Below you will find a link for a video that was
posted to "You Tube" yesterday of Dr. Robert O. Young
explaining his discovery, in 1994, of a unique marker
for diabetes that shows up on the red blood cells.
This marker or characteristic of white spots or targets
on the red blood cells are unique to those persons who
have one or all of the following symptoms and is an
indicator of a pre-diabetic or diabetic condition:
1) high blood sugars
2) low blood sugars
3) anemic conditions
4) light headedness and dizziness
5) cold hands and cold feet
6) numbness or lack of feeling in the extremities
6) muddled thinking and forgetfulness
7) yeast infections
8) sugar cravings, and
9) low energy
Dr. Young explains that red blood cells with
white spots, dots or targets are fermenting or
ripening cells that are breaking down and releasing
their sugars into the bloodstream. This is one
of the major causes of an increase of blood sugar
that leads to diabetes.
Dr. Young explains, "just like a ripening banana
with all of its diabetic black spots becoming
sweeter and sweeter we can now see the same
ripening or spoiling of the body cells as
noted by their white spots."
"This discovery will help us better understand
why blood sugars increase on a diet that is
low in sugar, or when blood sugars are normal
at night before going to bed and then higher in
the morning when awakening for no apparent reason.
This phenomenon is known as the "Dawn Phenomenon.
We now know the cause of the "Dawn Phenomenon."
Dr. Young further states, "with this discovery
we can then prevent and even reverse the condition
and/or conditions of Type I and Type II diabetes by
making the necessary changes in the internal
environment that is causing the fermentation
of the body cells - even the red blood cells."
To learn more about Dr. Young's research on
diabetes read "The pH Miracle for Diabetes."
Here is the link of Dr. Young using phase
contrast microscopy to show live the
unique characteristics of diabetic red
blood cells.
Home »Unlabelled » Dr. Young's Discovery of Diabetic Red Blood Cells
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