Prevention - The Cure for Cancer!

Posted by rangga on Thursday, December 6, 2007

The cure for cancer is not in its treatment
but is in its prevention.

The key to preventing cancer is to understand
what it is and what it is not.


Cancer is a lifestyle (like smoking), dietary
or metabolic acid that SPOILS A CELL or CELLS
making them cancerous.



When you understand cancer as a dietary or
metabolic acid that spoils a cell(s) then
you can begin to understand why breast,
brain, lung, liver and prostate cancers
are all on the rise.

You see cancer is not something you get,
it is something that you do. You do it
with your lifestyle and dietary choices.

Cancer is a consequence of choice!

When the body is not capable of removing
dietary, metabolic or environmental acids from
the body (mainly from the lack of energy) they
are parked in the fatty tissues away from the
organs that sustain life.

All women eating and living an acidic lifestyle
and diet are at a 100% risk for cancerous
breasts? Why? Because the breasts are a fatty
tissue and a perfect place to park excess
dietary and metabolic acids that have not
been removed from urination, perspiration,
respiration and defecation.

In the pH Miracle book I teach a simple
principal about reversing any condition
of die-ease or imbalance in the body.

I call it the fish bowl metaphor.

It starts out with a question. The question
is this: "If the fish is sick what would you
do treat the fish or change the water?"

Of course you would change the water because
the fish is only as healthy as the water it
is swimming in. This is the case with the
human cell, whether it be a breast cell or
a brain cell. The cells of our body are
only as healthy as the water they are bathed
in! And that water is an alkaline water at a
pH of 7.365.

The cause for ALL Cancer is dietary and/or
metabolic acids spoiling the cells of our

The cure is simple - maintain the alkaline design
of our body with an alkaline lifestyle and
diet as outlined in the pH Miracle Books.

The following is an unsolicited testimony of
a woman who was doing breast cancer and is
now healthy, strong and vibrant.


Dear Dr Young,

Thanks for the great Holiday alkaline
eating tips!

This week, I was blessed with a good job as
a manager for a new bank branch near
Chapel Hill, NC. I passed my Taekwondo Black
Belt Test. I've been in a couple short runs
and climbed a couple rock climbing walls.

At age 32, just one year ago, I was in the
throws of breast cancer treatment and the

At my 6-month checkup, my tests were normal.

Thanks to your New Biology as revealed to
you by our Creator, I am cured, healed, and
whole. I can work and take care of my house
and children. I no longer have night sweats
or the blues.

Your program is so simple, yet so profound!

With the blood, the body's most important organ,
sustaining a constant and delicate pH of 7.365,
we are to eat foods and drinks in the7.0-9.5
pH range. Indeed, we are "alkaline by design
and acidic by function."

Yours is the only diet I know of that can be
monitored at home with pH paper. I highly
recommend your "pH Miracle for Cancer" CD
Series for anyone diagnosed with cancer or
anyone who works with cancer patients!

As you say, faith is the "First Attribute
in Thinking Healthy."

From the rooftops, Lisa Woodard shouts,
"Merry Christmas to all and

Alkalized and Energized,
Lisa Woodard
Cary, NC


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