The key to the pH Miracle or the Fountain of Youth is tomaintain the alkaline design of your body with analkalizing lifestyle, diet and nutritional program.There are four critical foods and seven critical nutrientsthat are vital to your health and will [...]
Home » Archives for March 2008
The pH Miracle or The Fountain of Youth
Posted by rangga on Sunday, March 23, 2008
More about → The pH Miracle or The Fountain of Youth
Acidic Pesticides and Insecticides May Cause Motor Neuron Dis-Ease Like ALS
Posted by rangga
Motor neuron dis-ease is a rare, acidic and devastatingillness in which nerve cells that carry brain signalsto muscles gradually deteriorate. One form of it,Lou Gehrig’s dis-ease or ALS (amyotrophic lateralsclerosis), is familiar to the public in the [...]
No More Heart Attacks or Strokes
Posted by rangga

Unlike most medical doctors, natural healers do not look to pharmaceutical companies as their first line of defense against heart disease. Instead, they turn to natural means of lowering risk.If a patient has angina caused [...]
Women Alkalize and Exercise for No More HRT
Posted by rangga on Friday, March 21, 2008
Low impact alkalizing aerobic exercising significantlydecreased the acidic chemical imbalances that can leadto heart dis-ease and stroke in postmenopausal womenaccording to a study in the spring issue of the Journalof Women and Aging.The acidic hormone [...]
The Twelve Steps to Prevent and Reverse Metabolic Acidosis and Diabetes
Posted by rangga
Over 18 million Americans have been diagnosedwith diabetes and over 5 million are in a stateof metabolic acidosis but don’t know it. In addition,one out of ever four American suffers from metabolicacidosis, a combination of type-2 diabetes, hypertensionand [...]
Proanthocyanadins Protect The Heart From Dietary and Metabolic Acids
Posted by rangga on Thursday, March 20, 2008
An alkalizing antioxidant polyphenols-rich dietkeeps the heart younger.This finding comes out from a study by the Universityof Grenoble in collaboration with the other Centresparticipating to the FLORA Project, a EuropeanCommission funded research studying [...]
Sprouted Soy Is Good For the Body and May Prevent Cancer
Posted by rangga

A compound found in soybeans almost completelyprevented the spread of human prostate cancerin mice, according to a study published in theMarch 15 issue of Cancer Research, a journalof the American Association for Cancer [...]
The Medical Diagnosis of Disease Is An Illusion
Posted by rangga

Disease or should we say dis-ease names like cancer,diabetes and osteoporosis are misleading and misinformpatients about dis-ease prevention.There is a curious tendency in conventional medicineto name a set of symptoms a [...]
The pH Miracle for Breast Cancer
Posted by rangga on Sunday, March 16, 2008
Women with cancerous breats have more aggressivedis-ease and lower survival rates if they areoverweight or obese, according to findings publishedin the March 15 issue of Clinical Cancer Research,a journal of the American Association for CancerResearch.“The [...]
Dancing May Help Reduce Parkinson Symptoms
Posted by rangga on Thursday, March 13, 2008
Patients with Parkinson's disease who took partin regular tango dance classes for 20 sessionsshowed significant improvements in balance andmobility when compared to patients who didconventional exercise, a new study by researchersat Washington University [...]
Seven Strategies For A Healthy Heart
Posted by rangga
People who invest in luxury cars or high-priced SUVstend to take care of them, paying particular attentionto filling up with high-quality gasoline. The verysame people, however, can often be seen cruisingalong in their spiffy wheels while eating a cheaphigh-fat, [...]
No More Type I or Type II Diabetes!
Posted by rangga
I am so happy to share with you a pH Miracle casestudy for Type I Diabetes.The story begins two months ago with a 6 year oldchild named Gabriel who was diagnosed with onsetType I Diabetes. Through Gabriel's parents I had thehonor to meet and work with [...]
Upcoming New Biology Microscopy Course
Posted by rangga on Monday, March 10, 2008

Dr. Robert O. Young will be teaching the Basic andAdvanced Microscopy Course in Valley Center,California at the Rancho del Sol from the 16thto the 30th of June, 2008 and extends a personalinvitation to you to learn the New [...]
Weight-Bearing Low Impact Exercising
Posted by rangga
A Duke University Medical center report on thevarious factors that affect weight loss pointsto vigorous, sustained exercise as a key factor.Estimates for the benefits of milder forms ofexercise, such as a one-mile walk are impreciseat best, and often [...]
Reduce Your Risk For Breast, Prostate, Lung, Stomach and Colon Cancer By 50%
Posted by rangga
When your mother told you to eat your vegetablesit appears that maternal wisdom had a scientificbasis.Researchers with Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Centerand the Shanghai Cancer Institute in China havediscovered a possible link between a diet richin certain [...]
The Truth About Our Drinking Water
Posted by rangga
A vast array of pharmaceuticals -- includingantibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizersand sex hormones -- have been found in the drinkingwater supplies of at least 41 million Americans,an Associated Press investigation shows.To be sure, the concentrations [...]