A diet rich in magnesium appears to reduce therisk developing painful gallstones, according tofindings from a US study.Consumption of magnesium has been declining overthe years, due in part to the overprocessing offoods, [...]
Home » Archives for February 2008
Magnesium May Prevent Gallstones
Posted by rangga on Friday, February 29, 2008
Broccoli Sprouts May Protect Against a Cancerous Bladder
Posted by rangga on Thursday, February 28, 2008

A concentration of broccoli sprouts reduced thedevelopment of bladder tumors in an animal modelby more than half, according to a report in theMarch 1 issue of Cancer Research, a journal ofthe American Association for Cancer [...]
Government Concedes - Vaccines Cause Autism!
Posted by rangga

I have been fighting for this truth to berevealed for years. I have worked with theautism spectrum for years by balancingbiochemistries and clearing thebowel congestion I find in all cases ofautism.Finally my work is vindicated!http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-kirby/government-concedes-vacci_b_88323.htmlGovernment [...]
Low Cholesterol May Raise The Risk For Stomach Cancer
Posted by rangga on Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Low Cholesterol May Raise The Risk of a CancerousStomach.Why?Because cholesterol is a major buffer of dietaryand metabolic acids that can cause the breakdownof cells and tissues leading to a cancerous state.It is the stomach [...]
Vaccination = A Moral Crisis
Posted by rangga

The following is a link concerning acidic vaccinesand their link to autism and other neurological dis-ease.This link and article was uncovered by using the Freedomof Information Act request, by John F. Kennedy Jr.My hope [...]
Refined Carbohydartes May Be The Cause Of Esophageal Cancer
Posted by rangga

Cases of esophageal cancer (adenocarcinoma) inthe U.S. have risen in recent decades from 300,000cases in 1973 to 2.1 million in 2001 at age-adjustedrates. A new study published in The American Journalof Gastroenterology [...]
Low or No Protein Diet May Extend Life
Posted by rangga

The key to longevity is eating less protein orbetter still no animal protein -- and not just fewercalories and less acidity, as has previously beenthought -- scientists have discovered."Animals that eat less live longer [...]
Glutathione - The Master Acid Buster
Posted by rangga on Monday, February 25, 2008
The term glutathione is typically used as acollective term to refer to the tripeptideL-gamma-glutamyl-L-cysteinylglycine in bothits reduced and dimeric forms. Monomericglutathione is also known as reducedglutathione and [...]
Curcumin Shows Promising Signs In Reducing Hypertension & Heart Enlargement
Posted by rangga on Sunday, February 24, 2008

Eating cur cumin, a natural ingredient in theYoung pHourer spice hunter turmeric (Garam Masala),may dramatically reduce the chance of developingheart failure, researchers at the Peter Munk CardiacCenter of the Toronto General [...]
The Danger of Cell Phone Radiation
Posted by rangga

Calling all cell phone users!There is evidence of a new risk of cancerfrom your mobile device.A study, published in the American Journal ofEpidemiology, found that those who held ahandset to their ear for several hours a [...]
Death By Vaccine
Posted by rangga on Saturday, February 23, 2008

The following is a history of virology, bacteriology, mycology and vaccination that has lead to many of the out-breaks and/or epidemics from the Spanish Flu Epidemic to Polio to HIV/AIDS to the Gulf War Syndrome and now [...]