Home » Archives for September 2012
Posted by
rangga on Sunday, September 23, 2012

The following is an unsolicited testimony of Deborah Tumlinson who reversed herbreast cancer without surgery, radiation or chemical therapy. She wrote thisletter in response to a critic of Dr. Robert Young's work and its [...]
More about → Reversing Breast Cancer with the pH Miracle "LIFE" style
Posted by
rangga on Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I am honored to be able to share with you some very important information on Hep B vaccine and its toxic affect on children. This article is written by Sinead Dumigan and represents many of my own researched findings that [...]
More about → Are Vaccines Killing Our Children!
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Around the age of 40, a man's reproductive organs begin to be affected by dietary and metabolic acids and become less active.This results in a decrease of the acidic hormone testosterone (which is a good thing) but a build [...]
More about → Men - O - Pause is a Condition of an Acidic Lifestyle and Diet
Posted by
rangga on Sunday, September 16, 2012

The MAN-O-GRAM.Mammograms and X-rays are acidic to the blood and tissues and increases the risk of cancerous breasts in wom [...]
More about → Mammograms and X-Rays May Cause Breast Cancer
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Now there is available a low cost Ultrasound scanner that detects foetal defects as well as tumors, cysts and stones.A hand-held scanner, costing as low as sixty dollars and of the size of a computer mouse, if plugged into [...]
More about → British Engineers Develop An Inexpensive Ultrasound
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Lung Cancer Reversal Without Surgery, Radiation or ChemotherapyThe Testimonial of Inger Hartelius Summer 2011 I went to the doctor for a health check. I’d been feeling tired and had lost a lot of weight. I ended up having [...]
More about → Reversing Metastatic Lung Cancer
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(The above thermography is a picture of a patient of the pH Miracle Center with diagnosed Thyroid Cancer and a thyroid tumor mass that went from 3+cm to less then 1.5 cm in 4 weeks. The patient is sucessfully following [...]
More about → Reversing Medically Diagnosed Thyroid Cancer
Posted by
rangga on Friday, September 14, 2012

The Spark of Life - The Negative Charged IonEvery breath we take, every move we make... so goes the song.Yet every move we make does depend on every breath we take and every drink (or meal) we take, because our movement [...]
More about → Your Body Is Electric and Runs On Electrons - NOT Sugar, Protein or Fat!