The pH Miracle or The Fountain of Youth

Posted by rangga on Sunday, March 23, 2008

The key to the pH Miracle or the Fountain of Youth is to
maintain the alkaline design of your body with an
alkalizing lifestyle, diet and nutritional program.
There are four critical foods and seven critical nutrients
that are vital to your health and will help you lead a
longer and healthy life. The four critical foods are:

1. Chlorophyll
2. Oils
3. Water, and
4. Salt

The seven critical nutrients are:

1. Co-Q-10
2. Glutathione
3. Idebenone
4. The Carnitines
5. Alpha Lipoic
6. N-acetyl cysteine
7. L-taurine

Each of these miraculous foods and nutrients offers
its own amazing benefits, and all work just as well
as the chemical-based pharmaceuticals your physician
bombards you with, but are completely natural. They
have no hidden side effects that pose a threat to
your health.

1) Chlorophyll - Chlorophyll is identical to your
hemoglobin except for the center atom. Dr. Young's
research indicates as one increases their consumption
of chlorophyll from green foods and green drinks the
quality and quantity of the red blood cells improve.
This can be noted on a CBC medical test as the red
blood count increases and the hemoglobin increases
in the healthy ranges. Liquid chlorophyll can be
added to any water or green drink to improve the
concentration of this powerful blood builder.

2) Oils - Oils in the unsaturated form are critical
in building healthy cell membranes, providing lubrication
for the joints, and acting as a buffer for dietary and
metabolic acids. Dr. Young recommends a variety of
oils from Omega 1 to Omega 9. The sources of these
unsaturated oils includes, hemp, flax, borage,
olive, avocado, almonds, primrose, walnut, sesame,
and cold water fish. Dr. Young recommends drinking
at least 100 ml or 2 to 3 ounces of oil a day.

3) Water - There is only one kind of water to drink
according to Dr. Young and that is purified water
with a pH of 9.5 and an ORP of -250 mV. Dr. Young
suggest to drink at least 1 liter per 25 kilos of
weight or 1 quart per 50 pounds of weight.

4) Salt - Without salt there would be no life. Salt
is critical in all the fluids of the body for electrical
conductivity. This is important for the electrons to
travel of every cell of the body for energy. Dr. Young
recommends 1 gram of sea salt per 5 kilos or weight.
He also recommends the Great Salt Lake Sea Salt Spray
called pHlavor salts and the pHour salts or sodium,
magnesium, potassium and calcium bicarbonate to
help maintain the alkaline pH of the body fluids over
7.2 pH with the ideal of 7.365.

The following are the seven critical food nutrients:

1) Co-enzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring
substance present within every cell in the body.
CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant, and is the first
line of defense against the oxidation or dietary and
metabolic acids — which is the main reaction in
atherosclerosis. CoQ10 can also remove dangerous
levels of iron from cells, which is a major cause
of latent tissue acidosis and lipid peroxidation —
two things that lead to the development of
cancerous cells.

One of the most impressive benefits of CoQ10 has been
its ability to improve heart function in patients
with congestive heart failure. One study found that
an impressive 55% improvement in symptoms. 30% of
these same patients showed a dramatic recovery from
the fluid buildup in their lungs — a major complication
of congestive heart failure.

2) Glutathione (pronounced 'gloota-thigh-own') is the
body's essential health ABC's - Antioxidant, Blood
Booster and Cell Detoxifer.

It is a tripeptide composed of glutamic, cysteine
and glycine. Glutathione is found in all cells in
the body, including the bile, the epithelial lining
fluid of the lungs, and - at much smaller concentrations -
in the blood.

Glutathione is the smallest intracellular non-protein
thiol (molecule containing an S_H or sulfhydryl group)
molecule in the cells. This characteristic emphasizes
its potent antioxidant action and supports a multifaceted
thiol exchange system, which regulates cell activity.

This small protein, produced naturally in the body,
maintains these three crucial protective functions.
In fact, your life depends on glutathione. Without
it, your cells would disintegrate from unrestrained
oxidation, your body would have little resistance
to metabolic acids, and your liver would shrivel
up from the eventual accumulation of acidic toxins.

Glutathione is not yet a household word. Even some
medical and holistic doctors who have heard the
term may still have only a vague idea of what it
is. However, everyone will soon be talking about
this critical non-nutritive substance.

There was a time when only scientists had heard
of cholesterol and vitamins, but today, everyone
knows about them. Now the magnificence of
glutathione is becoming known.

In the last five years, over 25,000 medical
articles about this substance have been published,
and the scientific understanding of glutathione
is gradually becoming common knowledge.

Each and every cell in the body is responsible
for its own supply of glutathione and must have
the necessary raw materials in order to produce
it. Glutathione is always in great demand and
is rapidly consumed when we experience any sort
of emotional or physical stress, fatigue and
even moderate exercise.

Some well-known causes of glutathione depletion
are as follows:

1) Acidic lifestyle and diet
2) Air and Water pollution
3) Prescription and recreational drugs
4) Ultraviolet and Radiation from cells phones,
computers, electrical cars, power lines, hair
dryers, etc.
5) Emotional and physical stress
6) Injury, trauma or burns
7) Heavy metals
8) Cigarette smoke
9) Household chemicals
10) Acetaminophen poisoning
11) Exhaust from motor vehicles
12) Septic shock

All of these above factors lead to a build up
of acidic toxins that cause the loss of glutathione
as a non-nutritive buffer leading to cellular
aging, dis-ease and finally death.

Why is Glutathione Essential to Health?

Glutathione's three major roles in the body are
summarized by the letters A-B-C.

- Anti-oxidant
- Blood Booster
- Cell Detoxifier

These are the three critical processes driven
by glutathione.

3) Idebenone is a form of CoQ10 and also
a very powerful antioxidant. Idebenone’s
significant antiinflammatory properties puts
it high on the list of supplements for use in
preventing neurodegenerative diseases — especially
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

But idebenone has an additional benefit in treating
neurological diseases — especially neurodegenerative
conditions, strokes and brain injuries. It has been
shown to significantly increase levels of nerve
growth factor, a substance that promotes brain healing.

4) The Carnitines - Like Co-enzyme Q10, acetyl-L-carnitine
is naturally produced in the body by synthesizing the
amino acids lysine and methionine.

Like idebenone, acetyl-L-carnitine can improve the
function of nerve growth factor, which helps to
repair the brain’s cells and connections (synapses).
This can be especially important for people with
disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s or
brain injuries and strokes.

Some tests have shown that carnitine supplementation
leads to significant improvement in heart function,
helps treat angina, and can improve circulation in
the legs of patients with severe atherosclerosis
of their blood vessels.

A carefully executed study of men over age 66 found
that the carnitines worked better than testosterone
at increasing erectile function, reducing depression,
diminishing fatigue and increasing nocturnal erections.
The big plus was that, while testosterone enlarged the
prostate, the carnitines did not.

5) Alpha-Lipoic - This is another powerful
antioxidant that is naturally found in the body.

Alpha-lipoic lowers blood sugar, removes
mercury, arsenic and cadmium from the body
(including the brain), increases the level
of CoQ10 and glutathione in cells and is also
a powerful way to protect against radiation damage.

Alpha-lipoic also improves glucose control in
adults with either type-1 (insulin dependent)
or type-2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes.

6) N-acetyl cysteine is another powerful buffer
of acids especially glucose, acetylaldehyde and
alcohol. Found beneficial in reducing acids that
cause dementia, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

7) L-taurine is another powerful antioxidant that
works in the brain to reduce seizures to dementia.

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