Research Scientists Battle Dangerous Acidic Vaccines and Antibiotics

Posted by rangga on Sunday, June 22, 2008

Dr. Shiv Chopra, as a vaccine and drug regulator
for Health Canada for nearly forty years, evaluated
every red-hot topic in public health. He tried,
sometimes successfully, to protect the public from
ineffective and harmful vaccines, genetically
modified foods, pesticides, carcinogenic antibiotics
and hormones used in food-producing animals, and
agricultural practices that promote Mad Cow
Acid Dis-ease.

Unsurprisingly, he was fired from Health Canada in
2004 for "insubordination" -- in other words, refusing
to bow to corporate and government pressure to give
a pass to unsafe substances. Dr. Chopra has now
written a book, Corrupt to the Core, about his
decades of struggle to have the law recognized as
being above political policy.

Chopra observes that despite vaccinations, some
childhood dis-eases are appearing with increasing
frequency in the very populations that have been
vaccinated for several generations. He finds it
alarming that "the list of vaccines being administered
to young children has been enlarged to include
many more viral and bacterial infections with
little or no scientific rationale."

The U.S. Center for Disease Control continues to
argue that 36,000 people die annually of the flu,
even though available statistics show that the
true number is less than 100. Meanwhile, current
research has shown that merely increasing
vitamin D levels reduces the incidence of the
flu by more than 70 percent.

Vaccination programs whose scientific basis is
so flawed as to border on the absurd include
Tamiflu, which has been discontinued in Japan
because of so many deaths from sudden serious
psychiatric disorders, and Gardasil, which
during the first year of its use has resulted
in more than 3,500 adverse events, more than
any vaccine in history. Gardasil contains a
whopping 675 micrograms of toxic aluminum, and
one of the scientists who developed it,
Diane M. Harper, warned that the vaccine had
never been tested on young girls before it was
released for widespread use by them.

Perhaps the worst is MMR, which supposedly
provides immunity against measles, mumps, and
rubella. More than 4,900 U.S. families have
filed lawsuits after their children became
autistic within days of getting this shot.

A second area of concern in Dr. Chopra's career
was bacterial antibiotic resistance, which is
wholly avoidable and caused solely by use of
antibiotics in food-producing animals and the
reckless over-prescribing habits of doctors.
There are currently entire classes of antibiotics
that should not even be on the market; Dr. Chopra
fought vigorously and unsuccessfully to keep
Baytril and Revelor-H off the market. They were
finally banned more than a decade after his
warnings because of the undeniable harm they

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research
scientist at the pH Miracle Living Center,
"taking a vaccine or an antibiotic of any kind
will only prove that you can poison yourself
and then hopefully live through the experience.
There is no such thing as a safe or effective
vaccine. All vaccines and antibiotic are highly
acidic and have the potential to make one very
sick and very tired. True immunity can only be
found by maintaining the alkaline design of the
body fluids with an alkaline lifestyle and diet.
This is the best way to protect oneself from
an over-acidification of the blood and tissues
due to an inverted way of living, eating and
thinking that leads to ALL sickness and dis-ease."

To learn more about the dangerous acidic effects
of vaccines and antibiotics read, "Sick and Tired"
and "A Second Thought About Vaccines" by Dr. Robert
and Shelley Young.

Vitality Magazine April 2008
Sick and Tired
A Second Thought About Vaccines and the
HIV/AIDS Hypothesis

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