A Fading Problem Dis-Ease HistoryI first noticed small white patches under my arms as a college student. I was under a lot of stress and felt somewhat alone during that time. The clinic nurse was unable to [...]
Home » Archives for November 2007
Vitiligo - A Fading Problem and a pH Miracle!
Posted by rangga on Thursday, November 29, 2007
Acid Causes Depression and Depression Causes Bone Loss
Posted by rangga

The appended article below certainly bolsters the knowledgethat "negative thoughts" and even chronic depression fromour "negative thoughts" are "acidic" generating conditions,which can lead to bone loss...with the body trying [...]
Omega 3's and 6's May Help to Prevent or Reverse Parkinson's Dis-ease
Posted by rangga
Omega-3 fatty acids protect the brain againstParkinson’s dis-ease, according to a study byUniversité Laval researchers published in theonline edition of the FASEB Journal, the journalof the Federation of American Societies forExperimental Biology. This [...]
An Inconvenient Truth - Body Warming and Breast Cancer
Posted by rangga on Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Women who live in urban areas have denser orbreasts, making them more likely to developcancerous breasts, according to a studypresented today at the annual meeting of theRadiological Society of North America (RSNA)."Women living in cities need to pay [...]
Dr. Young's Discovery of Diabetic Red Blood Cells
Posted by rangga on Sunday, November 25, 2007
Below you will find a link for a video that wasposted to "You Tube" yesterday of Dr. Robert O. Youngexplaining his discovery, in 1994, of a unique markerfor diabetes that shows up on the red blood cells. This marker or characteristic of white spots or [...]
The Skin - The Third Kidney
Posted by rangga on Saturday, November 24, 2007
The skin is one of four eliminationorgans of dietary and metabolic acids.The other three are respiration, urinationand defecation. I refer to the skin asthe third kidney.When acids are removed through the sweatglands of the skin via the lymphatic system,symptoms [...]
Daily Exercise May Lower Your Risk For Blood Clots
Posted by rangga on Friday, November 23, 2007
According to a new study published in Journalof Thrombosis and Haemostasis, regular participationin sports reduces the risk of developing blood clotsby 39 percent in women and 22 percent in men.Researchers from Leiden University Medical Centerin the [...]
Ipods May Cause Hearing Loss
Posted by rangga
Call it acidic acoustic trauma or acidic noise-inducedhearing loss. By any name, it's the most importantpreventable cause of permanent hearing loss.Up to 28 million Americans have impaired hearing;for as many as a third, acidic acoustic trauma isa significant [...]
Dr. Young's Amazing Health Discoveries
Posted by rangga
Below you will find a link for a video that wasposted to You Tube yesterday of an interviewof Dr. Robert O. Young on the "New Biology"and his amazing health discoveries.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4DTiSII [...]
Doc Broc Rocks & pHruits and pHolage with Broccoli and Broccoli Sprouts
Posted by rangga on Thursday, November 22, 2007
Broccoli and Broccoli sprouts are two super foodsand the major ingredients in our NEW children'splant based organic vitmain and mineral supplement -Doc Broc Rocks and our NEW pHruits and pHolagecapsules and powders.To order Doc Broc Rocks or pHruits [...]