Adults doing type 2 diabetes who eat acidicmeals may experience memory declines immediatelyafterward, but this can be offset by takingantioxidant supplements with the meal, according tonew research from Baycrest."There [...]
Home » Archives for June 2008
New Antioxidant Study Validates Dr. Young's pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet
Posted by rangga on Sunday, June 29, 2008
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Seven Dirty Words To Die or Live By
Posted by rangga on Saturday, June 28, 2008
If there’s something positive about the death ofcelebrities, it’s that they create opportunitiesto educate the average Jane and Joe Public abouthow an acidic lifestyle and diet causes dis-easeand disease that also affect them.In the recent cases of the [...]
Preventing and Reversing Type I and Type II Diabetes
Posted by rangga on Thursday, June 26, 2008
The following is an unsolicited pH Miracle LivingTestimony for Type I diabetes:"I have been a brittle diabetic for over 20 yearsmeaning my blood sugar readings could go from 50to 700 anytime. I am on an insulin pump and wastaking from 40 to 75 units [...]
Symptom and Disease Confused!
Posted by rangga on Tuesday, June 24, 2008
In this very revealing and thought-provoking presentation,Dr. Robert O. Young helps us to to take a clear-eyed look athow illogical current medical thinking is about diagnosis ofsymptoms, naming diseases, and then prescribing drugtreatments. If you want [...]
Hot Rocks Lymphatic Massage DVD and Massage Oil
Posted by rangga on Sunday, June 22, 2008
As the perfect compliment to an Alkavorian(TM)Lifestyle, Hot Rocks Lymphatic Massage(TM) acceleratesthe elimination of acidic wastes and residues fromthe blood and tissues. One hour of effective HotRocks Lymphatic massage through proper strokes(going [...]
The pH Miracle Fan Club
Posted by rangga
"The worst sin toward our fellow creatures is notto hate them, but to be indifferent to them; that'sthe essence of inhumanity."-George Bernard Shaw, circa 1897The following is a note from Richard who isthe administrator for The pH Miracle Fan Club. [...]
Research Scientists Battle Dangerous Acidic Vaccines and Antibiotics
Posted by rangga
Dr. Shiv Chopra, as a vaccine and drug regulatorfor Health Canada for nearly forty years, evaluatedevery red-hot topic in public health. He tried,sometimes successfully, to protect the public fromineffective and harmful vaccines, geneticallymodified [...]
Lifestyle and Diet Can Cause Changes in the Human Gene
Posted by rangga on Tuesday, June 17, 2008
There is a dangerous game called RussianRoulette. The way it works is you takea gun and insert one bullet into the chamber.You then spin the chamber. After spinningthe chamber several times you put the barrelof the gun up to your head and then pull [...]
The Cause of Cancerous Conditions of Husbands and Wives
Posted by rangga on Sunday, June 15, 2008
"Did you know that dietary and metabolic acids thatcause a cancerous condition seem to occur commonlyin husbands and wives? That is, when the wife ismaking lifestyle and dietary choices that causecancerous breast tissue, the husband is makinglifestyle [...]
The Spark of Life - The Negative Charged Ion
Posted by rangga on Saturday, June 14, 2008
Every breath we take, every move we goes the song.Yet every move we make does depend on everybreath we take and every drink (or meal) we take,because our movement is fueled by electrical energythat we store in the body. We receive our energyfrom [...]
Six New Dr. Young Formulations for Preventing or Reversing Type I and Type II Diabetes
Posted by rangga on Friday, June 13, 2008
"The symptom of diabetes and its complicationshave become the fifth-leading cause of death inthe United States. Those doing diabetics are twoto four times more likely to either die of anacidic heart attack or experience a stroke, andcardiovascular dis-ease [...]
The Top Ten Causes of Death Can Be Prevented
Posted by rangga on Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The above picture is a picture of a cancerous lung from smoking."There is a lot you can do to decrease your riskof many of the major acidic causes of death inthe US. An alkaline lifestyle and diet and atleast 1 hour of exercise [...]
Global Warming and Body Warming Are Caused By ACID
Posted by rangga on Monday, June 9, 2008

The above picture is the acidification of blood whichcauses degeneration of the red and white blood cells,internal blood clotting and chaining of the red bloodcells. This condition of the blood leads to light headedness,cold [...]
The Antioxidant Allicin Found In Garlic Can Protect Against Cancerous Condition
Posted by rangga on Saturday, June 7, 2008

The next time you use garlic for its renownedalkalizing effects, consider fresh garlic insteadof those bottles of chopped garlic. Researchers inJapan report that fresh garlic maintains higherlevels of a key healthy alkalizing [...]
The Importance of Vitamin D in the Prevention or Treatment of Diabetes
Posted by rangga

Sun exposure and vitamin D levels may play a strongrole in risk of type 1 diabetes in children, accordingto new findings by researchers at the Moores CancerCenter at University of California, San Diego (UCSD)and the Department [...]
Less is More and More is Less When Exercising
Posted by rangga

Short bursts of high intensity sprints — known tobenefit muscle and improve exercise performance —can improve the function and structure of blood vessels,in particular arteries that deliver blood to themuscles and heart, [...]