What Causes Cancer, Heart Attacks, Strokes, Diabetes, MS, Lupus, Dementia, AIDS, ALS, Hepatitis, and the list goes on and on and on? A rise in the alkalinity of the blood above pH 7.365 (alkaline phosphate)--any rise--is a result or a compensatory reaction [...]
Home » Archives for September 2007
The Most Important Article I Have Ever Written Updated!
Posted by rangga on Friday, September 28, 2007
More about → The Most Important Article I Have Ever Written Updated!
MR Spectroscopy Identifies Breast Cancer, Reduces Biopsies
Posted by rangga on Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (¹H MRS) usedin conjunction with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)can aid the radiologists in diagnosing cancerous breastswhile reducing the number of false-positive results andinvasive biopsies, according to a study [...]
FDA Warns of Heart Risks and Death With Schizophrenia Drugs
Posted by rangga
Can we really trust the FDA and big Pharmaand their acidic drugs?FDA Warns of Heart Risks With Schizophrenia Drug!U.S. regulators said on Monday that Johnson & Johnsonadded new warnings to its schizophrenia drug, Haldol,about the potential risk of [...]
The Cause of Breast Cancer
Posted by rangga
British scientists may have found a connectionbetween acidic deodorants and breast cancer. Theymeasured the aluminum levels in breast tissue from17 breast cancer patients, and found that it washighest in all of them in the upper outer quadrantregion [...]
How To Protect Against A Cancerous Colon
Posted by rangga
All cancerous states, especially a cancerous colonhave strong links to lifestyle and diet, in termsof both prevention and causation.Without a doubt, Americans consume more acidic causingcarcinogens than just about any other population in theworld. As [...]
Cease To Be Obese!
Posted by rangga on Friday, September 21, 2007
It takes conviction and commitment to change of yourlifestyle and diet to become a pH Miracle.What is a pH Miracle?A pH Miracle is a natural phenomenon between thecause and effect relationship.All symptoms of dis-ease and disease are the effects!The [...]
Toxic Acidic Tap Water and The Perfect Drinking
Posted by rangga
No one "makes" water -- it's made for us by nature.We're all familiar with the cycle: rain, snow, snow -- melt,rivers, lakes, oceans, evaporation, condensation, clouds,rain, snow . . . The cycle is still unchanged. Butwhat happens to the water during [...]
Exercise and an Alkaline Diet May Reverse the Symptoms of Diabetes
Posted by rangga on Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Weight training works just as well as running on atreadmill or biking to help the most important symptomof type-2 diabetes -- long-term control of blood sugar --Canadian researchers said on Monday.Doing both aerobic and resistance training loweredblood [...]
Organic & Natural Skin, Hair & Body Care by the Young's
Posted by rangga on Tuesday, September 11, 2007
We see natural skin care education as a keyto our strength and viability as a sensitiveskin, hair and body care product company.We believe consumers should be informed toenable them to make the best choices aboutorganic skin care.We have discovered that [...]
Black Raspherries Transform Cancerous Cells
Posted by rangga
Researchers at the University ofPittsburgh found that the pigmentationchemical in grapes that gives grapeskins their color biologically transformshuman cancerous cells while leaving healthycells intact. The compound, an antioxidantthat occurs naturally [...]
Alcohol May Cause Breast and/or Endometrial Cancer
Posted by rangga
Postmenopausal women consuming two or more alcoholicbeverages a day may double their risk of endometrialcancer, suggests a study led by researchers at theUniversity of Southern California (USC). The studywill appear in the International Journal of Cancer,and [...]
The True Cure for Cancer
Posted by rangga
The following is an incredible cancerstory and testimony of Nick Kairinosand the truth about cancer. Dr. Robert O. Young --------------------------------------------- Dear Friends: As most of you know, I was diagnosed with an [...]
Is "Body Warming" Trashing Your Body?
Posted by rangga on Sunday, September 9, 2007
The following article appeared in the Toledo FreePress by Diana Patton on how we create "globalwarming" or "Acid Rain" from within the body.We've all heard of global warming. Its premise isthat the build-up of trash and waste we generateproduces toxic [...]
The Haas Avocado May Help To Prevent Cancer
Posted by rangga on Saturday, September 8, 2007
Nutrients taken from avocados are able to thwartoral cancerous cells, transforming some andpreventing pre-cancerous cells or fermenting cellsfrom dietary and/or metabolic acids from developinginto actual cancerous cells, according to researchersat Ohio [...]
'Fight' versus 'Let It Unfold'
Posted by rangga on Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Over the last twenty-five years of researching andteaching the "New Biology" and "The pH Miracle LivingScience, Lifestyle and Diet", I have given greatthought over the process of trying to "merge"the seemingly divergent "fight" versus the"let it unfold" [...]
Support Your Alkaline Buffering System for True Immunity
Posted by rangga on Sunday, September 2, 2007
Current medical science has this theory that thewhite blood cells provide some sort of immunityfrom sickness and dis-ease.Based upon my observations, I would suggest thatthis theory is not accurate. In my thirty yearsof microbiology and watching white [...]