Posted by
rangga on Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Missing God's Butter... Dr. Robert O. Young was once asked the question from one of his students while teaching his Microscopy Course, "what one food will improve my health and the health of my family more than any other?" [...]
More about → The Avocado - Gods Butter!
Posted by
rangga on Monday, May 27, 2013

Launching a lawsuit against the very company that is responsible for a farmer suicide every 30 minutes, 5 million farmers are now suing Monsanto for as much as 6.2 billion euros (around 7.7 billion US dollars).The reason? [...]
More about → 5 Million Farmers Sue Monsanto
Posted by
rangga on Sunday, May 26, 2013

Aging is a process of fermentation.When you maintain the alkaline design of your body fluids you maintain the health of your blood and then body cells. This is the only way to slow down or reverse the aging [...]
More about → Then and Now
Posted by
rangga on Friday, May 24, 2013

Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Corn FieldsHungary has taken a bold stand against biotech giant Monsanto and genetic modification by destroying 1000 acres of maize found to have been grown with genetically modified [...]
More about → Hungary Destorys All Monsanto GMO Corn Fields!