Quack Science - Useless Vaccines and Dis-Ease and Death Causing!

Posted by rangga on Monday, October 29, 2012

For those few persons on the planet that understand that germs are a biological transformation of healthy matter caused by an acidic environment, then you will understand that vaccines are an acidic contributing factor in [...]
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Peter and Anthea Got Pregnant Alkalizing At The Age of 50!

Posted by rangga

Anthea Nicholas and Peter Byrnes and 16 month old son, Nicholas. Anthea fell pregnant naturally and gave Anthea Nicholas and Peter Byrnes and 16 month old son, Nicholas. Anthea fell pregnant naturally and gave birth to Nicholas [...]
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The pH Miracle Alkaline Diet Validated in the Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Disease

Posted by rangga on Sunday, October 28, 2012

Dr. Robert and Shelley Young's pH Miracle Alklaline Diet was validated in the prevention and treatment of diabetes, cancer and heart disease by the World Health Organization. William W. Li, M.D., President and Medical Director [...]
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Articles of Health: Dr. Robert O. Young's pH Miracle Lifestyle and Die...

Posted by rangga

Articles of Health: Dr. Robert O. Young's pH Miracle Lifestyle and Die...: Plant-based diets can remedy chronic diseases According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 63 percent of the deaths that occur [...]
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Dr. Robert O. Young's pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet Validated by the World Health Organization

Posted by rangga

Plant-based diets can remedy chronic diseasesAccording to the World Health Organization (WHO), 63 percent of the deaths that occurred in 2008 were attributed to non-communicable chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, [...]
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Injury and/or Death by Vaccination!

Posted by rangga on Thursday, October 25, 2012

The following is a history of virology, bacteriology, mycology and vaccination that has lead to many of the out-breaks and/or epidemics from the Spanish Flu Epidemic to Polio to HIV/AIDS to the Gulf War Syndrome and now [...]
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