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The Biological Transformation of a Rod Bacteria into a Red Blood Cell
Posted by rangga on Sunday, December 30, 2007
You can now witness for yourself Dr. Young's scientific break-through evidence of biologicaltransformation or pleomorphism by going to:www.articlesofhealth.blogspot.comAs stated by Neil Solomon, M.D., Ph.D. andformer head of research at Johns Hopkins,"Dr. [...]
A New Years Gift For You
Posted by rangga on Friday, December 28, 2007

The following link is your New Years videogift series, 3 of 7 covering Dr. Young'scontextual scientific approach to sicknessand dis-ease and health, energy and fitness.Feel free to share this lecture series withall your [...]
Dr. Young's Contextual Science
Posted by rangga

The following link is your video gift series2 of 7 covering the contextual scientificapproach to sickness and dis-ease and healthand fitness.Feel free to share this lecture series withall your loved ones, friends, and neighbors.Your [...]
A Gift For You
Posted by rangga

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.Thanks to the gift of Peter Lorince, whovideo taped and edited my Omaha lecture, I willbe sharing this gift with you, of my life changingand life saving research. I have attached the [...]
The Healing Properties of Micro-Ionized Acidic and Alkaline Water
Posted by rangga

The following email letters are two unsolicitedtestimonies of the healing properties of structuredpositively and negatively charged water made by aprocess known as micro-ionization.The cost to make this micro-ionized water [...]
Understanding the Virus as a Liquid Acid
Posted by rangga on Thursday, December 27, 2007

We have had many, many comments about viruses this year. If I actually do misunderstand what a virus is, and ifI do not, look at and/or explore other concepts, theworld may well continue in a downward spiral consistingof [...]
'Holiday Season Influenza' or 'I Ate Too Much Sugar Disease!'
Posted by rangga on Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Here are four non-contagious Holiday Season lifestyleand dietary conditions (called diseases by allopathicmedicine) for which I have given new names:1) "Traveler's Acidic Consequence" is a result of thesum total consumption [...]
The Truth About The Virus
Posted by rangga

A Crystallized Liquid Acid or VirusThe following are several references onthe definition for the word virus. You willnote that the latin word for virus is poison.The truth about [...]
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2008
Posted by rangga on Tuesday, December 25, 2007
You may want to share this with a few of your friends and loved ones. Read all the way to the end. But don't skip ahead.We can easily travel down life's journey....not paying very close attention...maybe even a bit reckless....and [...]
Glutathione - A Powerful Anitoxidant in the Prevention and Reversal of Parkinson's Dis-Ease
Posted by rangga on Monday, December 24, 2007

Scientists at the Buck Institute have shown thatmice suffering from a depletion of the antioxidantglutathione in dopamine-producing neurons developednerve damage and symptoms associated with Parkinson’sdisease (PD) in humans.Dopamine [...]
What Happened to That Imaginary Avian Flu Virus and Epidemic?
Posted by rangga

What Happened to That Imaginary Bird Flu Epidemic?The strain of bird flu that can be deadly to humansappears not to have moved through the world withmigrating flocks of wild birds, despite scientistsfears.Thousands of wild [...]
Happy Healthy Feet
Posted by rangga

Human feet are amazing. The feet contain a quarterof the bones in the body. Each foot has 26 bones,33 joints and more than 100 tendons. But like therest of the body, feet eventually begin to feel theeffects of daily wear [...]
Sugar Poisons the Blood, Brain and Body Leading To Dementia
Posted by rangga on Saturday, December 22, 2007

The drinking of acidic sugary beverages like soda popsmay increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, suggestsnew research. Although the exact mechanisms aren’tknown, the symptoms of obesity and diabetes are bothassociated [...]
Forty Life Saving Reasons For Eating Mineral Salts
Posted by rangga on Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Salt is a vital substance for the survival ofall living creatures, particularly humans.Water and salt regulate the water content ofthe body.Water itself regulates the water content of theinterior of the cell by working its [...]
SunLight Helps To Reduce Acids That Cause Lung and Skin Cancer
Posted by rangga on Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The top picture is what a healthy lung should look like.The bottom picture is an unhealthy, fermenting, moldy,or acidic cancerous lung.Lack of direct sunlight may increase the risk ofacidic or cancerous lungs, suggests a [...]
A Common Acidic Chemical in Food Doubles Your Risk For Cancer
Posted by rangga

A common acidic chemical found in many cookedfoods can raise a woman’s risk of developingacidic or cancerous tissues. A Dutch studyinvolving 120,000 people found that the acidicchemical acrylamide doubled a woman’s risk [...]
Just Say No To Chemo!
Posted by rangga on Monday, December 17, 2007

Thousands of breast cancer patients each year couldbe spared chemotherapy, new research suggests.One study found that certain women did better — wereless likely to die or have a relapse — if given a lessharsh drug than Adriamycin, [...]
Our Rancho Del Sol Extra Virgin Avocado Oil Is Now Shipping
Posted by rangga on Friday, December 14, 2007

Among the beneficial oils, olive and avocado oils aretouted as two of the healthiest. Olive and avocado oilcontain monounsaturated fat, which can lower totalcholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterolin the [...]
Normal or Low Blood Pressure? Your Risk for Heart Attack Increases by 4 Times!
Posted by rangga

Systolic blood pressure, the maximum arterialpressure during contraction of the left ventricleof the heart, is the most important factor inpredicting mortality risk for heart failurepatients.Systolic blood pressure is typically [...]