Acid Food Causes 1/3rd of All Heart Attacks

Posted by rangga on Thursday, October 23, 2008

Diets heavy in acid forming fried foods, sugary snacks and meat account for about 35 percent of heart attacks globally, researchers reported on Monday.

Their study of 52 countries showed that people who ate a "Western" acidic diet based on meat, eggs and junk food were more likely to have heart attacks, while those who ate more alkaline fruits and vegetables had a lower risk.

The study supports previous findings that show acidic junk food and animal fats can cause heart disease, and especially heart attacks.

Dr. Salim Yusuf at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, and colleagues questioned more than 16,000 patients, 5,700 of whom had just suffered a first heart attack.
They took blood samples and had each patient fill out a detailed form on their eating habits between February 1999 and March 2003.

They divided the volunteers into three groups.

"The first factor was labeled 'Oriental' because of its high loading on tofu and soy and other sauces," they wrote in their report, published in the journal Circulation.

"The second factor was labeled 'Western' because of its high loading on fried food, surgary snacks, and meat intake. The third dietary factor was labeled 'prudent' because of its high loadings on fruit and vegetable intake."

People who ate more alkaline fruits and vegetables had a 30 percent lower risk of heart attack compared to people who ate little or none of these foods, they found.

People eating the acidic Western diet had a 35 percent greater risk of heart attack compared to people who consumed little or no fried foods and meat. Those eating the "Oriental" diet had an average risk of heart attack compared to the others.

The tofu-rich diet could be neutral rather than protective because it is high in processed deionized sodium, they said.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, Director of Research at the pH Miracle Living Center, "the body is alkaline by design and acidic by function. A diet high in acidic fried foods, sugary foods and drinks and animal flesh compromises the alkaline design of the body. An increase of acidic foods and drinks in the diet will eventually lead to latent tissue acidosis and the cause of All sickness and dis-ease, including heart attacks and strokes. One can protect themselves from a state of latent tissue acidosis with an alkaline lifestyle and diet. This is the best and the only way to prevent a heart attack, stroke or a cancerous condition. It is important to remember that the cure for a heart attack, stroke, or any cancerous condition is found in its prevention not in its treatment."

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