Thermal Scan Detects Early Arthritis

Posted by rangga on Saturday, July 28, 2012

Thermal Scan Detects Early ArthritisDevice Detects Warmth in Joints -- Early Sign of InflammationA new device is showing promise for detecting arthritis in the hands before joint destruction occurs.A group of researchers [...]
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Are You Going Acid Over Bananas?

Posted by rangga

Are You Going Acid Over Bananas?                                   [...]
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What are the benefits of L-Arginine Max

Posted by rangga on Friday, July 27, 2012

In 1998 three American scientists won the Nobel Prize in medicine for discovering the role that Nitric Oxide plays in the cardiovascular system and throughout the body. Nitric Oxide (NO) has since been called the “Miracle [...]
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The Yin - Young Balance Achieved Through A pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet

Posted by rangga

The balance between greens, oil, water, and salt is the expression of extraordinary health and vitality achieved through the pH Miracle lifestyle and diet.  The "S" in the middle represents the sodium ions or mineral [...]
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The Best Omega Oils to Ingest For Healthy Blood

Posted by rangga

Polyunsaturated oil builds the membranes of stem cells, blood cells, body cells and buffers metabolic and dietary acids. They are essential to good strong healthy blood and body cells which in turn gives rise to a strong [...]
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Treatment Progress of Melanoma - Reversing Skin Cancer of the Scalp

Posted by rangga

Most cancers produce a very high amount of heat from the additional blood flow they gain while growing, which is visible on Thermal Imaging as a white/red area.Melanoma is a cancer that develops in melanocytes, the pigment [...]
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True Health Care Does NOT Begin With Obama Care

Posted by rangga

True healthcare reform starts in your home vegetable and fruit garden and definitely NOT in Washington, D.C..The only thing that stands between a person and their own perfect health (pH) is information. Empowered with the [...]
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The Secret Addictive Ingredients in Tabacco

Posted by rangga

Are you trying to quit smoking or know someone who is?  Smoking is a sugar addiction.  Sugar is the secret ingredient and the major addictive ingredient in tabacco.  After harvesting the tabacco leaves they [...]
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The Alkalizing Health Benefits of Celery

Posted by rangga on Sunday, July 22, 2012

1)  Anti Cancer: Celery is known to contain at least eight families of Anti-Cancer or Anti-Acid compounds. Among them are the acetylenics that have been shown to stop the growth of tumor cells. Phenolic  which [...]
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A Message To My Critics - Read, Study, Ponder, Listen and Learn!

Posted by rangga on Saturday, July 21, 2012

(Dr Robert O. Young is pictured with Professor Lawrence Carter, Dean of the Martin Luther King Chapel at More House College, Atlanta, Georgia and Shelley Redford Young.  Dr. Carter stated, "Dr. Robert O. Young is the [...]
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Portal Vein Thrombosis (PVT)

Posted by rangga on Friday, July 20, 2012

Portal vein obstruction results from thrombosis (blood clot) or narrowing of the portal vein, which brings blood to the liver from the intestines. Because the portal vein is narrowed or blocked, pressure in the portal [...]
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pH-Antastic - pH Miracle - The Alkaline Revolution - Part III

Posted by rangga

PH-ANTASTICPH MIRACLE: THE ALKALINE REVOLUTION WITH SHELLEY YOUNGby KIEL POLLITTPAGE 3 of 3TCM: Can you recommend any beauty products?SY: “First and foremost, beauty, in my opinion, comes from WITHIN, both [...]
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