especially sodium chloride. The word salt comes from the word Savior. If you want to save your health, save your fitness and save your life then start eating whole unprocessed alkalizing mineral salts. The four I recommend are pHour salts, pHlavor salts, puripHy salts and Real Salt.

Mr. Rick Laurenzi: Are processed, demineralized salt acidic to the body?

Dr. Robert O. Young: Absolutely. Processed, demineralized salt that contains aluminum and sugar will only make you sick, tired, fat and hypertensive. Man has taken what is natural and created something that is unnatural and harmful to the body. All processed demineralized salts are acidifying to the blood and tissues and are not good for the body.

Mr. Rick Laurenzi: Is there a correlation between processed, demineralized salts and the high-blood pressure problems, upon which the medical community reflects?

Dr. Robert O. Young: Absolutely. Both processed and unprocessed mineral salts can indirectly raise blood pressure and increase pulse. When you ingest any kind of salt, the body will use the elements of sodium chloride, the major element in salt, to make the alkalizing compound of sodium bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate is the major alkaline buffer to maintain the alkaline design of all body fluids. If you are eating the standard American diet or an acidic diet the body will need more salt or sodium chloride to make more sodium bicarbonate to maintain its alkaline design. The demand for more salt to make more sodium bicarbonate to buffer the acidic agents of an acidic lifestyle and diet can lead to congestion of the blood and lymphatic circulation. When the congestion of chelated acids in the blood and lymph build up this can then lead to hypertension and eventual coronary heart disease. If you take salt or sodium chloride out of your diet then you are at the mercy of acids, from your acidic lifestyle and diet, that can ruin your health, fitness and life. It's a catch 22 unless you give up your acidic lifestyle and diet for an alkaline lifestyle and diet with liberal amounts of healthy unprocessed alkaline mineral salts. You see, it’s not the salt or sodium chloride that is bad — it is the acid from an acidic lifestyle and diet that is bad. Doctors should encourage their patients to eat lots of alkaline foods and drinks and include liberal amounts of unprocessed mineral salts. They should also discourage their patients from an acidic lifestyle and diet and ingesting processed demineralized salts. It is the later that causes high blood pressure, increased pulse rates and coronary heart dis-ease. But that’s not what’s being told to patients. So, salt gets blamed as the culprit to hypertension or buildup in the blood vessels. When in reality, salt or sodium chloride is providing the foundational elements to neutralize or buffer toxic environmental, dietary, and/or metabolic acids directly responsible for hypertension and heart dis-ease. Now you know the truth.

Mr. Rick Laurenzi: So let’s go to sea salts, which are the Young pHorever pHlavor Salt and Real Salt, these clean, natural salts that can alkalize the body.

Dr. Robert O. Young: Young pHorever pHlavor Salt is a liquid colloidal salt and Real Salt is a crushed rock salt. Both contain all of their original mineral salts, both are wonderful and I use both of them for managing my health and fitness. The main reason I ingest liberal amounts of salt daily is because unprocessed mineral salts provide the foundational elements that will help maintain the alkaline design of my body. And yes, these unprocessed mineral salts are uniquely different kinds of salts than the processed salts that are on the market shelves today. You want to ingest a natural, whole salt that hasn’t been de-natured, or processed, in its original state, and preferably in a colloidal or liquid state. A colloidal state is a heterogeneous solution of at least two dissimilar ingredients. The Young pHorever pHlavor Mineral Salt is a heterogeneous solution of 92 dissimilar mineral salts suspended in a purified water solution or sol. Water and elements creates a sol, or a solution. So when you are ingesting a solution or sol, it’s identical to what you are - physical, emotional and spiritual body - a sol or soul. Your body accepts colloidal salts because the particles are so small they can permeate the cell. There is no need for these colloidal mineral salts to be broken down. They are already in their bio-available state. And that’s the big difference between the liquid colloidal salt, like Young pHorever pHlavor salt, and the rock salts, like Real Salt. But both of them are excellent. Both of them are unprocessed. And, both of them are alkalizing to the blood and tissues.

Mr. Rick Laurenzi: If someone is eating a highly-acidic diet and using the alkalizing salts, like the pHlavor, or real salt, would this combination cause blood-pressure problems?

Dr. Robert O. Young: Yes, it can. If you’re eating an acidic diet, drinking acidic water and living an acidic life, and then you start using alkaline salts, the body is going to create alkaline buffers, such as sodium bicarbonate to buffer these dietary acids. If the lifestyle or dietary acids or buffered acids are not eliminated through urination, defecation, perspiration or respiration this can then lead to congestion of the blood and lymphatic fluids and cause an increase in blood pressure and pulse rate/heart rate.

Mr. Rick Laurenzi: So we shouldn’t recommend lots of salt, even the healthy salts, to people that are addicted to an acidic American diet.

Dr. Robert O. Young: I recommend healthy, unprocessed alkalizing mineral salts to those persons who are ready to change their lifestyle and diet to a more alkaline lifestyle and diet. You can gradually use the Young phorever, pHour salts or puripHy salts to purify and detox the body from the build-up of acidic lifestyle and dietary acid. Salt will preserve your body from sickness and disease. If you want healthy clean organs, you need to start drinking a liter of salt water every day. It’s no accident that all of your body fluids are salted with sodium chloride, just like the ocean. You are salted with 9g of sodium chloride per deciliter of body fluid. This concentration of salt in the human body is identical to the fish of the ocean. Your blood is salty, your sweat is salty, your tears are salty, your saliva is salty - all body fluids are salty. Your blood and body cells are bathed in salt water, which is a wonderful preserver and alkalizer. It is critical that you ingest liberal amounts of salt in your diet. I recommend for a body weight of 70 kilos or 154 pounds 10 to 12 grams of unprocessed mineral salts daily. The salts I recommend are the Young pHorever pHlavor Salt, Young pHorever pHour Salts, Young pHorever puripHy Salts and the Real Salt.

You have to get rid of the acid aspects of your life, in order to achieve incredible health, energy, vitality and your ideal healthy weight that you are seeking. Whether we’re overweight or underweight, your ideal healthy weight can be achieved with an alkaline lifestyle and diet, I call pH Miracle Living

To learn more about the negative affects of acid on the bowels, the blood, the brain and the body read, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, by Dr. Robert and Shelley Young.

This is the end of Part 7 of the Rick Larenzi/Dr. Robert O. Young interview. Please let me know if you would like to read more of the interview. You can also go to our website at: to watch the trailer on Rick's new documentary called, "Dropping A Ton and Having Fun" or "The Cancer Cure Is Simple."

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