Just in case you thought it was fine to eat Genetically Modified (GM) foods (better identified as "FrankenFoods"), along comes a study which makes it clear that you are eating a make believe non-food at your own peril and, worse yet, you are feeding [...]
Home » Archives for December 2008
Gentically Modified (GM) Food Leads To New Dis-ease
Posted by rangga on Wednesday, December 17, 2008
More about → Gentically Modified (GM) Food Leads To New Dis-ease
An Unsolicited pH Miracle Living Story
Posted by rangga
The following is an unsolicited testimony of the pH Miracle Living Plan. I have found that the pH Miracle Plan works for those who have the conviction and the commitment to make the change physically and emotionally to a new way of living, eating and [...]
Broccoli Prevents Acidic Damage To Blood Vessels
Posted by rangga
President George H. W. Bush famously said thathe didn't like broccoli, and since he waspresident, he didn't have to eat it. But if theformer president becomes over-acidic and startsshowing signs of hyper or hypoglycemia (diabetes),he may allow broccoli [...]
Weight-Bearing Low Impact Exercising Helpful For Back Pain
Posted by rangga
People who use weight training to ease their lower back pain are better off than those who choose other forms of exercise such as jogging, according to a University of Alberta study.The study, done in conjunction with the University of Regina, showed [...]
83 Reasons and Ways To Use The pHour Salts For The Holidays
Posted by rangga
Young pHorever™ pHour Salts™ created by Dr. RobertO. Young is the "ultimate" antioxidant, anti-bacterial,anti-fungal, anti-intoxicant, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, anti-aging, energy and athleticenhancer formulation of bicarbonate mineral salts:http://www.phmiracleliving.com/p-221-phour-salts-tm-454-grams.aspxA [...]
Cancer (ACIDS) Will Be The Number One Killer By 2010!
Posted by rangga on Friday, December 12, 2008
Kim Tinkham was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer in February 2007, just two days before her fiftieth birthday. Rather than go the conventional route of mastectomy followed by chemo and/or radiation she chose to seek out an alternative way to [...]
Dear Mr. President - Elect
Posted by rangga on Sunday, December 7, 2008
I really appreciate the balanced article written by Michael Pollan, and published in The New York Times, on November 22, 2008, on the future of our food, around the world. For myself and my family, I can say that we are incredibly blessed to be and [...]